[Poll] Prioritise Game Improvements

alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
New year same old moans is I'm sure how many of us feel - and I freely admit to often being one of the ones moaning.

We are a reasonably diverse bunch with different desires for the game so I got to thinking what might the most common desires for 2017 in MPQ be from the player base.

I've complied the list from my own head and a few chats on Line - if I've missed something add a comment and I'll look to build in.

Pretty simple really pick you top 3.

[Edit 1. I was only allowed 15 options in the poll so bug testing pre launch of a new patch was removed as frankly I don't see that as an optional activity at this stage - just stop breaking the game for the love of all that is holy.]
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  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Colorless covers
    Less rng for 5 star tier
    PVP overhaul
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    New Stories
    New Gameplay Modes
    Fixing dilution of Classic Legends
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    I kind of feel like the 5* RNG issue and colorless covers issues are two sides to the same coin, as colorless would make the RNG a little less brutal, so I just voted for that half. Similarly, there's room for non-random 5* rewards in SCL9 & 10, so I just picked 5* rng as the overarching vote that could be improved by implementing a number of the others.

    Beyond that, scaling and PvP overhaul.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Fixing dilution of classic legends
    New modes of gameplay
    iso deficit

    I chose iso over colorless covers since colorless covers would lead to a greater deficit. Fixing dilution, maybe for 4* as well as 5*, would also help the issue that colorless addresses. New modes would be more interesting to me, since it could go a lot of different ways
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    I think colorless covers would make it too easy to build characters up. I understand the frustration of throwing away a 4*, and throwing away a 5* must be that much worse. Why not just end the expiration date of "the vine?" Put a cap of 100 or 200 max. Your 8th red hulkbuster will just sit there for months until you get that 3rd black (and tons of iso). No covers get wasted. Having a cap will still add an element of roster management, which is fair.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    I once again would like to see improved communication, better customer service and actual play testing before they release ANYTHING.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I chose

    1) Scaling. I know everyone has experienced this, but I have only 3 characters of 4* that are champed. My enemy difficulties have reached hard enough levels that I can't win unless I use 2 of them most matches. My nodes even reach the "red" difficulty after 3 or 4 times through. I can only imagine it gets easier with more 4* champed, and then harder again with 5*... so yea

    2) RNG route to 5*. For me this also applies to 4* as well, but on a smaller scale. Anytime you leave your progression up to chance, it gets extremely annoying. It's one thing if you can actually use the covers for something (apply X amount of dupe covers and get one of a different color? maybe sell 4* and 5* for something actually worthwhile?) that is fine. But when you get dupes that go to waste, and 1000 or 2000 ISO as a selling price, that is just asinine. Something needs to be done to make pulling that 6th (or in my case, somewhere near 20) of a certain color less defeating.

    3) point loss in PVP. Now I understand that if we all lose less points, then everyone will get better scores, so that will be tough to stomach. However, I can't tell you how hard I have tried to hit 900 points only to get smacked down at the last minute. I really wanted that Jean Grey cover for 900 points in the 3* cap PVP, and I got to 835 and then shielded... when I broke the shield I had 2 matches lined up at 40 points a piece... won them both but got knocked down 180 points on defense in the process. What this tells me is that the "haves" are experiencing no troubles getting to 900+ points, where they don't even really need that 4* cover. But someone like me who really needs it? I can never get there. The only PVP I have ever reached 900 points in was the BFF, where Kamala Khan was boosted to go along with boosted 4Thor. Otherwise, I usually hover near 600. This also limits my 4* acquisition rates, as my only true ability is RNG (discussed earlier) and PVE progression. That is not a fast enough speed with 43 or so 4* characters.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    RNG route to 5* transition fixed
    Colourless covers

      ... aren't those the same, or are you saying people want "colorless" covers at all tiers?

      Not at all.

      Colourless covers means when you get a cover it can't be wasted in the first 13 pre championing.

      RNG route to 5* transition is I have a life time 5* draw rate of 11.89% - someone in my alliance has a 23.43% draw rate - that sort of deviation in the only route to 5* tier is insanity.

      Something like a ten pack of legendaries with fixed odds sold along side individual tokens would allow players to roll the RNG dice or manage transition in a potentially slower but more controlled way - though without colourless covers it could still lead to a lot of wasted covers.
    • alphabeta
      alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
      alphabeta wrote:
      Colourless covers means when you get a cover it can't be wasted in the first 13 pre championing.


      I was asking for clarification as to whether you meant "colorless" 5* covers only, or all covers, 1* –5*, to be "colorless".

      5* colourless as a must (from my perspective) but in principle I'd support all tiers being colourless - the impact lowers down the tiers but I still remember 10 Red Rhulk covers waiting for a final purple to be able to fully cover him and I've already lost 3 purple Medusa with her stuck at 525 - it's just less painful now as a 5* player to lose a 4* cover to ISO because aside from Combined Arms/BOP and PVE essentials I don't use them
    • [Deleted User]
      [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
      New Stories
      SCL 9 & 10 coming in
      Fixing dilution of Classic Legends
    • Crowl
      Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
      Funny how the only two things not to get a vote are the only ones we will definitely be getting. icon_rolleyes.gif
    • Polares
      Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
      The poll is nice but what I really want is for Devs to fix the game!!! First fix all the bugs and problems, and then new features!!! We have a ton of things that don't work as intended !!! Please stop the releases every 15 days, change it to 21 and use the extra week to test and fix everything!!!

