Torrential gearhulk in recent event

Whammaster Posts: 60 Match Maker
edited January 2017 in MtGPQ Events
I use to stomp him, but for some ungodly reason he now rips me a new one without trying. Did the devs make it harder to earn rewards from events at this point? Because I'm starting to reach my last strand with this game after opening 7 boxes and getting one rare 6 times.


  • Shino
    Shino Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    Edit: I responded with an experience from the wrong opponent. I was assuming it was the 50 point battle... the last battle of the third tier. But it's still relevant. Moral of the story... RNG is a ****... MTG:PQ's RNG is an even bigger one.

    It's luck of the draw more than anything.
    RNG has been killing me lately.
    Not only do all the rares and mythics I pull end up being dupes lately.
    But in game.
    The second fight I had against the gearhulk he got 2 multiforms (6/6 with 3 energize abilities) and to colossi (12/12 defenders) out on TURN 2!
    When the AI chains **** together like crazy and then there's no good mana matches left for you... that's what happens.
    I was dead by turn 4 by the way.

    Hell the last battle I had... I got 1 creature the entire match!
    I had at least 3 cards where I got 4 copies, but one creature.
    I have Oath of the Gatewatch which pulls the next 3 creatures in the deck... but I only got one of those.
    I ended up winning but only b/c I was using Gideon Ally and he can create tokens with his abilities.

    It definitely feels like RNG is weighted against us most of the time though.
    Especially when opening packs.
    I'm sick of getting the same freaking rares when I only have 25% of them.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm curious what strategy you're using to defeat him? Having two decks I built around fabricate I discovered two means of shutting those decks down.

    First is mass gem removal. Think Koth's first ability combined with Demolish, Abbot of Keral Keep and Voltaic Brawler. Seems like it might be viable in this fight but often servos will tend to just collect at the bottom, and my Koth can't seem to survive long enough to finish it off, so might need Olivia to make it happen.

    Second strategy is lock down the first creature. This is the technique I've used the last couple runs of this event and it works incredibly well. Using Dovin Baan with Suppression Bonds and Claustrophobia means that first creature can get enormous and never attack. Plus with both out, even if one gets destroyed the other can be there as backup. After that, using Empyreal Voyager with his third ability will mean your creature will be getting steadily larger, eventually energizing the entire board disabling it from placing any servos.
  • Whammaster
    Whammaster Posts: 60 Match Maker
    I use to run it over with agro green. The uncommon werewolf that produces 3/2 eldrazis. Then in combo with plummet, scour, and the card that destroys gems on the board. I also used the troll that regens 3 with the spell that gives 1/3 and reach as basically a perm blocker.

    I did end up beating it, but only after I sucked out on a pack pull and got the vampire that produces 2 2/2 zombies. I used my vampiric black deck gain life with +1/+1. Just overwelmed it after gaining back all damage delt to me most of the time.

    I think what is lost on the forms is that not everyone has certain cards at hand to produce legit strats.
  • wereotter
    wereotter Posts: 2,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's true. I mentioned what I did with Dovin because it worked and because Claustrophobia is a common and Empyreal Voyager is an uncommon and are the key cards of the strategy. Suppression Bonds is a good back up to ensure you pull what you need. So it's something people are more likely be able to put together, especially as I expect many to own Dovin after he was a required planeswalker for the Inventors' Fair
  • Lagartha
    Lagartha Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Potentially relevant? I think I found a bug with him.