A plea to keep Juggs's powers at high AP

DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
1* Juggernaut is one of the characters hit by the AP bug. For those of you *not* in the know (I don't know if any are reading this board though icon_e_wink.gif): this meant that his powers stayed at 10 AP, both his Headbutt anb his Unstoppable crash, instead of 6 AP at max covers.

This made Juggs so much more reasonable to fight in PVE! He's always crazily scaled, which gives him a very high health pool, and combined with very cheap powers that hit hard he's just not fun to face. With his powers at 10 AP however, he is still menacing, but not the power spamming tinykitty we have grown to hate. Please keep him firmly in 1* land and let his powers stay that way too.

And figuring you need new cover progression for him (all his covers now reduce his AP cost I think), just make his green gradually destroy more tiles, and his red gradually increase target damage and reduce self damage.


  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Jugghead is there mainly for newbs. If you nerf his power cost to an extra 65% you are really limiting the early game fun. He teaches board shake and red damage w/cost when you play him and teaches prioritizing and turn predictability(better put your tank out front!) in PvE.
    from a fanboy take: he is a very real threat to most heroes;he's whooped up most of the X-men by his lonesome!
    but fairly easy to outsmart or take away his powers like rogues kiss or shadow cats "duck" so translated over to MPQ :limit his colors, stun w/widow/spidey, steal w/ yelena.....