
chairboymike Posts: 2
I have installed and tried to play MPQ several times now and every time i encounter the same problem.
The game just stops on the 'Select Team Up' page before a fight, and nothing on the screen is clickable. The only way to get out is to kill the session and start again.
It just keeps happening. I really want to play the game, but can't.
Is it a known bug? It seems to have been happening for months now.
Apologies if this i covered elsewhere, i did search.

Heres a video of the problem - https://youtu.be/7TXX33-wTt0
The last 15 seconds is me frantically tapping on every element on the screen, to no avail.

Device - iOS 10.2, iPhone 6, Solid 30Mb/s down 15Mb/s up internet connection.