Puzzle Warriors 3 Episode #74!

XaOs72 Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Chi Chi Rodriguez

New Carol loading screen ... nice.

Check out the monsters unleashed covers for Cho, KK, Vision, Spider Man, Deadpool, X-23, She-Thor, Devil Dino, Dr Strange


Riri Williams



  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    - I wish I went to Bob Evans more often, but Cracker Barrel does cater to five year olds, which I have one of those
    - Cherokee Red is plentiful in NEPA
    - I blame Ecto Cooler for the resurrgence of Crystal Pepsi
    - Hey guys, stop making Snooki a thing!
    - My champed level 285 Star-Lord made short work of Gamaroa as did my recently champed Moonie in his Crash with X-23
    - Still day dreaming on who will be Big Pun's (level 273) Crash opponent. Maybe Bullseye to throw his strike tiles away?
    - A broken Heroic is just a PVE. I like PVE, so I'm torn on this change
    - Rye Rye Will I Yams?
    - Wolverine's actual shoot name is James Howlett
    - The show absolutely needs more of the current goings on in the Marvel Universe to Ian
    - Whilst Craig is correct about there CURRENTLY only being one world in the MU, plans change
    - Poor Sue the Shooter, one of the first fully covered, non-champed four stars I had, sold at an ISO premium and re-rostered, currently at 1/4/0. Even after three re-works, D3 just can't get her right. She has tons of potential!
    - My vine is a damn mess. I have a Drax cover set to expire tomorrow and only 38,000 ISO away from champing him, a purple Medusa (still 3/3/5) that expires in five days, a Bucky (can be champed) that expires in eight days, a Quicksilver that if I level, will give me a War Machine I can champ but don't have the ISO for, a purple Spider-Woman (currently 3/5/2) and seven 2 star Dakens to replace the champed one I may have to sell to champ Drax.
    - My reward of the week would be getting Sentry to level 223 which gave me a second Moonie cover, thus making my decision to champ him recently the right one, baby
    - I'm all in on Craig becoming a YouTube singing sensation
    - Check to see if baby onsies are available at cafe press
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    edited January 2017
    So...a week late, i guess, but regarding character unlocks for story events, probably helps out lower tier players more than anything. I mean, I've always dreamed of the day I could field a level 40 Juggernaut against a level 430 Juggernaut...no, wait, wait....just no. Does very little for you past a certain point, but probably helps new players, so I guess its not a bad thing?

    Secondly, fahq mentioned carol with torch and falcap, interesting idea. However, carol and sentry are just ridiculous when paired together. If you fire her black one turn, his green the next, youve got 3 strikes for him to buff with all of his countdowns. If you manage to get all 16 countdowns to go off, it deals 150,000+ aoe damage. At 10 tiles its a measly 62,000+ aoe damage. Oh, and youll have about 12,600 worth of strike tiles left over for 10 countdowns...if anything actually survives. Not strong enough? Replace carols strikes with goblins strikes and its 250,000 aoe damage plus 22,000 strike tiles left over for 16 countdowns, or about 100,000 aoe for 10 countdowns with 16,000 in strikes.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't mind allowing the mirror matches. personally I like to have the option to mirror hood. still hate him. especially at level 350+. I don't like opening the heroics to all characters. I like playing different combinations rather than the same old - feed someone with witch and/or im40 and/or fist - over and over and over. for others with champed 5s, it allows them to play with something other than their 5s, which opening things up forces them to do due to scaling. not there yet, but will be in a few weeks (I hope).
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    - Whilst Craig is correct about there CURRENTLY only being one world in the MU, plans change

    That was a plan post-Secret Wars but it was quickly abandoned. Spider-Gwen takes place on an alternate Earth and Web Warriors takes place through multiple realities. There may be less-than-infinite worlds and some realities have certainly been eliminated but Marvel still has a multiverse.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,751 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ah the Deadpool daily apathy. I know that feeling well, but just gotta get that ISO and tacos! Clash is great and a challenge but the rest is such a chore, I trained my 7 year old to do it for me and even he won't do it any more as he finds it boring icon_e_biggrin.gif I might have to have another child to share the workload! Deadpool daily child labour camp.

    What should happen is if you beat Clash everything automatically gets rewarded. If you beat the Big enchilada, the minor nodes should be rewarded. You could then get rid of that one star character too.

