Customer support is terrible PLEASE READ !

Baddkitty Posts: 67
Ok, so for the last 4 weeks i've been trying to get my game restored on my phone. I got phone that week, not yet activated though. My old phone had not been connecting to facebook for months, unable to connect bug. So i submitted a ticket. I got the AUTOMATED response first. Then the next day i got a email with instructions on how to go about restoring my account. I replied with that information and waited. I've sent in 6 total tickets over 4 weeks. NONE of which have i EVER received a followup to MY reply to them. ZERO !

The 4th ticket i submitted i actually put ALL the information required and attached google receipts pics into the body of the ticket. I got the AUTOMATED response shortly after. The next day, around 3:30pm i actually got a REAL response telling me they are restoring my account and should be playable shortly. That was the FIRST (still to this day) and only REAL response i've gotten from customer support.

Sadly, some how, the facebook account i've used for 2yrs on this account, had the new account i created to get a new NAME so they could find my device ID. Why is facebook NO LONGER prompting that your current progress will be deleted?? I got NO PROMPT at all and lost my game again. I tried this on my tablet with a new account..played to lvl 4...connected to facebook and it over wrote my game again with NO PROMPT !! I've switched devices several times over the years and that prompt ALWAYS popped up....why is it gone?

Since last friday i've sent in two tickets, to which i've only gotten the automated and a 2nd response with a copy\pasted solution. NOBODY is reading these tickets. If they had read the first sentence...they would have seen i pasted ALL THE INFO then needed to restore my account immediately.

4 WEEKS and i still have no game. This is truly sad. 2 solid years, logged in every day, lost. I'm almost at a point where i don't want to continue playing. I seem to only get a response by thursday, to which i reply, then nothing over the weekend because they're closed and then never hear from them about that ticket again. That's why i've submitted so many now. I give it one day, if nothing, i send another. Again, do not bash me for being i've said...after 4 weeks i still NEVER got a reply to my VERY FIRST TICKET.

What else am i to do? I can't seem to find a PHONE NUMBER to call customer support, i have to reply on this email system which ISN'T working !!


  • Hotnfresh
    Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
    A while back, something similar happened to me. My suggestion is this:

    1) Be patient, don't keep sending messages to CS. You will keep falling to the bottom of the queue each message you send.

    2) They can merge 2 accounts. I had a main account, lost info, and started a new account... unaware I had even saved it to FB. Just for giggles, when getting a new phone, I hit the FB restore. BAM! My original account was there. Point is-- CS merged the 70 days of new account progress with my old, original FB account.

    3) They will give 2 options of how to restore it when merging. If I remember correctly-- Option 1= either all daily rewards on the new account merged into your original account. Option 2= All HP, CP, ISO, roster slots, covers, etc invested in the new account merged into your original account. I picked option #2.

    4) FB has been buggy. Install the FB APP on your phone to link MPQ to FB. Don't rely on the FB website to save your data. Only the FB app seems to be working properly since FB changed some things. You can then uninstall the FB app if you wish. Your data will still be being saved by FB. Re-install FB app if you need to restore your account for some reason in the future.

    So basically, you should continue to play on your new account until CS can merge them... if I'm understanding your dilemma correctly. Give them some time and don't worry, your original data is there... somewhere in the atmosphere. Good luck!