Cap vs. Phoenix order of operations problem

stewbacca Posts: 82 Match Maker
I recently had issues where the enemy phoenix ashes power fires when it shouldn't when playing cap.

There are only 2 scenarios possible yet neither one occurred.

This happened with only one open red tile.
I fired caps red shield power and picked the open tile to replace..

Option one, cap kills phoenix with shield toss, her ashes power kicks in, caps shield countdown overwrites..

Option 2, cap kills phoenix with shield toss, caps shield countdown covers remaining red tile. Turn over since ashes has no open tile.

Yet the result was cap shield kills, ashes power fires. And that's it..

Please look at this dynamic, order of operations really needs to be addressed .


  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doesn't say anything about from the ashes only changing basic tiles (so it could have overwritten your countdown which I presume was Red)
    but my guess is you targeted a basic tile Phoenix Changed it to a countdown so the tile you targeted no longer existed