Best way to spend HP

carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
So, let's say you've caught up on roster slots and have farms in place such that you are HP-positive, and your hero points are starting to stack up. What do you do with them? Daily deals? Save up for a good vault? Shield hop more? Buy a bunch of roster slots for dupes of MBW? Roster Yelena?


  • Mercator
    Mercator Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    save some for roster spots of new release characters, after that? Daily deals if the vault has covers you can use
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Always try to have at least 2K per month for roster slots for new characters, otherwise however you think it would best fit your play style. PvP is a barren wasteland of less than 20 point fights for me after around 700 points so I don't need to shield anymore so I just get daily vault deals. Since the last several vaults have sucked for me I had a pretty good stash going. Had to roster both Thanoses, Agent Venom, 5 Strange and Medusa in last couple weeks cause that's just when I earned them. Still had an extra slot to start a second OBW because I don't want to sell my max champ while she's broke and I've got enough to roster Carol if I decide to press on and earn her. I have about 2k points to go to get my 15 CP, I'll see what place I'm in and if I feel like it after that. Around 120th right now. After 5 clears all but the trivials are exercises in pain and suffering because my Rhulk is pretty mediocre and I'm making do with my champ Elektra, Moon Knight (awesome) and Daredevil.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    I'm up to about 10k hero points right now. I will empty one of those new 4* vaults if it's a cover I want, I think that's a decent value and have done it twice. I just wish they would put out a cover I'm having a hard time getting more often.

    I'm shielding and hitting 900 in every PvP that I chose to (hit 10K 2 seasons now). With the full 2* farm running that's not really putting a dent in my hero points.

    There were two covers I wanted in the last event vault but 9800 HP for a 50% chance of pulling the covers I wanted was a no go for me, that's almost enough points to clear the 4* special vault for 3 characters. I wound up pulling a Legendary token from the daily deal but missing both of the 4* covers I wanted.

    So after a little rambling my opinion is roster slots, getting to 900 and then just sitting on the rest of the points until you see something you think is worth it. If I was up to 30,000 hero points instead of 10,000 I probably would have emptied out the last vault for those 2 4* covers. The points are useless unless you spend them; it's just a matter of feeling like you're getting a good return on the points. It never hurts to have a surplus of points since outside of the anniversary and Christmas you don't know when there might be a special event or vault.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Roster Yelena?
    I rostered and maxed Yelena. She's the pride of my roster, right alongside my champed Bagman. They saw great use in the Thanos PVP and felt Death's courtship keenly.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, let's say you've caught up on roster slots and have farms in place such that you are HP-positive, and your hero points are starting to stack up. What do you do with them? Daily deals? Save up for a good vault? Shield hop more? Buy a bunch of roster slots for dupes of MBW? Roster Yelena?

    I find myself in this position. I'm never short of hp (always +1000) so I spend on daily deals if I need something in particular or the vault looks good. When you have a 2* farm you rarely need hp due to the amount of elite tokens you get
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    There's always options...

    Emergency health
    Daily deals (esp good vaults)
    Saving for the next release

    I always keep enough for two releases - anything extra is fair game for day to day needs...not like it collects interest
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess i do similarly to most of the players here. Spending HP on daily deals, looking for a vault I would like to empty, shield a bit (without usable 5* i've decided not to hop for the time being).

    With the farm and intercepts the flow of HP is faster then ever. I went to around 300 trying to score Peggy from a vault (no success) recently and I am back to 3500 in around 2 weeks. I like that I don't have to stress about the HP anymore. I wouldn't mind if the slots were cheaper but I can earn much faster then I am spending.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I Think I'd like to have a reserve of around 10K HP at least in the future, just in case a special vault pops up where I really want to buy a 40-pack. I'm a bit away from that target at the moment (still buying roster slots for the characters released during my absence... Agent Venom and Dr Strang3 are next), but it's a good goal to have I Think.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Save at least 5000 for emergencies. Then you use it for new roster slots, a few shields in pvp, and I like to do daily 100 hp vault tokens sometimes.

    Then when there's a special event such as anniversary, christmas or what have you, I sometimes buy a 10-pack. The more you save, the more 10-packs or even 40-packs you could draw.

    Just make sure you don't waste it on things you don't really need so that you have enough when there are really good tokens out there.
  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    I like to keep 5K on hand "just because," but generally reserve doesn't dip below 1k + (1k x # of unrostered 5* characters) so I can always immediately roster a new release and anything I pull from legendary tokens.

    Otherwise I keep it so I can shield without concern in PVP or pull from the special (read: not those 4* ones) vaults when they come up from time to time.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    1. Buy 4 star vaults for 13th covers
    2. Buy daily deals when there's a chance at a legendary token
    3. Buy extra shields when your initial climb is good and it'll help with placement
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not the best way, just the most gratifying for me, personally.

    I keep 3-4 1* rostered so that if I unexpectedly wade into several new characters at once, I don't need HP. Even so, I try to keep 1k on hand at all times for another slot, so I have a large buffer for new characters.

    Over 1k, I buy dailies from vaults. 100 hp for a lotto ticket gives that teeny little endorphin rush that injects a little extra fun into the game (and still goes to champ/farm if it's not a top prize). I'll also spend on shields if I've got a shot at T50, but I mostly stop at the 10 CP and don't bother to shield.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Save it for roster slots and 100HP daily deal tokens.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep. Save to roster new character releases and after that, daily deals in vaults with covers that I'm interested in.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    i mostly use HP for daily deals and rostering new characters
    I have well covered heroes up to 3 star so it's usually Champion levels and Scratch Tickets to try to get 4 Star Covers (still have 10 Fully Covered 3's not Champ'ed Though)
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 100hp daily deal is the main reason I could never hoard heroics.
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only meaningful progress for me right now is 5* covers and I'm starting to hoard to try to get to 260 Latest pulls, so I use excess HP to make sure I get 1200 in PVP and daily deals for vaults with an LT inside.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    #1 Roster slots (the closest thing in MPQ to a permanent investment)

    #2 Strategic shielding. Used well shields can help you achieve and protect much higher scores in PVP. Don't buy 24 hour shields except in exceptional circumstances. Only use 8 hours shields/shield hopping if you can reasonably achieve your target score. Otherwise just use a 3 hour at the end of your final climb at the end of an event.

    #3 Roster slots again. Really, this is easily the best HP investment you can make in MPQ

    #4 If you really want to spent HP on token packs then be thoughtful about it. If you want to whale a new release, then wait for their PVP and whale those non-vault tokens at first since they have better odds and specific colors don't matter as much (and it's probably best to plan on spending a couple of starks doing so). If you just want to finish out a character that already has 10-12 covers, then use PVE vaults with fixed rewards, so you know that you can get the color you need. If you are just buying tokens to churn your 3* and 2* farm and get some xp, then the special character vaults are actually decent value (3.6k hp gets you 20 items but cost less than half of the daily 40pack from an event vault).