Problem with Ares onslaught and Juggernaut unstoppable clash

Adith3ya Posts: 4
Ares onslaught and Juggernaut unstoppable clash. They both cost 5 and 6 greens respectively when the power is maxed to level 5. But off late, when playing the game, it is asking for 7 greens. This is really really odd. Do help me out.


  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards

    The Powers in question all reverted to their level 1 costs
    this will allegedly be fixed in R118
    AI Ares is generally specced 4/4/5 and his onslaught normally has a minimum cost of 6
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Adith3ya wrote:
    Ares onslaught and Juggernaut unstoppable clash. They both cost 5 and 6 greens respectively when the power is maxed to level 5. But off late, when playing the game, it is asking for 7 greens. This is really really odd. Do help me out.

    Known issue, like Summer says. In fairness this should probably get a "known issue" sticky in the Bugs board until it's resolved. Not necessarily this thread. Mods? Bueller?

    Oh, and welcome to the forums icon_e_smile.gif