    As for heroics I don't blame them for trying it, the black hole of positivity that is the forums had countless threads about how horrible heroics were and how no one liked them, so they shook it up and now there are loads of posts about how awful it all is. I don't mind either way, I usually only play to the 4* progression in because my scaling is usually a health pack sponge in heroics.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards

    Secondly, fahq mentioned carol with torch and falcap, interesting idea. However, carol and rags are just ridiculous when paired together. If you fire her black one turn, his green the next, youve got 3 strikes for him to buff with all of his countdowns. If you manage to get all 16 countdowns to go off, it deals 150,000+ aoe damage. At 10 tiles its a measly 62,000+ aoe damage. Oh, and youll have about 12,600 worth of strike tiles left over for 10 countdowns...if anything actually survives. Not strong enough? Replace carols strikes with goblins strikes and its 250,000 aoe damage plus 22,000 strike tiles left over for 16 countdowns, or about 100,000 aoe for 10 countdowns with 16,000 in strikes.

    I think you mean Sentry icon_e_wink.gif
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker

    Secondly, fahq mentioned carol with torch and falcap, interesting idea. However, carol and rags are just ridiculous when paired together. If you fire her black one turn, his green the next, youve got 3 strikes for him to buff with all of his countdowns. If you manage to get all 16 countdowns to go off, it deals 150,000+ aoe damage. At 10 tiles its a measly 62,000+ aoe damage. Oh, and youll have about 12,600 worth of strike tiles left over for 10 countdowns...if anything actually survives. Not strong enough? Replace carols strikes with goblins strikes and its 250,000 aoe damage plus 22,000 strike tiles left over for 16 countdowns, or about 100,000 aoe for 10 countdowns with 16,000 in strikes.

    I think you mean Sentry icon_e_wink.gif

    Whats wrong with me? Of course I mean sentry, edited
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --I've never had a Crystal Pepsi and hope to maintain that record.
    --Your new sound effect for Crash of the Titans is both appropriate and entertaining.
    --Star-Lord was a CotT win but it took a few tries. Moon Knight (1/3/1) was such a crushing loss the first time that I didn't even try again. Punisher, my latest Champion, pulled off a win on the first attempt.
    --I also miss when the Season screen had a sample character to try. I'd also be fine of it being a battle with no rewards. The reward is the experience of using something new.
    --Speaking of trying new characters, Ironheart was available to use in a node of the current PVE. I'm not impressed but part of that is because they put her up against enemies that don't put out special tiles that one of her three powers would work against. Of the other two, I didn't see a good tactical advantage to making herself and an enemy airborne for a turn. It might also be better against other enemies.
    --Namor had been killed by the Squadron Supreme. Don't know why they brought him back.
    --I voted for the Devil Dinosaur cover because I felt it was the only one that did a good job of featuring the hero. It helps that, for that one cover, the monster is also the hero.
    --Our Earth is not Earth-616. The primary Earth of Marvel is 616 but that's not where we live. (I commented more about the multiverse elsewhere in this thread.)
    --I tried and failed to find fan-art of the Pillsbury Doughboy as Moon Knight. I think it'd be great to see him throwing crescent rolls.
    --Sorry about your Elite tokens pulls, Ray. I (ahem) randomly pulled a Thanos from an Elite. I have a total of six covers for the 3-star now (and two covers for the 5-star).
    --You guys aren't the first to think that covers should auto-sell when they expire. I've seen threads about that both in this message board and on Facebook. On the one hand, it'd be nice. On the other hand, there's something to be said for personal responsibility and keeping track of your own inventory.
    --I agree with Craig about most of the Illuminati but not about Reed. I don't think Reed's off-putting nature is from selfishness or arrogance. I think he may have a condition, perhaps Asperger's, where he doesn't understand how to interact with people very well.
    --As of this morning, I have ANOTHER red Carnage dying on the vine. This is, I think, my tenth red cover for him. He's sitting at 5/3/3.
    --Gratz on Championing Quake. I just drew a cover for her yesterday, bringing her to 0/3/3.
    --Ian must've been super-tired to not see that Cinnabon comment coming.
    --Could we hear Craig sing "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"? Maybe you should threaten it unless a certain number of new Patreon patrons sign up. icon_razz.gif
    --Speaking of Patreon rewards, the only new reward I could think of would be patron-only episodes. Perhaps each of those could be an in-depth analysis of MPQ storyline events.
    --My birthday is next month and I'm going to ask for a #toomanysecrets shirt.
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Hey Guys,
    love the show.
    Lots of Sheetz talk. I rank: Wawa>Sheetz>Royal Farms
    Generic off-brand store>711

