Healing in battle doesn't remain after battle? [Solved]

jmlesniewski Posts: 2
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a change, so I'm hoping someone can clear it up for me. It used to be that if a character gained health in a battle, whatever his HP was at the end of the battle is what his HP was outside of the battle. Now, healing still works in battle, but after the battle the character's HP seems to be the lowest it was in the battle. Is this a tweak to the game's system? If not, has anyone else noticed this issue?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's been this way for a very long time -- probably two years now.

    There are two types of healing. One, sometimes called "true healing", is permanent and remains even after the battle. The other, temporary kind of healing is called a "burst of health" in effect descriptions.

    As a general rule, characters that only heal themselves (Wolverine and related characters, Rocket & Groot, Deadpool, Silver Surfer...) heal fully, while characters that can provide health to others (usually their whole team) give a temporary "burst of health".

    The reason it's like this is that it was very easy to abuse group healing skills, taking wounded characters into an easy match with a healer to avoid the use of health packs, and team healers became the dominant play requirement.

    There are a couple of oddball "burst of health" abilities. Ragnarok gives a burst of health only to himself, and Spider-Gwen has the only skill that gives temporary health to her allies, but not to herself.
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    The easiest way to differentiate this during a match is that "burst" or temporary healing is shown as green in the health bar, whereas true healing that will persist after the battle simply increases the red portion of the health bar.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can still use this to your advantage on previously-damaged characters to keep them from taking more damage in the match than what they entered with (if you're lucky). You can also combine it with characters that damage themselves or your team (Ares, Sentry, Carnage, etc...) to prevent your team from continuously losing health to their abilities. With a burst healer like Black Widow, Ares can actually -gain- health by using Sunder. (Not within the match, but comparing starting health to finishing health).