      When I came I though the title of the post was related to fixing the game before creating new features icon_razz.gif
    • Akari
      Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
      ISO deficit - iso is coming faster than ever before, but it could still be faster! or just reduce leveling costs of 4* by like 20% or so
      SCL9 and 10 - better rankings for everyone due to more diverse brackets?
      Classic 5* dilution - it's in a pretty sad state right now
    • JHawkInc
      JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
      I can think of two things that could be on here.

      1) Fixing existing characters. The tweaks they're doing now are great, but at the rate they're going it'll be a long damn time before they get through them all (it's bad when 1/3rd of the 3* characters are "meh" when boosted and only useful when required or for the 4* covers they give).

      2) Adding more villains to the game (and to a lesser extent, more female characters; both are under-represented groups, but more villains get us into one of the things I actually picked to add).

      So my 3 that I picked:

      New characters (3*), New Story Content, and PVE.

      I'd like to see a PVE overhaul to really get into "you can play when you want." Remove timers altogether. Remove placement. Balanced Progression (take the current Dark Avengers Heroic at SCL7, awards at 100/500/1k, then awards alternating 2k and 1.5k intervals up to 24k. Another 2k to the 4* Heroic instead of 1.5k. Then 9.5k to a token, 6k to some ISO, and 7.5k to the CP at the end; it'd be nice if they kept up that 2k/1.5k pattern, throw in another token, some ISO, hell, even another boost or health pack for one of them, just so the pacing of rewards doesn't plummet at the end of each event). Extended Progression (we had people in our alliance reach 160% of the required amount to hit max progression and reach the 15CP award during the last event, why not extend rewards up to that point and higher, even knowing fewer people will reach them? make those extra points worth something more than "hope I place well" points, even though I've already said I'd like to nuke placement altogether). Maybe throw in Alliance Progression for each event. Because Boss events are fun, because you're working together. Take the fun part (team progression, no placement worries), and paste that on top of every other PVE event out there. That'd be nice.

      New Story Content, I'd just like to see events use characters available. We could have a whole event where the X-Men are the enemy ("They're under Magneto's control, oh noes!"), but instead only see them in Gauntlet/Simulator/DPvMPQ, really. Give us more unique fights (like that wave fight where it's 3v1 against a Hulk, and you have to beat Red Hulk, She-Hulk, and The Hulk). Let us have an event against the X-Men that ends in a 3v2 fight against OML/Phoenix (scaled to be a decent "mini-boss"). Run an Avengers event where each sub has a team-up with a 5* character. Run another where we fight against them (with more variety of characters than the few Avengers we fight in the Sentry event). There are characters in the game, USE THEM. And then if we get something 100% new on top of it (like, say, an X-Men featured event vs Sentinels, or something like Strange Sights, or a new Boss), it's gravy. I feel like there's so much more that could be done with the tools on hand, much less once you start adding new stuff that exists in Marvel comics but not MPQ.

      And new 3*s. Partly because I don't think every new character needs to be a 4*/5*. We're missing some X-Men characters that would be nice (Rogue, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Havok, Cable, Emma Frost, Sabertooth, etc), some Spidey characters (Black Cat, Mysterio, Kraven, like a dozen other villains, etc), and honestly, not all of them need to be 4*s or 5*s. Make some of them 3*s so they can be easier to acquire, and so they don't have to be quite as strong (Gambit would be a great chance to put Charged tiles into 3* territory, for example, and running a bunch of Spidey villains as 3*s would make them more suitable to use as villains in a new story event).

      Ultimately those 3 tie together for something that I think needs focusing on as much as the dilution of classic legends or colorless covers of 5* RNG or SCL9/10 or what have you. The middle of the game needs to be more robust, so more people reach that high-end point. I get that part of the game is getting high-end players to spend on acquiring 5*s, but part of that investment is creating more high-end players, too. More variety in the story, more 3* characters (or even 2*s/1*s, though I think that would require a separate adjustment there), a more free-form PVE that actually lets you play when you want (and not the Dev's **** definition of play when you want that we've reached now), the path from "new player" to "spending money on 4*s/5*s" needs something other than "just fun enough for Stockholm Syndrome to set in" to make it work.
    • broll
      broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
      RNG route to 5* transition fixed
      PVE. (aka Oh that's where you want my life to go)
      SCL 9 & 10 opened up
    • mpqr7
      mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
      non-rng to 5*s
      colourless covers for 5*s (kind of similar to the above request)

      Avoid massive loss of points in pvp until after top prog. It's not nice that if I have 1100 points and someone with two champed 5*s attacks me and she has only 300 points then suddenly I lose 75 points. I don't mind if she makes 75 points, but I shouldn't lose so much. I should still be able to hit 1200, even if my defensive team loses a few battles here and there.

      It shouldn't be that I go from 1180 points to 1030 points on the final 4-minute one-battle hop.

      Or maybe if I do, then I should gain an XP for every point lost icon_cool.gif I wouldn't mind losing hundred of points if I was gaining hundreds of XP instead. Basically I should get some sort of reward for getting very close to 1200 after spending the entire day doing numerous stressful shield hops, other than a massive heart attack!!!
    • mpqr7
      mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
      Also, when they do finally give us SCL 9 and 10, please make them actually significantly better.. please don't just be a little bit more iso and hp. Otherwise it throws the whole concept out the window.
    • GrumpySmurf1002
      GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
      I have a new one which I'm reminded of every couple weeks or so.

      Figure out a way to stop the massive consolidation that goes on at the end of PvE, and/or dilute the alliance rewards. It's gotten out of hand.