
ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
edited January 2017 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Per the FAQ: Cheating is not tolerated and is easily uncovered. Because cheating negatively impacts all players, we are diligent about removing those who break the rules. A player caught cheating will be removed from the game.

Cheaters have been uncovered (by players) in QB and have been reported as such. Why then am I still seeing those very same players claiming the top prizes of QBs and events if cheating is in fact not tolerated and easily uncovered? Is this FAQ page just a fluff piece to mollify players and scare would be cheaters away from cheating? Are cheaters actually removed from the game?


  • GrizzoMtGPQ
    GrizzoMtGPQ Posts: 776 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, why is it taking so long to remove cheaters. I imagine that they do not need an update to accomplish this.
  • NDZahmbie
    NDZahmbie Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    I am about to submit a support ticket with copious screenshots of what seems like impossibly fast point gains by someone who passed me extremely quickly taking over first place after I had occupied first for all but 8 of the final hours of the last QB. Apparently this player is a known cheat. I will update this thread with how successful my escalation is.

    Others in my Coalition had 3 cheaters in their QB bracket. We are approaching a very concerning tipping point - honest players already can't win first place in QBs. I shudder to think about how soon until the second prize tier is crowded with cheaters, not allowing honest players to win anything better than boosters.
  • ZW2007-
    ZW2007- Posts: 812 Critical Contributor
    In my QB bracket that ended Monday night, the top 10 had at least 6 players that are either confirmed cheaters or suspected cheaters. (Confirmed by the community based on impossible point gains; suspected based on nearly impossible point gains.)
  • NDZahmbie
    NDZahmbie Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    Here is where we have faith in d3 that IF the suspected cheaters are found and confirmed as cheaters, that d3 will take their stated action to remove the players, REGARDLESS of whether the cheaters are paying customers or not.
  • PhoenixRisen
    PhoenixRisen Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    This is VERY sad that NOTHING has been done about these cheaters yet. Quick Battle appears to be considered a thing of no real concern, while events are a whole different animal regarded as precious. Well, now that cheaters are emerging into our (precious) events, and taking away top rewards from legitimate players, what exactly is D3 going to do?

    Company stance is very strong about cheaters and cheat accounts, but NO action appears yet to be taken. Finishing tenth in events is awesome, but when the top 5 is filled with cheaters and/or suspected cheaters (as was with the Terrors in the Shadows event ending Wednesday, 18 January, for example) and rewards are taken from those who play fairly, what is D3 doing to rectify this?

    I believe, we, the player base, are very much deserving of a response. A concise, cut and dry response that clearly outlines what has been done, what is being done, and what will continue to be done by D3 to prevent cheating in our beloved game. If no such response is made, we, the player base, will grow sceptical that so long as cheaters pay, D3 will look the other way, and we will grow ever more frustrated until we ultimately leave the game that we love altogether.
  • Lagartha
    Lagartha Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Please don't let this keep happening. It should be your biggest concern. You've lost a lot of players to bugs and technical issues, but you will lose ALL your players if this goes unchecked.
  • The_Cheater
    I have faith D3 will try to enforce it soon. It's finally coming to a boil. I haven't played since the support bug was only half fixed and fetch cards became unusable. But what really got me to quit was seeing the same no shame cheaters running the QBs. But hey, I've saved some money these last couple of months.
  • Lagartha
    Lagartha Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    I have faith D3 will try to enforce it soon. It's finally coming to a boil. I haven't played since the support bug was only half fixed and fetch cards became unusable. But what really got me to quit was seeing the same no shame cheaters running the QBs. But hey, I've saved some money these last couple of months.
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