shield intercepts [Solved]

Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
So I play this game on multiple platforms (all mobile).

1) old iPhone on Wifi
2) Amazon Kindle Fire
3) Android cell phone on cellular

If I play on the amazon kindle, I get zero shield intercepts. I played the first day of the second sub of Deadpool Vs. MPQ and got zero intercepts all day long, even though I beat all of DDQ and beat all PVE nodes 4 times each. Same went on during the second day of the second sub, but then I got sick of it (I have VIP, it goes to waste if the intercepts aren't coming) so I swapped to the android phone, and they started flying in.

That being said, what gives? ever since the new rev came out, where intercepts were supposed to be more frequent and have some better prizes, my tablet has not been getting them. All other devices are fine. I play on the tablet the most, so this pretty much sucks. This feels like a bug...


  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    I think you already saw Brigby's post, but it seems like they were intentionally removed from the Kindle version of the app ( viewtopic.php?f=7&t=56821 )

    I'm just speculating, but I would bet that Amazon forces you to use their own API ( ) for in-game ads when you publish an app on their Appstore. It's possible MPQ added the SHIELD Intercepts under the radar without using the Amazon API, Amazon has now called them on it, and now they don't have a way to make them work correctly on Kindles.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    ahh fair enough, see I did not see that post. I thought I had read all of it but I missed that information. Thanks for letting me know
  • Hotnfresh
    Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I play on android downloaded through the google play store. So I re-downloaded mpq through amazon at Christmas to buy HP at a discount. I continued to receive shield intercepts from then until the latest patch on 1/6/17. After the patch-- nothing.

    So I just switched back to the google play store version of mpq and the intercepts are back!

    If you are still having a problem on android, and you downloaded through amazon, there's your problem. Just get the google play version and all is well.