Survival node enemy positions bug

Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
Looks like when you are in a Survival node with more than 3 enemies in the same wave (this is why we didnt see it before in DDQ), when the 4th enemy enters the fight, something weird with the positions happens and the enemy that is supposed to be in front, instead of appearing as the char in the left, closer to the player chars, it appears in the far right, closer to the screen! It has the correct image (facing the enemies) but the position is wrong. And this is still the enemy that gets the damage when you attack. It is then quite hard to make them cycle, because positions are all messed up.

Seems it is just a graphical problem, it is much harder but we are still able to rotate enemies. And once you have managed to rotate enemies, everything looks like goes back to normal and works fine. But it is quite hard to rotate enemies.

A couple of guys confirmed that they have experienced this problem so I guess it is not just me.


  • jerrymol1
    jerrymol1 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    I myself as well as another have experienced this problem. I have managed to fix this in battle by clicking on the front enemy once or twice until I can start rotating them to the position I wish them to be in.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I saw something like this in DDQ. I had the enemy tile mover in front, forget who it was today, let's say Daken, and the two goons in the back. Blast arrow killed the goons, Daken survived, and a new one came in, moving in front of Daken. The goon was hit by the speed shot countdown further down instead of Daken.

    Ultimately, not a big deal, but can confirm it does exist.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have experienced this bug as well. I was waiting to see if anyone else posted about it. It was confusing, because I would do damage, but it wouldn't hit the front character, then it would be fine after I switched positions of enemies a few times.