What covers do you own?

Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm curious how many comic collectors/readers there are who play MPQ. Do you own any of the comics used as covers in the game? My comic collecting days are long gone, but I've been a Marvel fan since... birth, I suppose.

Here's a rundown of the covers tucked away in the Dormammu garage along with a few random insights into my collection:

1* Spider-Man (Amazing Fantasy #15) - This is a reprint, obviously. Despite this, the book is actually worth a few dollars. Spidey is my favorite and I've long-fantasized about having a 1st printing.

2* Spider-Man (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2) - Funny story; I was with my cousin (a young man of 12 years) at the local comic shop. He's a DC fan but a good kid despite this. While he was perusing the New 52 I found this one in a back-issue bin and had to own it because of MPQ.

2* Storm (Uncanny X-Men #290) - I remember thinking of Whilce Portacio was a Jim Lee clone when this was new. I appreciate him far more, now.

2* Human Torch (Fantastic Four #302) - I was an avid fan of the Fantastic Four because of John Byrne, who wrote and drew the the book into the 290s. This terrible issue was right around the time I stopped buying FF.

3* Wolverine (Wolverine #8) - I bought everything X-related written by Claremont. Patch seems silly now, but it was actually a really cool storyline.

3* Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man #700) - Love Spider-Man. I possess a ridiculously long run of Amazing.

3* Black Widow (Uncanny X-Men #268) - Jim Lee was a god to me when he was the monthly artist on X-Men. He's still my favorite Wolverine artist, with the possible exception of Art Adams. This issue is awesome; such a cool story.

4* Venom (Venom Lethal Protector #1) - I don't know why I own this. Despite my passionate love of the black costume I was never a Venom fan. I guess it was Spider-Man related so I bought it.

3* Beast/3* Magneto/4* Cyclops (X-Men #1) - Everything Claremont wrote in Uncanny X-Men prior to this issue is one of the greatest runs in comics history. After this issue, it all fell apart. Contrary to what comic historians believe, this issue was the start of the 'speculation collapse' the comic industry suffered in the 90s - not the beginning of the Image brand.

4* Punisher (Punisher #1) - Tim Bradstreet gained fame drawing for White Wolf's vampire RPG. He was a natural choice for the Punisher covers - gritty and realistic. It's the main reason I bought and read this series, which was brilliant.

5* Green Goblin (Amazing Spider-Man #568) - Part of my run on Amazing. I don't remember much else, beyond the Alex Ross cover.

5* Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet #1) - This was one of the better big summer crossover events of that era. Having George Perez as an artist never hurts.


  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    All of the X-Men covers pretty much plus the variant all new Wolverine 6

    And i have the lethal protector mini
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Dont own any, but my son got a book of 40-odd Marvel posters for xmas, and I was amused to see some of the MPQ character covers included (definitely 1* Spidey and Vision).

    Also I got one of those 1000 dot-to-dot books for Marvel characters, and the first one I did was the 3* Captain Marvel cover!
  • catcusvader
    catcusvader Posts: 93 Match Maker
    I never collected comics, but did buy one because the cover caught my eye. It had deadpool and cable on the cover, with title "only one will walk away".
  • JohnnyBlood
    JohnnyBlood Posts: 85 Match Maker
    I actually just started purchasing comics about 2 years ago (less than I've been playing MPQ), and when I see a comic that is a cover from the game, I can't help but buy it. So far, I've gotten 4 star.pngicon_cyclops.png , icon_nickfury.png , 3 star.pngicon_deadpool.png , icon_beast.png , icon_hood.png , icon_venom.png lethal protector, icon_sentry.png , 3 star.pngicon_ms_marvel.png .
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got a big box of comics somewhere, nothing particularly valuable, just some 90s Uncanny X-Men and Amazing Spider-Man.

