Bring it Back, Brigby - Community Q&A

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi Brigby,

Your recent post on "A Glimpse Of The Development Process" was great. One thing I would love to see return is the Community Q&A. We have not had one since July 2015. The Community Q&A allowed the forum users to post a Question. The questions with the most "Thumbs Up/Likes" would be sent to the devs to answer in a video. While the devs weren't always able to answer our questions, it was cool to see them listen to our concerns and ideas then speak about it what they're working on. With the start of the new year, it would be nice to bring this back as a way for the devs to interact with us again. We have lots of questions and are curious what new features are coming for 2017.

July 2015 Community Q&A - Questions: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31393
July 2015 Community Q&A - Answers: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=31630&hilit=July+Community+Q%26amp%3BA

Please reply and discuss below if you would also like to see this return.


  • Andre_Leca_89
    Andre_Leca_89 Posts: 92 Match Maker
    That is a good idea
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd like to see that. It doesn't need to be a video, just answering the Q&A via text is more than sufficient.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Many of the same community questions came up and were ignored over and over, some of the "answered" questions were fluff or carefully talked-around issues without addressing.

    I'd love to see them come back if they actually address issues. Some that were/are often brought up:

    RNG-Only progression to continue?
    More SCL's opening when?
    Release rate vs drop rate?
    New content/playstyles?

  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Oh Lord, THE HORROR!!!!!

    Y'all used to be absolutely FURIOUS about how certain posts / questions would have like TWO HUNDRED upvotes.......and they would pay it ABSOLUTE DUST. lmfao

    I dunno if I can stomach that kind of terror, again. I hate to see everyone's heart broken like that.

  • MasonGreen
    MasonGreen Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    Sounds like this is great idea to me.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    I'm all for this idea but I'm also happy with Brigby just being active in the forums on a weekly basis and trying to get us answers from there. Its effectively the same thing but on a less formal basis.

    The suggestion to make these text only answers is also great!
    The fewer barriers to prevent a Q&A the better.

    As positive as I want to be for a Q&A I also understand the realities of such things. The devs only have so many issues they can/want to tackle and so a lot of the player concerns are naturally brushed off with PR speak.

    "That's something we'd like to look into eventually."
    "We hope to address that concern in time."
    "There's something we can't address at this time that might help alleviate those concerns"

    Statements like those above inevitably become the bulk of the QA month after month. It's not hard to understand why either...they can't exactly break exclusive news in the forums since there's a way to actually market things and I'm sure some sites have exclusivity rights.

    So if a satisfying Community Q&A cannot exist I think just seeing Brigby (or any red) being active in the forums and commenting on popular concerns would be sufficient.

    For example most of the main page of the forums has to do with 5* RNG, 5* classics feeling hopeless to complete, and 5* resupply being firmly a set color without an option to swap. Comments on any or all of these would all the Community Q&A I need.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with everyone above. The last Q&A was disappointing and it was met with much backlash because the devs did not address any of our questions and instead stated "We'd love to make those improvements but it's not a priority" (e.g. Eliminating 20 Iso). That is likely why they stopped the Q&A because we kept asking the same questions over and over again hoping for some answers but I must say that last year they did make a lot of improvements and finally made a lot necessary change. With that said, I would like to see them try again because the Q&A's before the last one were very good and exciting.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hey Everyone.

    I really like the idea of a Community Q&A video, or at the very least a Q&A post. It's certainly something that the team hasn't forgotten by any means. These past several months have just been rather busy, thanks to the holiday season, so shooting and editing a video was a project that we unfortunately didn't have time for.

    We did recently bring up the idea of another Q&A though, since there are also some new features coming soon that we'd like to introduce to the community. Having said that though, we first need to find an opportune moment where the developers aren't swamped with work, which means I'm afraid we currently can't guarantee a new video.

    Speaking of guarantees though, I wanted to take this time to talk a bit about the "PR speak" you might see from us sometimes. The reason we are very careful with our responses is not because we don't care about the players and purposefully dismiss questions with vague answers. The reason we articulate ourselves this way is because we don't want to promise anything, and then find later down the road we aren't able to fulfill that promise. I'm sure the last thing anyone wants is to expect certain content to be coming, but then find out those details had to be altered because of, for example, technological barriers or prioritization changes. We don't want that to happen to players either.

    Thanks for listening, and I hope all of that makes sense. If I hear any news about an upcoming Community Q&A, I'll be sure to inform everyone. Cheers!
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby wrote:
    Hey Everyone.

    I really like the idea of a Community Q&A video, or at the very least a Q&A post. It's certainly something that the team hasn't forgotten by any means. These past several months have just been rather busy, thanks to the holiday season, so shooting and editing a video was a project that we unfortunately didn't have time for.

    We did recently bring up the idea of another Q&A though, since there are also some new features coming soon that we'd like to introduce to the community. Having said that though, we first need to find an opportune moment where the developers aren't swamped with work, which means I'm afraid we currently can't guarantee a new video.

    Speaking of guarantees though, I wanted to take this time to talk a bit about the "PR speak" you might see from us sometimes. The reason we are very careful with our responses is not because we don't care about the players and purposefully dismiss questions with vague answers. The reason we articulate ourselves this way is because we don't want to promise anything, and then find later down the road we aren't able to fulfill that promise. I'm sure the last thing anyone wants is to expect certain content to be coming, but then find out those details had to be altered because of, for example, technological barriers or prioritization changes. We don't want that to happen to players either.

    Thanks for listening, and I hope all of that makes sense. If I hear any news about an upcoming Community Q&A, I'll be sure to inform everyone. Cheers!

    If you guys bring back Q&A videos, please don't forget those of us who are hearing-impaired. The videos don't have to be subtitled, but an accompanying transcript would be greatly appreciated. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    What I would really like is a Reddit AMA with Dave Guskin. As a former Magic The Gathering Designer, I've been dying to hear about his design philosophy for MPQ since he joined the team several months ago.