A poll for 4* transitioners!

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
This question came up for me when a Legendary token gave me icon_spidergwen.png 's 5th overall cover.

I have 8 or 9 4* (not counting Invisible Woman, who will get her 13th from progression courtesy of Oscorp Heroic) who are at 10+ covers. There are 22 4* characters either unrostered, or rostered but I have 9 or fewer covers for them.

At 1/1/2 before I pulled her redflag.png , icon_spidergwen.png was not Crash-viable for me when she popped up a bit ago. In fact, along with Peggy, hers was one of only two Crashes this cycle I flat out didn't bother with (Peggy had the same 1/1/2 build) and one of only three from which I didn't get the Legendary token.

So, like, absolutely - I'd love to have another icon_iceman.pnggreenflag.png , or a icon_thor.pngredflag.png , or (*sob*) a icon_professorx.pngyellowflag.png . But none of those covers would materially change the viability of those three characters in the Crash for me.

Covers for icon_spidergwen.png or Peggy or icon_quake.png or XFW, on the other hand, would materially enhance their chances of winning their respective Crashes...and every additional Crash I win is another Legendary token I can earn.

So that's where I come down - short-term sacrifice for long-term gain.

What about the rest of you? Would you rather pull usable covers to finish off well-covered characters, or pull covers to enable weaker 4* to start carrying their weight?
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  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I should note that I'm not counting 4* champions in my breakdown above. I have 7 of those. The groups referenced above are split into 10-12 covers, or fewer than 9 covers.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    That really depends on where one is in the rotation...

    If a character is coming up that I'm low on covers on, I'd prefer one of theirs.
    If a character is coming up that I've got leveled well enough I'd prefer a cover that will get me closer to championing a character.

    Right now my distribution is:
    15 champs
    6 @ 13 covers (lvls 94~218)
    16 @ 10-12 covers
    7 @ fewer than 10 covers

    Since I still have to move 6 characters to champs, I'm gonna go for covers for the 7 I don't yet have 10 or more covers for.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I voted crash covers because I already have 9 characters maxed ready to champ and with 9 already champed.

    So I'm in that phase of the 4 star transition where I can kinda coast and not mull over the fact that I keep putting off champing Jean Grey because I'm getting my 14th IW cover from the new pve and champing her over Jean. Plus, my 9-11 cover character, though some of the best like starlord, peggy, ghost rider, and thoress, I know will eventually max cover.

    I just don't worry about when they will get maxed covered whereas, I just pulled only my 4th Winter Soldier this morning and my spider gwen is sitting at 3 covers.

    Tl,dr- I'd rather have an even distribution of covers that makes all characters somewhat usable than seeing some characters lowly covered for months on end at the expense of others.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a really tough question! I voted for under covered pulls since it means they are closer to becoming useable. Though, the last cover is always better since it means the end of dupes (if you have the ISO to champ).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    For me I don't know that I have a strong preference between the option listed. As a 4* transitioner without any 4* champions yet, my priority is:
    - Getting usable covers for the top ranked 4* characters
    - Getting usable covers for my top covered characters to get my first champ (thankfully there's a good deal over overlap between this and above)

    Beyond those 2 preferences I don't care what 4* I get as long as it's not an unusable cover.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    A tough choice, but if I'm honest with myself I get more excited as a character gets closer to being fully covered than when I pull a 5th cover for an under covered character. There are some outliers like Medusa or C4rol (when she goes into the token pool), but I'd much rather pull my 13th Moon Knight cover than my 6th Luke Cage. Then I can champ him and never worry about wasting another MK cover. It might suck to miss a Crash or two, but a fully covered character is more viable and useful throughout the whole game.

    Now, if Crashes were daily that might change. Maybe.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I picked the 2nd option. Crashes haven't been a problem for me lately, and the 4* cover I want most is a red x-23. Mine is 5/1/5 and I've had to sell a few green already.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards

    For me, I'm happy if the character is a "good" one. I'd rather pull a yellow Nova (mine is 5/1/5) than a Wasp (0/1/0) or Agent Venom (0/1/1). But, I'd be as happy to pull a Moon Knight (1/0/3) as a Nova.
  • JackTenrec
    JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
    I'm all about making less-usable characters closer to being usable, since I'd rather have a good roster depth than only a few heavy hitters (although this is less of an issue now that it looks like the future is events without roster locking). But at this point in my roster development, I tend to get more utility out of undercovered 4* characters in their essential nodes more than being able to beat their Crash.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    My only goal is to pull a cover I don't have to sell. So I'd be happy with a champ reward, my fourth Carol Danvers cover, or my 13th Spider-Woman or War Machine.