    I do have a metallic version of this cover which I think is pretty neat and have been meaning to frame for ages:

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not many, and most of them are from TPBs or translated comics...
    icon_venom.png (Eddie Brock)


    I Think that's it.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just recently purchased the 2* Thor comic book just to have one in my collection icon_e_smile.gif It's a good read by the way (but now I need to get the second book as the story continues).
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I quit single issues back in 2010 when Marvel started their price increase, so the majority of anything post that date I don't have.

    top of my head:

    X men 1- all covers
    Lazy Thor cover
    Civil War Iron Man and Cap
    Phoenix Endsong
    Deadpool both
    Patch wolverine
    Uncanny 260
    Dark avengers sentry
    Dark avengers rags
    uncanny xmen cyclops
    teen jean
    Lethal protector venom
    Siege ares
    uncanny xmen magneto
    uncanny 290 storm

    I get tempted to pick up the rest every now and then, but end up forgetting.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phoenix Endsong
    X Men 1 (all) ( I was working at a Comic Store at the time anyways)
    All New Wolverine 6 Variant (I really like X-23 have both the collections and the single issues, although I only have the trades for Innoncence Lost)
    Captain Marvel (I have the Trade Collections) but the cover for 4 Star Carol is after those
    Spider Woman (I have the first 12 Issues of Volume 5 and all 50 of her first series)
    Venom Lethal Protector (That Comic Store thing again)
    Uncanny X-men (my Run is uninterrupted from 254-325)
    I have all of the X-Force Books involving Wolverine and the first 45 Issue of the old series with Cable Cannonball etc
    All New X-men (Complete on both series)
    Mystique (2003 Series Complete)
    Black Widow 2010 Series (all issues)
    Amazing Spider Man (I have all 14 Parts of Maximum Carnage but not issue 700)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Everyone who grew up in the 90's has 4* Venom and the Uncanny X-Men covers (4* Cyc, 3* Mags, Beast).. good stuff
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2017
    1* Venom (Dark Avengers #4) I’ve got those issues so I guess I own it though I don’t remember this frankly generic looking cover.

    2* Bullseye (Dark Avengers #3) See 1* Venom.

    2* Moonstone (Dark Avengers #2) See 1* Venom.

    2* Storm (Uncanny X-Men #290) - I was collecting X-men in this era, so I’m sure I have Spring break Storm somewhere.

    2* Thor (God of Thunder #3) - Start of a great run by Jason Aaron.

    2* Magneto (Uncanny X-men #3) Part of a not so great run by Brian Michael Bendis.

    3* Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man #700) – I do have Amazing Spidey #700 but not with this cover. Mine is the collage of all the spidey’s (and venom) forming the Spidey eye on the mask.

    3* Black Widow (Uncanny X-Men #268) – The cover that started the buzz about this “Jim Lee kid” over on Uncanny.

    4* Venom (Venom Lethal Protector #1) – Hey it’s the exact moment Venom became uncool! I never like Venom that much but he had value as a big scary Spider-Man. The “antihero” face turn ruined that (plus Carnage)

    3* Beast/3* Magneto/4* Cyclops (X-Men #1) – I do remember getting this, and this maybe being the apex of X-Men (sales wise) in industry. And then there were a lot of pretty but badly written comics to follow as the editors let the artists have more power over the actual writers. Speculator boom did kill Marvel in the 90’s but letting artists dicate story didn’t help (or at least THIS group of artists).

    3* IM40 (Iron Man #1) – Bought this for Kieren Gillen (We REALLY need a Journey into Mystery cover for Loki), though this run never really came together for me.

    3* Black Panther (Black Panther #1) – Everett K Ross has lost his pants.


    4* Prof X (Astonishing X-men 10) The Whedon run, part of the DANGER storyline I think.

    4* Punisher (Punisher #1) - Tim Bradstreet was great ( His art is one of the few aging gracefully elements of White Wolf) but this whole run of Gath Ennis on Punisher is pretty great. Got them all in hardback Omnibus now.

    4* Kingpin (Daredevil #116) – Controversial opinion: I thought Brubaker’s Daredevil run was not only better than Bendis’(and I do like Bendis run on Daredevil) but its also better than Brubaker’s own Captain America run.

    4* Thor (Mighty Thor #1) – Aaron’s run with Thor continues, though multiple restarts and Civil War have put me behind on this.

    4* Hulk (Totally Awesome Hulk #1) – I really loved the Greg Pak/Fred Van Lente run of Incredible Hercules that featured Cho, so I gave this a shot. Didn’t love it, but I plan on revisiting it in Marvel Unlimited.

    4* Wasp (Avengers #71) – The infamous Pym sex issue! Where Hank shrinks down to .. er… help Janet get ahead in Vegas. It wasn’t all cunning word play as Wasp-stalker Whirlwind showed up for a fight on the Strip. Part of the forgotten Geoff Johns run on Avengers, before he got signed as a exclusive to DC for life.