    Strategy Question:
    I am a 3 star player (192-168 for 39 3 stars). I have a fully covered Spider Gwen (my first fully covered 4). I also have all the 5s except for GG. If i level her up, what that affect my scaling, or do the 5s do that for me already?
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I just hit 2000 in Shield Simulator with Carnage / Medusa / Mr Fantastic, and got my Captain Marvel cover. I thought I'd have to relent and break out Peggy / IM40 / Iceman, but in the end they just took me all the way.

    I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Strategy Question:
    I am a 3 star player (192-168 for 39 3 stars). I have a fully covered Spider Gwen (my first fully covered 4). I also have all the 5s except for GG. If i level her up, what that affect my scaling, or do the 5s do that for me already?

    My understanding is that your scaling is already up there because of those 5-stars. I presume you have them at level 255. Leveling up your Spider-Gwen as far as she can go, 270, won't make things much worse.

    Do you have a 14th cover for her? If not, it won't hurt to wait. She's far from being a top-tier 4-star.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Strategy Question:
    I am a 3 star player (192-168 for 39 3 stars). I have a fully covered Spider Gwen (my first fully covered 4). I also have all the 5s except for GG. If i level her up, what that affect my scaling, or do the 5s do that for me already?

    My understanding is that your scaling is already up there because of those 5-stars. I presume you have them at level 255. Leveling up your Spider-Gwen as far as she can go, 270, won't make things much worse.

    Do you have a 14th cover for her? If not, it won't hurt to wait. She's far from being a top-tier 4-star.

    Level 255 single cover 5* dont count as a level 255 for balancing your scaling. They used to, but then smaller rosters that lucked into 5* covers got screwed by scaling that they couldnt keep up with. Characters are now weighted by level but also number of covers to offset that issue. That change took place with all of the pve testing that happened late spring / early summer of last year. However, his boosted 3s will go higher than that level with champ levels, so it shouldnt affect much (unless shes boosted, then it will raise the scaling cap some)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    From Puzzle Warriors 3 Episode #72!
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    In War Machine's defense, and judging from the fluff in the Machine Gun ability description, I think the Countdown tiles are supposed to represent the time spent waiting for the barrels to start spinning at full speed (not the time it takes for the bullets to reach the target). And if you think that's a long time, think how long it takes one of those HAMMER guys to load, aim, and fire his rocket launcher (Or pistol, for that matter) icon_e_smile.gif

    You just compared War Machine to a GOON? Ouch. And I thought that in-game art (inspired by Rubbermaid!) was an insult icon_lol.gif

    I think of War Machine as a playable Ultron Sentry goon.. heck if he was on a team with 2 other Ultron Sentry goons, I wouldn't even notice it was him.

    I know I'm a podcast behind but I wanted to comment on this. I said this 2 podcasts ago and I was listening to the last podcast (#73) while I was driving to work. I heard the comment and I said to myself "Didn't I say that about War Machine", as I was swerving around traffic trying to rewind the podcast, you guys did indeed quote me and say "from Punisher5784". That is was such a cool moment to hear my game name on your podcast.

    Thanks so much. You guys are awesome. Keep up the good work! Your podcast makes cleaning the house more enjoyable (My wife makes me clean the house because she thinks I play MPQ too much lol).
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    Strategy Question:
    I am a 3 star player (192-168 for 39 3 stars). I have a fully covered Spider Gwen (my first fully covered 4). I also have all the 5s except for GG. If i level her up, what that affect my scaling, or do the 5s do that for me already?

    Level 255 single cover 5* dont count as a level 255 for balancing your scaling. They used to, but then smaller rosters that lucked into 5* covers got screwed by scaling that they couldnt keep up with. Characters are now weighted by level but also number of covers to offset that issue. That change took place with all of the pve testing that happened late spring / early summer of last year. However, his boosted 3s will go higher than that level with champ levels, so it shouldnt affect much (unless shes boosted, then it will raise the scaling cap some)

    here's my roster:
    i do have an 8 cover 5 star. Black Widow at 2/2/4. and i leveled her to 285 before i found this board and realized i was dumb. If that helps.