Planeswalker Menu Too Crowded

Ryudhyn Posts: 59 Match Maker
Currently I have 11 Planeswalkers, and when I go to my PW menu to edit their decks or the like, I have to scroll through all of them (and the scrolling isn't even that good - I end up accidentally clicking a button rather than swiping, or swiping up [to deck edit] rather than swiping right [to the next walker]), and I can't imagine if I had ALL the planeswalkers to sort through. It's inefficient, and needs an update.

My suggestion would be to have, at the very front of the Planeswalker page, buttons for the five colors (similar in view to how Nodes of Power looks); a player would be able to click the button for the color they're looking for, and then only the planeswalkers that are that color will pop up (I would prefer still in button form, but that might be difficult so maybe scrolling will need to stay for that). That way I can just click "White" to get to Ajani, rather than having to scroll all the way from Sarkhan at the back.


  • Tilwin90
    Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    I second the planeswalkers menu needs some changes. It has serious performance issues anyway let alone the fact I have to slide through my planeswalkers... Small icons would be so much better...
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like a good way to implement this, since they already have the structure in place.
  • Monkeynutts
    Monkeynutts Posts: 566 Critical Contributor
    I raised this before and nothings been changed dispite the mulitple comments and upticks to the suggestion of a 3x3 grid with thumbnail of the planeswalker and the level so it can be selected.