    4* Miles (Ultimate Comics Spider Man #1) – A good Bendis run.

    4* Thing (The Thing#1) – The underrated Dan Slott run.

    4* Winter Soldier (Cap America #11) – Classic Brubaker run. It kinda fizzled out by the end of his run but he was on fire at this point.

    4* Deadpool (Uncanny X-force#7) – Kind of a tangent issue and story in the larger Rick Remender run. But it set up the really great Dark Archangel storyline.

    4* Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel #1) – Cool cover I picked it up. I keep wanting to like this character but the DeConnick stuff never grabbed me, despite good characterizations. This was better, but Civil War 2 has kinda killed my desire to read about her (or any Marvel to be honest)

    5* Green Goblin (Amazing Spider-Man #568) – NEW WAYS TO DIE! Osborn’s Thunderbolts come for Spiderman, I do fondly remember this one during Brand New Day.

    5* Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet #4) – The big one of that series. FIGHT!

    5* Blackbolt (Inhumans #1) – probably my favorite thing by Paul Jenkins. Unlike the recent Inhumans stuff, this series remembered that the Inhumans are just weird, and simply not like us. The Terrigan Cloud stuff doesn’t work as a mutant parallel/substitute, it has its own storytelling boons. It made a certain percentage of the population exposed to it turn into Subhumans, the Neanderthal labor class that no one in Attilan celebrates and they take for granted.

    5* Hulk (Incredible #7.1) – I like Aaron but one of the things that helps make the Hulk/Banner situation work is that you have to LIKE Banner. This series, while fun, went in another direction.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Everyone who grew up in the 90's has 4* Venom and the Uncanny X-Men covers (4* Cyc, 3* Mags, Beast).. good stuff

    my comic reading period was when I was a kid in the 90s. I was mostly into Spiderman and XMen at that time, so I am partial to the covers MPQ chose for:
    Classic Storm
    Eddie Brock

    daredevil's cover I may have also had.

    and Goblin's cover looks familiar to me, but i'm not sure I owned that one.

    I think the one that means the most to me though is Eddie Brock. I can still see that metallic red background like it was yesterday. looking back on these, Bagley's spiderman art and Jim Lee's XMen stuff really resonated with me and still does.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I loved Bagely on Spider-Man. I remember not liking him at first, but he was on Amazing for a long time and got better and better. He's one of my favorite Spider-Man artists now, up there with McFarlane and Mike Zeck.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Tatercat wrote:
    2* Magneto (Uncanny X-men #3) Part of a not so great run by Brian Michael Bendis.

    Blasphemy! I loved that run. Anti-hero Cyclops is the best Cyclops.
  • mdreyer93
    mdreyer93 Posts: 144 Tile Toppler
    4* Deadpool (I loved this series and Esad Ribic's art, wish we could have the rest of X-Force in game. c'mon X-Force Psylocke and Fantomex!)
    4* Professor X
    4* Red Hulk
    4* Carnage (Mark Bagley is the best)
    4* Winter Soldier (Brubaker's run on Cap was amazing)
    4* Venom (again, Bagley. For me, there is no better Venom artist)
    5* Green Goblin
    5* Spider-Man
    3* Wolverine
    3* Spider-Man (but not that variant)
    3* Captain Marvel
    3* Sentry
    2* Thor (another awesome series with Ribic art)
    2* Bullseye
    2* Moonstone
    2* Ares (not that variant)
    2* Magneto
    2* Spider-Man (Bagman) (this was part of a cool cross-title cover series for "the Other" storyline showing all of Spidey's variant looks, including Spider-Ham iirc!)
    1* Venom
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    4* Cyclops

    The end lol
  • It's easier to list what I don't have

    4Thor (variant cover)
    Ant-Man (variant cover)
    X-23 (variant cover)
    Devil Dino (variant cover)
    Peggy (not an actual comic cover)
    Dr. Strange 5* (variant cover)
    Dr. Strange 1*
    Power Man
    Captain Marvel 4*
    Spidey 1* (someday)
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Really wish they would replace phoenix Endsong with uncanny xmen 101.

    Maybe even do a whole series of iconic or 1st appearance for some characters. Bullseye first appearance would be a great cover.