
I noticed that there are some alliances out there with multiple groups. I am just thinking of possible strategies (some may disagree) that are possible in... well... an alliance of Alliances. For example, this alliance can source its best 20 members from a larger pool of candidates. In fact, in a 7 days PVE like the current one, the alliance can cherrypick its best 20 members with the best scores in a push to rank #1 on the last day of the event. On the same note, members on a hiatus (e.g. holiday) or tanking can be placed in a "Tanking" group for PVP.

Is the above strategy reward for good teamwork and coordination? or outright unethical, if you consider an Alliance should consist of 20 members, nothing more. In short, is it legit? Your views please


  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Paging klingsor...
  • I wouldn't call it unethical. If such a practice was happening all of the members would have to know about it beforehand for it to work properly and perfectly in the way you described. Players are free to leave alliances whenever they want so if everyone is on board then so be it.

    I would call it unlikely. With that many players involved you're bound to have more than 20 that are trying during the given event. What if that number is 21 or even 'justt' 25, who gets the boot to the tank alliance? I already said everyone has to be on board but I can't imagine pulling this off consistently with 40 people without someone getting mad. Not a big deal since they can just leave but coordinating this and keeping it running smoothly seems like craziness, even if everyone agrees the highest 20 scores get the prime placement.

    Honestly at that point the person running all of this (and maybe most of the members as well) need to think about what their time (and sanity) is worth. If you're going to go to such extremes for a boost in iso, a fairly significant amount of hp (if you get first under the current model) and one cover you were probably guaranteed anyway wouldn't it have been worth it to just buy a Stark Salary at that point?

    And I wrote this whole post thinking about a group doing this in one single event, doing this three to four times a week??? Definitely not for me.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    It's certainly possible. If klingsor (or whoever) wants to put that much effort into it, then go for it.

    As mathematically as it is possible, I think you'd find it not entirely worth the trouble, both in terms of organizational effort or in terms of ruffling the feathers of the people in the 'chosen' alliance. I think the human element alone is reason to not bother.

    Edit: Beezer said it much better.
  • I'll take this as good publicity.
    Yeah we are pretty much full of awesomeness.
    No, we don't waste our time moving around to maximize score. I mean really? What's the point? Get 2-3 people that moved an extra 400hp to piss the others off and gave a big guild deans **** lose a bunch if members. Na. We'll just chill and finish where we finish.
  • I'll take this as good publicity.
    Yeah we are pretty much full of awesomeness.
    No, we don't waste our time moving around to maximize score. I mean really? What's the point? Get 2-3 people that moved an extra 400hp to piss the others off and gave a big guild deans **** lose a bunch if members. Na. We'll just chill and finish where we finish.
    And we welcome some competition between sister alliances.
    We sometimes joke about 5dp doing better than 5dv.
  • Grazzt wrote:
    I'll take this as good publicity.
    Yeah we are pretty much full of awesomeness.
    No, we don't waste our time moving around to maximize score. I mean really? What's the point? Get 2-3 people that moved an extra 400hp to piss the others off and gave a big guild deans **** lose a bunch if members. Na. We'll just chill and finish where we finish.
    And we welcome some competition between sister alliances.
    We sometimes joke about 5dp doing better than 5dv.

    And then we saw the leaderboards. Plus, **** that. Even if Klingsor asked me to do the shuffle, ain't no way I'd be hopping around like the Easter Bunny.
  • MaxCavalera
    MaxCavalera Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
    It would be a fun way to promote from within if say the top performer in the lower tier alliance gets a spot in the top alliance for the next event and bottom guy in the other alliance gets moved down. Again as many people pointed out everyone would have to be on board and probably would work better in alliances without a lot of commanders.
  • I'll take this as good publicity.
    Yeah we are pretty much full of awesomeness.
    No, we don't waste our time moving around to maximize score. I mean really? What's the point? Get 2-3 people that moved an extra 400hp to piss the others off and gave a big guild deans **** lose a bunch if members. Na. We'll just chill and finish where we finish.

    But if you did this, you guys would probably win for once. Oh snap.

    Nah I kid, I kid cuz I love icon_e_smile.gif
  • It would be a fun way to promote from within if say the top performer in the lower tier alliance gets a spot in the top alliance for the next event and bottom guy in the other alliance gets moved down. Again as many people pointed out everyone would have to be on board and probably would work better in alliances without a lot of commanders.

    yeah, something like a football league? in any case, from the responses so far, it does sound like too much work. simply not worth it unless the developer creates some kind of Elite Alliance PVP where the stakes are high.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    It's probably too much work, plus it will piss off the guys who get relegated. So one guy puts in a bunch of effort on a PVP, but gets dumped for someone in the other group because he had a higher score -- which may be due to completely uncontrollable factors. So now the first guy has lost out on a better prize (assuming the prizes are different) and now has to prove himself to get back onto the top team. I don't see that player sticking around for many more events. And how does the second team feel about losing their highest scorer mid-tourney?

