Puzzle Warriors 3 Episode #73!

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Cho-tally upgraded Hulk

5* Cap America changes ...
More 117 fixes
Character event changes
And, this week's featured character : Amadeus Cho!



  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    - the YouTube link disappeared after the live stream. I think just to thwart me
    - I'd be down for an anscillary podcast of Craig's gambling adventures
    - Both the Ghost Rider and Star-Lord, both champed, crashes were squashes for me. Interested to see who Moonie will be paired with
    - I got two new Carol covers, a green and a yellow, but I certainly need more
    - there a great Hollywood story involving the Solid Gold Dancers and Charles Nelson Reilly that I cannot repeat here. Bing that!
    - Since my five star Cap is my lowest covered five star (0/1/0) I didn't even bother with this revamp. I'll revist once he's in at least the poop house
    - Glad they fixed Thanos...to make him more powerful.
    - and that clandestine change of Sentry is sweet!
    - hashtag knee elasticity
    - Ray digging deep on the Freakazoid reference! Craig's influence of tangents has infected us all
    - my Cho is champed at level 283 5/5/3. He was a blast boosted in the recent Heroic PVE
    - my vine is a Drax cover set to expire in eight days. I have the ISO to champ him. But I have a purple Medusa cover, currently 3/3/5, who I'd rather champ
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    I find that it's rare that I agree with one of Craig's opinions but I'm right there with him on the change to all characters being playable in Story events. It makes no sense to me from a story perspective (how would they be fighting themselves?) and it takes a layer of strategy/roster development out of the game, where you need to find a good counter team. What will The Gauntlet be now? Just use Whales Whales Whales on every battle, even if Deadpool is on the opposing team?

    One thing that I continue to disagree with Craig on though is his opinion of Natalie Portman. While I agree that her performances in the Star Wars prequels are awful, I do not blame Ms. Portman in any way for that... can you name one excellent performance in any of those 3 movies? Those poor actors had to deal with some of the worst dialog ever, and got who knows what direction while they were standing in front of a blue screen.

    My go-to example of terrible prequel dialogue is from Attack of the Clones, after Anakin has travelled to Tatooine and massacred a whole ton of sand people:
    Anakin: I killed them! I killed them all! They're dead, every single one of them! And not just the men, but the women and the children, too!! I slaughtered them like animals! I HATE THEM!!!
    Padme: To be angry is to be human.
    And then shortly later:
    Padme: I love you!
    What? This guy confesses that he's a complete psychopath and kills women and children, and you're just totally cool with it? No actress can possibly pull that off, because that dialog and the story itself make absolutely no sense.

    If you want to see what Natalie Portman is capable of as an actress, check out her movie debut: The Professional (where she played a 12-year-old who becomes an assassin). Another very enjoyable movie with her was Garden State (written/directed by Zach Braff of Scrubs).
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good show lot's of great discussion but the bit on upcoming clash of the titans, who the hell is the hero that throws out croissants and how do I get this continental breakfast hero!
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    I find the new Cho is fun, especially when boosted. Think of him like this: If reworked Starlord is the 4* IM40, then Cho is the 4* Scarlet Witch - pair him with Red Hulk (or Teen Jean. Or Iceman. Or Moon Knight.) It’s not quite the ap output of Switch, but the countdown damage every few rounds (3700+ this past week when boosted) and the huge health pool to tank that green for you more than makes up for it. Plus, since more characters on the 4* level and above play off of countdown tiles, his constant passive one is another boon simply by being there.

    He’s not top tier, but he is fun now, and a useful tool to have in the shed on his boosted week.

    I do think Natalie Portman can act (she’s quite good in Black Swan, the nightmare ballet movie), but most times she has a remoteness that that keeps me from engaging in her performances, or enjoying them, while still appreciating her craft as an actress. Oddly, flawed as they are, I enjoyed her the most in the Thor movies. The fact that she clearly wanted to jump Chris Hemsworth’s bones in those movies actually made her the most appealing I’ve found her.

    And I thought that we, as a culture, had just agreed to pretend the Prequels had never happened. We just put them in box with the Amazing Spiderman movies , the 4th season of Community, then buried the box and agreed to never speak of them again. The healing only starts when you let it, people.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    In Simulator this season, for the heck of it, I'm running Carnage (level 296 5/3/5), Medusa (level 274 5/3/5) and Mr Fantastic (level 225, soon to be championed, 3/5/5). It is surprisingly effective, even against OML / Phoenix or Peggy / whoever teams. I've got to 1300+ with no trouble at all, and more than a few defensive wins.

    Who'd have thought it?
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --Crash of the Titans: Ghost Rider, good. Star-Lord, good but just barely--it took a few tries. Like a couple of the Puzzle Warriors, mine is at level 209. Moon Knight, fail. Level 147 with 1/3/1 just isn't good enough.
    --Even at 0/2/1, Carol is still useable. She's amazing.
    --I don't think it made a difference that Craig didn't say how many points were needed for progression rewards. I don't retain those numbers mentally, anyway, so I didn't miss them but I also don't mind them being there.
    --Like many others, I'm disappointed that it was a 5-star that was improved for the new season. My Steve Rogers is 2/0/0 and does benefit from the improvement but I'd sure rather see characters in lower tiers being fixed instead of or in addition to a 5-star.
    --The improvements to Sentry and Ragnarok aren't good enough to entice me to use them. I will use them when I have to because they're required but that's it.
    --"Starting to feel haunted." My guess was Brother Voodoo since Jericho can talk to the ghost of his brother Daniel. What a disappointment that it's Ironheart, a character that LOST a poll about what character we want to see.
    --I'm fine with character restrictions being lifted. Marvel is a multiverse. Having Hulk fight Hulk is A-OK with me.
    --I like Felicia Day as Queen of the Nerds but not as an actress. She's a delightful person and a wonderful geek.
    --Good coverage on the updated Cho, guys. I still don't consider mine very usable with 3/3/3 at level 115 but I'm sure he'll be great once I have a few more covers and levels. He was good boosted in the last Heroic event. I do think I'll run him at 3/5/5 when I have him Champion'd. His green is expensive enough that I'm more likely to be using somebody else's green power instead.
    --I have nothing dying on the vine. It's amazing. There are currently eight 4-star covers that I can't use because a) they're already at five covers and b) those characters aren't cover'd well enough to Champion. Because of that, I'm just not opening Legendary tokens right now.
    --Ian, you have my sympathies for losing your 5-star Thanos cover.
    --The Netflix series "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" is very good.
    --Why, oh why, are you saving Elites? I can't think of a good reason for that.
    --About the upcoming Featured Character of the Week: Sue is currently boosted. My Champion'd Invisible Woman is boosted to level 380. Her green at five covers is doing over 18,000 damage. It's (ahem) fantastic.