5* Steve Rogers Blue Power Bug [Solved]

Killians8 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler

I've noticed a bug in the redesign of this character and I'm wondering if anyone else can confirm it. When firing his blue power it should destroy up to 8 enemy AP in a random color depending on how many attack, strike, and protect tiles you own.

I'm finding that it always destroys AP in the top color with any AP in it and only that color. I've never seen it pick a different color. In addition, if that color has less AP than the number to be destroyed, it lowers that color to zero and destroys no more anywhere else.

Being he is my highest covered 5* with no useable four stars, it's a pretty big deal for my game.

Anybody else seeing this especially the devs?


  • Killians8
    Killians8 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler
    Bump. Anybody also seeing this problem?
  • Killians8
    Killians8 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler
    It looks like they have now fixed this problem without a notification. It now randomly chooses a color and reduces only that color even if there is less AP than the amount to be reduced.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    That seems consistent with the way other AP-destroying powers work. I agree (I'm assuming this is your new point) that the wording of this particular power might lead you to believe that it would destroy up to 8 AP, one at a time, from a non-zero AP pool chosen randomly each time. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for a 5* power.
  • Killians8
    Killians8 Posts: 134 Tile Toppler
    Yeah it's probably working as intended, but it would be cool if it took the total number of AP away randomly rather than it being all wasted on a category with one 1 AP in it.