Starlord Passive Increasing Enemy Power AP Cost

kevingravy Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
Played a match against Starlord in the Shield Sim today and noticed that my powers were costing 2ap more when his countdown was on the board. Took him into PVE to play a match with him, and in addition to increasing enemy AP costs when his countdown is out, he still decreases friendly AP costs as well. So, that's a 4 AP swing when that countdown is on the board! Enemy black power costs are not increased ever. Basically, it's the exact same power, but has the opposite effect on the enemy team... come to think of it, I wouldn't be surprised if it DRAINED 2 random AP from the enemy when the countdown popped in addition to generating two for friendlies, but I haven't confirmed that.


  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Confirmed. It even double-stacks with Peggy.

    Everyone With Me + 3 Cover Peggy = 12 AP cost Cosmic Beam from Silver Surfer.

    However, just as EWM fails to decrease the AP cost of Black powers, it fails to increase the cost of opponent black powers.