Black Bolt Silent King bug

alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
So I just took my 5* Dr Strange for a spin with black Bolt because bolt's yellow (at 4 covers) compensates for my strange being 354

Except with silent king deployed neither the active or passive portions of Flames of the Faltine increase

Based upon description my expectation is that both portions should increase by 1 cover and readjust but from my little play test in pve just now nothing changes for Strange after bolt deploys silent king


  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    I've just further tested it

    In the same match it successfully works to increase silver surfer black as per description and that's visible and works in game but strange yellow doesn't move
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had the same issue today as well, and I took a few screenshots to try to show it. I'll get them on this thread in a minute, need to upload them somewhere.

    My Black Bolt yellow at 4 covers should raise all allies' powers by one cover. With it out on the board, my 3/5/5 Silver Sufer's blue power increased to the effects of five covers instead of four, while my 4/4/5 Spider-Man's powers remained unchanged.

    When I noticed this, Spidey was invisible. He may have been stunned when the Motivation tile was placed, I'm not sure of that. I mention this in case either of these statuses canceled the Motivation effect.
  • twobites
    twobites Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    I've been having this issue today has well (Black Bolt 1/1/5). Silent King seems to increases the level of Dr. Strange's (1/4/2) powers but definitely has no impact at all on Silver Surfer's (2/1/0) powers. They fire at their unboosted strength.

    I just confirmed the way this is behaving. I selected Black Bolt in middle, Silver Surfer on left and Dr. Strange on right. When fired, it boosted Surfer's abilities, giving me his black ability which I have zero covers for normally but did not affect the strength of Dr. Strange's powers. I then did a second match, but put Dr. Strange on left and Surfer on right. Dr. Strange's powers were properly boosted and did not change Surfers powers, including not giving me his black power.