Do I stay with latest or go back to classics?

RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2017 in Roster and Level Help
Recently I pulled 5 5* covers from classic legends tokens that I had to sell because I already have 5 of those covers for 5*s that aren't championed. I decided to move to latest legends so I wouldn't have to sell any more 5* covers. Given the current odds and my current roster would pulling from latest or classic be my most likely path to championing my 1st 5*? I average about 1 or 1.5 lt a day. Do I stay with latest or go back to classics?

I have 25 championed 4*s. At the moment of the 126 possible 4* covers in tokens there are only 25 I can't use to train or add a level so my chances of any 4* being useful are pretty good.

Current 5*s:
Phoenix 5/3/4
Silver Surfer 2/5/5
Wolverine 5/5/0
Green Goblin 4/2/3
Banner 2/3/4
Iron Man 5/2/1
Spider-Man 4/0/2
Black Widow 2/3/1
Black Bolt 2/1/2
Steve Rogers 1/2/2
Doctor Strange 2/2/1
Thanos 2/1/1

I know it's possible I could get the covers I need for Phoenix or Silver Surfer on my next pull but I also feel like it's extremely unlikely.


  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    There are 3 times as many 5*s in classics, so it follows that it will, on average, take 3 times as long to get any particular number of covers for a character. Therefore if you have classic 5*s with less than 1/3 the number of covers to go before being covered as you do for your best 5* in Latests, then you are statistically more likely to cover a 5* in classics than otherwise.

    ie You need 7 BW vs 1 SS and 1 PHX. 7 is more than 3 times 1, so classics will get you a champed 5 faster, statistically speaking.

    That said, you're also going to waste more covers. It's a tradeoff.

    Also, not sure why you're so anxious to get worse scaling. Your roster is plenty good enough to get progression in pvp, and you're costing yourself ability to progress in PvE. :/
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    I could be wrong and maybe I should be happy where I am but I already leveled my Phoenix and Silver Surfer to 435 and Wolverine to 405. My scaling might already be screwed up. I can usually get to 900 in PvP without shields but I have a hard time beating grills to get to 1200. Should a champed 5* or 2 make getting to 1200 easier?
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    1 or 2 champed 5* will make 1200 slightly easier to get. but note that it's only slightly easier... not a lot more easier.

    when you reached champ 5*, you start seeing 5* with 460 levels in queue. so while your roster gets better your opponents becomes more difficult too.

    the positive part about champ 5* is that more people will skip you, so you can afford to shield hop more.

    My advice to you is: continue with the classics.

    you have a lot more of classics 5* and are only a few covers away from champing them. Just one cover for Phx and your mpq experience will change. but be prepared for the possibility of dup 5* covers (i know that lousy feeling as i had 7 dup oml covers, 1 dup SS cover and 1 dup GG cover)

    if you want to go to latest, then you need to hoard. preferably 300 LT pulls or minimally 180 LT pulls. this could take months of hoarding.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was in a similar situation a while ago when I had a 5/2/5 Phoenix. I ended up saving up 720 CP so I'd have a buffer to buy a cover Before I started buying Classic Legends tokens again. I ended up with Another green and bought the Purple I needed to champ her.