How long before a ticket is addressed?

Zerbit Posts: 9
In November my account was showing as away for x days when I was playing daily. I sent a ticket requesting it be fixed. My account was overwritten and I lost hundreds of covers, hundred of thousands in ISO, thousands in HP, 2.6 command levels, etc. I sent a ticket at the end of November.

Brigby sent this on December 22

"In regards to your ticket 278518, I'm afraid that the long wait time is due to your repeated reply back to the email. The way Customer Support's system works is that if a ticket has been recently responded to, it will assume that player has been helped already, and it will push them down to the bottom of the queue so that all players get an equal amount of time talking to Customer Support.

When you responded two times in a row after your ticket was escalated, it fell back to the bottom of the escalation queue each time, which means the technicians probably have not seen it yet. I know it will be tough, considering the holidays are fast approaching, but I highly recommend being patient and not responding back to the ticket when they haven't contacted you."

I had sent an email with additional information, and 2 follow up emails about a week apart.

My last message to D3 was on the 20th December 2016.

Last contact from D3 was on the 3rd of January 2017.

"Our deepest apologies for the delay with our reply, our technical team seems to be having some technical issues on their end.

Just letting you know that we haven't forgotten you! We appreciate your continued patience as we investigate.

We are still addressing your issue and will contact you as soon as we can with the appropriate resolution for your issue.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again."

I am waiting patiently. Its been 6 weeks now. Is there any way to find out the progress without being pushed to the back of the queue? I am posting here as I don't want to upset the technical division. but I am sick of having to sell covers I should be able to roster.

Any suggestions?


  • Zerbit
    Zerbit Posts: 9
    Just an update

    "Shekky911 Today at 08:04
    This is a follow up to the issue that has still not been addressed after 8 weeks.

    If you cannot fix what was done, just compensate me as per, say the December 20 message sent on this ticket. That may not put me back to where I should be, but it will be much closer to where I should be than I am now.

    This message is in reply to one of your messages so it should not hold up proceedings at all. I have not ticked the "please consider this request solved" box. It has been 4 weeks since my last correspondence. Over 8 weeks guys for this one ticket. Seriously uncool.

    Brigby advocated patience. There is a limit to my patience. Please address this. Please."
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi Zerbit. I'm terribly sorry to hear about the delay. I've sent you a private message to discuss your Support Ticket further.
  • Another update.

    November 15 2016: My account starts to show as "Away for x days"
    Dewcember 1st 2016: My account goes from being away for 15 days to "fixed". The fix was to roll back the account. My Thing went from being champed to unchamped, as well as 4 three stars. I lost hundreds of covers, hundreds of thousands of ISO, thousands of hero points and 2.6 command levels.

    After 3 months they finally look at it and this is the response:-

    "After extensively investigating your account, we do not see any evidence of your account experiencing any form of rollback. We apologize for the delay it has taken to get back to you on this matter and have sent 500 Hero Points and 3 Heroic Tokens as compensation for the duration it took.

    If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again and it will be a pleasure to help you.

    Best Regards,"

    Are you expletive kidding me. 3 expletive heroic tokens. Get expletive serious you f*cking jokers.

    Have a look at my account during the above period. You will see either the levels go up and then revert back, or no activity for 2 weeks (because you overwrote the data). Honestly it cant be that hard. Please restore me to where I should have been had you not screwed me over.

    IGN: Shekky911