The Patch of Doom, Man.

So im in the period of leveling up a few 3*s

I already got my 141 Punisher but i can also get a 141 IronMan, a 102 Doom and also Patch.

Currently Ironman sits at 40,Leveled up Doom to 86 and Patch to 53.

My team right now is Punisher,OBW and 2* Thor. Who is the best to replace Thor with?

I'm thinking Doom as OBW can feed him black's for his Demons. BUT everyone swears by Patch so im confused.

All comments appreciated but likely ignored.


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    With either Doom or Patch, you will lack a yellow active skill. Doom also lines up with OBW's colors completely, so at some point he will start making matches instead of her and diminishing the value of Espionage (if he doesn't already). Patch has the same color spectrum as Thor, so as much as I personally hate playing him (enemy strike tiles are bad), I think he fits better in that team.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I might actually consider IM40 instead of Patch, but Patch certainly does damage more easily. If his yellow is at 5, Patch is definitely superior.
  • Patch is good but has some serious drawbacks, by which I mean "if he doesn't have his icon on several different types of tiles, the red attack is worthless."

    Patch-Punisher works as a combo because Patch will have preference over Punisher when it comes to red, yellow, and green tiles once he gets to a certain level.

    If you put Iron Man with Patch, I recommend you don't level him to the full 141, as his yellow and red are better than Patch's at the highest level. Stop at about level 120 so that Patch stays in front.

    Given that Iron Man will mainly be used to run Recharge, rather than Unibeam or Ballistic Salvo, it's not exactly a big sacrifice to stop about 21 levels shy of maxed out.
  • Ironman was my 1st thought weeks ago, but nobody seems to like him as his skills take too long to acquire. Maybe keep using Thor till i can level up ShieldBro?
  • Doom is killer because of the attack tiles, but you already have attack + strike with punisher, Dooms's blue would feed either of their blacks nicely though. Punisher will already cover OBW on blacks so she won't be espianoging blacks but can still recon them I assume.

    The lack of an active color has never bothered me too badly. Having choices is good but too many choices can dilute the main goals a little so missing one or two colors not the end of the world.

    Punisher and patch would compete for greens and patch's red would not be spectacular as long as he is smaller level than Punpun.

    Though the thought of a match getting absolutely flooded with blacks and a berzerker rage being thrown down then a few molotovs ought to hurt...a lot
  • Hmm, I have been thinking IM40 with a cheap recharge feeds blue/red and could be an excellent way to get shield bro jump started as he can in theory sustain himself pretty well once he gets going
  • The problem with my Ironman is i have him at 4-5-4 and cant get any covers for him lately so i dont wanna level him until i can respec
  • Frubzy
    Frubzy Posts: 77
    Patch all the way ....In this latest pvp my patch takes down 11k plus with red strike and his logo is on green red and yellow, loki and OBW has the rest.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    So im in the period of leveling up a few 3*s

    I already got my 141 Punisher but i can also get a 141 IronMan, a 102 Doom and also Patch.

    Currently Ironman sits at 40,Leveled up Doom to 86 and Patch to 53.

    My team right now is Punisher,OBW and 2* Thor. Who is the best to replace Thor with?

    I'm thinking Doom as OBW can feed him black's for his Demons. BUT everyone swears by Patch so im confused.

    All comments appreciated but likely ignored.


    3* Thor is a great addition to most teams, hood gives you a decent yellow skill for your rainbow and his blue is beastly, and Mags


    He's Mags

    Until then, honestly I'd just keep Thor.
  • Unfortunately i only have a 1-1-1 Thor so thats him out and my Hood has 7 covers and CMags even less so thats them all out. Maybe if i can pull another BP token i could use him instead?
  • Hood icon_e_biggrin.gif amazing utility and he slows the game down in your favor. his black is a decent nuke and his yellow will generate 18 ap of roughly your choosing. 15 yellow isn't hard to come by after a few turns and cascades.
  • I run Patch + Doom + OBW/Hulk/Punisher/Ares/Thor/Magneto and it's pretty beast imo. Yeah you don't have a yellow skill alot of the time, but when fighting high HP enemies, Dooms blue usually will clear a large portion of the board and replace it with patch icon tiles, resulting in a auto kill with Best There Is.

    Not the best in the Meta i'm sure, but it's lots of fun and i find it pretty effective.
  • SirKopath wrote:
    I run Patch + Doom + OBW/Hulk/Punisher/Ares/Thor/Magneto and it's pretty beast imo. Yeah you don't have a yellow skill alot of the time, but when fighting high HP enemies, Dooms blue usually will clear a large portion of the board and replace it with patch icon tiles, resulting in a auto kill with Best There Is.

    Not the best in the Meta i'm sure, but it's lots of fun and i find it pretty effective.

    Wait, fielding a team that is fun to play?? Is that allowed? icon_lol.gif
  • Wait, fielding a team that is fun to play?? Is that allowed? icon_lol.gif

    Lol crazy right? Since i've capped out (or nearly capped out) quite a few characters now, i've enjoyed the game alot more since I don't feel like I need to use spiderman at all. Just rotate characters around.
  • Oh too be able to rotate. I live for that day icon_e_smile.gif
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Kelbris wrote:
    Oooh, I can get these guys to L102! But, I wonder if there's a superior option available to me: I already have LThor & BP at L102, and I have enough covers in Hulk (3/4/3), Hood (4/3/4), CMags (3/3/5) to get them there (pending lots of Iso).

    Should I wait for Shieldbro, Dakenator, or more optimal covers, though?
  • Gonna keep beating the drum on this one: go where the covers are. A 102 Patch will be good, but not enough to bump Punisher off your A-team, and they share alot of colors. If you can get Doom up to 102 though, LRs will become much more lucrative, and if you're short on Hood/Mags covers a high level Doom will be a great step towards getting those from future LRs. Doom at 102 is around 10K health during LRs, which is a nice little scarecrow to have on the field.

    That being said, I like IM40 as an upgrade from 2* Thor. He was my first 3* and I loved playing with him, but with NuThor in the mix he's not the best 3* replacement tank character anymore.
  • WYP is spot on about Doom in the LRs. Having him can speed up your acquisition of Hood/ Mags. Still, lightning rounds can be a slog (especially Mags ones). Probably worth it, though.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Sorry to hijack the thread, but would you guys still recommend leveling DrDoom if I have most of the villain covers? Only Hood is not fully covered (3/5/2) so I mostly use them to build iso and tank....
  • I like doom, but it depends on who else you want to field. He works pretty well with patch. Full rainbow and the attack tiles with strikes down are brutal.