    What I REALLY want is my last cover for 3* Dr. Strange, but that's not happening ever, apparently.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    This is the order of preference for me
    1) New character (I have all 4*s and 5*s rostered except Thanos, so this isn't really applicable)
    2) New cover (Taking any power from 0 to 1)
    3) Cover 2 or 3 for someone with less than 9 total
    4) Cover 2 or 3 for someone with more than 9 total
    5) Last covers for a character
    6) 14th cover for someone I want to champ
    7) 5*
    8) Champ level
    9) Duplicate cover that I can't champ
    10) 14th cover for someone I don't want to champ

    Currently I have 13 champs, another 4 fully covered. I can win almost every crash, might have to use some boosts and get lucky. For me its all about expanding my collection, not wasting covers, and not having a 2 week deadline to accumulate 300k iso to champ someone.

    This is in general how I feel before opening, but it depends on the character and how they are covered. I would like the last red for my 2/5/5 nova more than the 1st black for luke c4ge, but in general I want to have characters evenly covered so I have less chance of dupes. But I'd rather get and sell a purple red hulk (stuck at 1/3/5 forever) than a green Venom (5/4/4).
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    though I understand the sentiment, I would rather build the front end of my roster first, rather than bring my entire roster forward at the same pace. Meaning, I would rather get more 4* champed overall, rather than bring every 4* up one individual level. That is the epitomy of short term over long term... because if every 4* got brought along slowly, sure in the future I would be primed for a rush of 4* champs (assuming I had ISO, which is a dangerous assumption). But I feel like having a good handful of 4* champs now, rather than a huge rush later, is more beneficial.
  • Halleck
    Halleck Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    "Aren't yet Crash-viable" as I view that as synonymous with them being able to fight with my champed 3*s without being an embarrassment.

    If it was strictly about the crashes... as much as I enjoy the few I've done, an individual character's crash happens so infrequently that it's hard to muster much consideration just for that.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Halleck wrote:
    "Aren't yet Crash-viable" as I view that as synonymous with them being able to fight with my champed 3*s without being an embarrassment.

    If it was strictly about the crashes... as much as I enjoy the few I've done, an individual character's crash happens so infrequently that it's hard to muster much consideration just for that.

    Legit! It isn't just about the Crashes for me, but my thought process:

    Characters who can win their Crashes are characters who can also be viable in regular play. 1/1/1 probably isn't going to get it done in either a Crash or regular play. The more 4* I have who can win their Crashes, the greater my Legendary token flow, as I'll get a Latest token more frequently in addition to CP pulls and daily drops. The more Legendary tokens I'm getting, the more covers I may be getting for characters who are closer to max/champion status.

    So, I mean, sure. I'd love to have usable covers for some of my 10-12 cover cats! But the more Crashes I can win, the more easily I'm going to get those covers, since I don't have the time to grind for top 10 placement, or the desire to spend on shields so that I can hit 900 in PvP.

    And, y'know...if the cover I pull is for a low-cover character, it's PROBABLY going to be useful no matter which power it is. Not necessarily true for characters closer to covermax status, sadly.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I chose option B because most of my high level wants are finished. My Peggy and my Punisher fit squarely in the scenario described by choice b. I have 5 others maxed right now and could add them to my existing 14 champions if I had the iso and cared to. I'm working on finishing my x-23 right now. Once Peggy and big punisher are done I only care about Red Hulk, Nova and Quake. Twenty 4* champs is more than enough because basically, most of them are mediocre or trash. Like I'm ever going to use Mr. Fantastic or Carnage or Venom or Wasp when Ice Man exists. Now that they've removed the roster locks from heroic events I don't feel I ever need to spend more iso on at least half the 4* roster than it takes to win their 4* DDQ.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I dunno if I qualify as a 4* transitioner, seeing as I'm only softcapping my 4*s at the moment, but I'd much rather get characters Crash-viable than anything else. The fifth cover for a character is the point where I start seriously thinking about it as a possibility, and put actual Iso into it to try it out. Up until that point it's basically just a wasted roster slot for most characters, so it's a significant change from "useless" to "getting me LTs I couldn't otherwise get".

    I've only had to sell one 4* dupe cover so far (have sold others due to lack of roster space, but that's pretty much a non-issue now); it's possible once that problem starts coming up more frequently my tune will change.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    xidragonxi wrote:
    What I REALLY want is my last cover for 3* Dr. Strange, but that's not happening ever, apparently.
    Save up 20CP.

    I got it today! Reverse-jinx for the win.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    I only have 3x 4 stars champed, so I feel more elation for characters closer to 13 covers.
  • vinnygecko
    vinnygecko Posts: 245 Tile Toppler
    If I continue to pull LTs, #1 is what I'd prefer (and what I voted for yesterday).

    Having said that, I'm pretty much convinced that I should start hoarding my LTs as I'm at the point in the transition where a lot of covers will end up being sold.

    So, after I stop hoarding, I'll probably prefer #2 since I'll have the 4*s I care about in an easier position to be champed after saving up ISO. I'm not too concerned about the ones I don't have close to max-covered (with maybe Moon Knight as the exception).
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    The issue is as a player with 7 4 star champs, you aren't transitioning. you're there.

    of course you'd rather characters to earn you more potential 4 or 5's.