    And when do you make the change? 20 minutes before the event ends? Whoever is in charge had better be keeping very close and accurate scores and had better make sure everyone is aware of the relegation/promotion and can get signed up with the new alliance before the event finishes -- or both groups lose significant points. Or do you promote/relegate 5 hours before the end? As we know, scores can change dramatically in a few hours. The guy who got kicked out may have just been waiting until near to the end to do his push.
  • I have to say I really like this idea. I'm not in a big enough alliance myself but here is how I'm thinking about it, assuming you can get everyone on board.

    Not all members in any given alliance will necessarily need that extra cover in a given PvP event. Some members might already have Patch maxed or they don't need that extra alliance reward cover. These people can sit it out in the sister alliance which can aim at lower down. The member that need covers for that particular hero commit to putting in the time required to place high.

    At the moment there is the Wolverine event with lazyShieldbro as a reward. Now if I was in a multi-alliance then I would chose to sit this one out because A) I have not leveled any of my Wolvies and B) I am not too bothered about acquiring LazyCap.

    With good organisation and a fair group of people you would keep track of who has been on the 1st team for how long and establish a system for how to manage the teams fairly in order to maximise the benefits for all players.

    For PvE events you could split the teams evenly to secure all available covers for all members.

    Sadly I'm in a 6-person alliance at the moment.

    Also I recognise the difficulty of finding 40 people that would be unselfish enough to embrace such a system as it does require the occasional sacrifice.
  • I think Multi-Alliances start when membership request exceed the current ceiling of 20 players per alliance. I can easily see a "SHIELD 2", or "Django Unbuffed AGAIN" .

    I can also imagine it takes a lot of effort and dedication to manage multiple alliance.

    So it's not about cheating, or's about heart and passion for the game. If you enjoy the game enough to build and maintain a larger community , then good on you mate.

    For the haters out there, as Artie Lange would say "Waaaaaaaahhh!"
  • If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.
  • If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.

    I was thinking it would be django unranked and it would kind of be like a school where you learn to hog tie chickens. :p
  • If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.

    I was thinking it would be django unranked and it would kind of be like a school where you learn to hog tie chickens. :p

    ok your name is better *snip snip* *stolen & trademarked*
  • If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.

    I was thinking it would be django unranked and it would kind of be like a school where you learn to hog tie chickens. :p

    ok your name is better *snip snip* *stolen & trademarked*

    Lmao! Patiently waiting to see it's sig.
  • Shamusyeah wrote:
    I'll take this as good publicity.
    Yeah we are pretty much full of awesomeness.
    No, we don't waste our time moving around to maximize score. I mean really? What's the point? Get 2-3 people that moved an extra 400hp to piss the others off and gave a big guild deans **** lose a bunch if members. Na. We'll just chill and finish where we finish.

    But if you did this, you guys would probably win for once. Oh snap.

    Nah I kid, I kid cuz I love icon_e_smile.gif

    The only reason we didn't win that pve was because I'm traveling through Europe with limited wifi and time to play...

    As far as the organizational effort, it was challenging at first, but no longer, we have 60 people in our ranks now and considering expanding further. I have no interest in moving members to boost scores, but if someone other than me went on a 10 day vacation I would expect them to relocate to a different alliance. Junior or placeholder. As far as advantages, we share resources but don't really avoid attacks across alliances, just within. I guess when there is an elite tourney we can see if I can get 60 people to work together... Frankly it's tough because not everyone is online at the same time and we live on different MMR spaces. Nothing unethical in my opinion though.
  • If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.

    Simply - Django Django.
  • allorin wrote:
    If we had a second alliance, i would prefer the name, Django Squared or Mini Djangos.

    Maybe even The Hailmary's where of course HailMary would be the leader of an alliance made up of girls or guys who want to be pretty girls,much like himself.Now he told me this in secret so just pretend i didn't write it.

    Simply - Django Django.

    I'd go a different way, maybe Django Uncuffed or something
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    allorin wrote:
    Simply - Django Django.

    Our pending meta-mega-alliance, DjangoUnited, has already been prepped. I wanted to keep it a secret, but I guess the cat's out of the bag. The component alliances are:

    DjangoUnbuffed - the dream team
    DjangoUnhinged - the nightmare team
    DjangoUntrained - 1*->2* non-forumites
    DjangoUnranked - training academy (h/t Psykopathic)
    DjangoUnfettered - the hit squad
    DjangoUntried - the research group
    Django Jr. - 1* teams
    Djangettes - all-female-character teams. GSBW will make you rue the day you insulted Moonstone.
    Djangomatic - bots shhhhh.
    DjangoFett - 10 players, 10 identical rosters.