No more 2 star rewards for PvP?

fuzz Posts: 9
I've been hammering the Lightning Rounds and PvP pretty hard the last couple weeks, and have not received any 2 star covers as reward. Is this:
a bug?
just a run of bad luck?
an intentional change?

It seems to correlate (in my mind) with the change to start getting XP for pvp.

I do still get lots of 1 star covers and ISO.


  • Fionsel
    Fionsel Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    I can confirm 2*'s are still being awarded from pvp. Got some just yesterday. They may have lowered the odds compared to a few months ago though. On the other hand, when the odds are low you would require a massive amount of battles to make any statements about odds being changed. With just a few (mind you 100 is still just a few) battles any combination of rewards doesn't mean anything.
  • fuzz
    fuzz Posts: 9
    Turns out 10 minutes after I posted this I got one. It still seems like the odds have dropped way down though. I used to get 2-3 per LR, this week I got 1 total across a bunch of them.