Getting rid of 1*

Brutenstein Posts: 5
edited January 2017 in Roster and Level Help
When should I get rid of my 1* heroes? I have a good team of 2* heroes with full covers.


  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can start shedding your 1-stars when you don't rely on them to win matches.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    When should I get rid of my 1* heroes? I have a good team of 2* heroes with full covers.

    (1) Don't bother leveling any 1* past 30. It's just not worth the iso.

    (2) You can stop worrying about 1* at all once you have a good 2*s team or two at level 60+. certainly by the time you have good 2*s champed.

    (3) in the long run, all you really need is a single 1* (Juggs is the traditional choice, but Spidey may now be a viable option since lockouts are no longer a thing) at level 25-30. That is all you need for ddq. You may also want a 1* bw or two with just blue covers to send teamups.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    You will need to keep at least one of your 1* covers to complete the node


    in Deadpools Daily Quest.
    Juggernaut or Iron Man will do.
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    You will need to keep at least one of your 1* covers to complete the node


    in Deadpools Daily Quest.
    Juggernaut or Iron Man will do.

    Now that they got rid of the restrictions for PvE, you can use literally any 1*.
  • Pope Belligerent
    Pope Belligerent Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Not any 1*. Good luck beating it with just Yelena.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Level 40 Yelena should be able to beat the 1* mission. You're facing enemies that are level 10-15, most commonly goons, and one of her powers turns enemy special tiles into criticals.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Or you could just keep them and aim to have every character icon_e_smile.gif
  • MrCrowley
    MrCrowley Posts: 81 Match Maker
    I recommend keeping juggernaut. He reliably beats the DPDQ node alone every time.
    some players like to keep an unleveled black widow to give out her Team-ups, but only with 5 blue covers and no purple ones to ensure the teamups given out are all stuns.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Keep a MBW, 5 blue covers, 0 purple covers, lv 1. You'll find out why soon enough icon_cool.gif
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    MrCrowley wrote:
    I recommend keeping juggernaut. He reliably beats the DPDQ node alone every time.
    some players like to keep an unleveled black widow to give out her Team-ups, but only with 5 blue covers and no purple ones to ensure the teamups given out are all stuns.

    or 5 of her built that way....
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Keep Juggy at level 40.
    Keep 5 MBW's at level 1 with 5 blue covers only.
    Keep Spidey because he's dope.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Now there is a thought...why don't we get rid of one stars? in the entirety of the game.

    As if new players don't have enough characters to roster, why not just start them off with 2* characters instead of forcing them to collect a bunch of characters they will soon get rid of. At least 2*s have some occasional utility.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    El Satanno wrote:
    Keep Spidey because he's dope.
    Agreed. His purple Spectacular Strategy is an amazing power. Try running him with Scarlet Witch for easy purple, and a 5* like Widow that tanks colors for him. Get 3 web tiles on the board then play SpecStrat to get 4 Critical Tiles placed, and stuff blows up everywhere. It's not rare to get 8-12K damage from one go, and you can usually do it again a move or two after.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    El Satanno wrote:
    ..Keep 5 MBW's at level 1 with 5 blue covers only.

    Yep, do this if you like your alliance mates. Though five of em is true love. At least one or two 5 bkue cover 0 purple cover MBW.
  • JFisch
    JFisch Posts: 116 Tile Toppler
    When roster slots are hard to come by, the correct answer is "once your characters from the next tier overshadow them." This is equally true of 2* characters as well.

    You should hang on to one leveled 1* character for DDQ (Juggernaut, Iron Man, or Spider-Man depending on your preference).
    I recommend keeping five 2*s around - Thor, Storm, Magneto, Black Widow, and Ares - though with the duplicate character restrictions lifted you could get by in DDQ with just the first three. The other two are a bit of a luxury, but they're very very good characters at their tier.

    Someday down the line you'll want to rebuild the 2* part of your roster, either to farm champion levels or just so you don't need to keep selling and rostering folks to have all three PVE essentials. Whether you ever re-roster those 1*s or not will depend on how much of a completionist you are.

    I would try to hang on to all your 3*s and 4*s, but don't be afraid to sell covers you can't roster in time along the way. Better to build your 2 and 3* rosters purposefully and let a few get away. 3* covers become fairly easy to come by soon enough, and until you're well into the 4* tier you'll get them so slowly that missing out on a cover here or there won't set you back.

    It sounds like you've already avoided one of the most common mistakes I see new people make - trying to skip the 2* tier entirely.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I recommend Juggernaut just because I'm certain he never shows up in DDQ. When the 1* or 2* variants of the others show up you can't play. I don't remember if IM30 ever shows up - he might be safe as well. Spiderman, Yelena, MBW, Storm, and Hawkeye all show up. If those are your only option you lose 2500 easy Iso that day.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    MaxxPowerz wrote:
    Now there is a thought...why don't we get rid of one stars? in the entirety of the game.

    As if new players don't have enough characters to roster, why not just start them off with 2* characters instead of forcing them to collect a bunch of characters they will soon get rid of. At least 2*s have some occasional utility.

    I value the 1* because they're not too complicated. They are, essentially, "tutorial" characters. They give a solid impression of the basic mechanics with a sprinkling of special abilities and tiles. Things don't get much more complicated on the 2* tier, but enough that you start thinking about synergy. Each tier adds more complexity and mechanics, so it's good to start with something that's relatively contained to keep it palatable to new players. If they had to deal with charge tiles, force bubbles, reinforced tiles, etc right away, I think it would turn a lot of people off.

    I know I've done that with other games that throw everything at you right away. I pay attention for a couple rounds, have no idea what I'm supposed to do or how to build a character/team/fortress, and go back to something that doesn't require me to read a manual.
  • StarScream
    StarScream Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Calnexin wrote:
    I recommend Juggernaut just because I'm certain he never shows up in DDQ. When the 1* or 2* variants of the others show up you can't play. I don't remember if IM30 ever shows up - he might be safe as well. Spiderman, Yelena, MBW, Storm, and Hawkeye all show up. If those are your only option you lose 2500 easy Iso that day.

    Since the OP said a roster full of **, I don't think losing the 2k iso award is on the list of things to give a damn about since the only way to get that award every day is if you have every ***.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    StarScream wrote:
    Since the OP said a roster full of **, I don't think losing the 2k iso award is on the list of things to give a damn about since the only way to get that award every day is if you have every ***.

    Ah. Good point. Still, long-term you want one that will let you get it every time you're viable for it.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    StarScream wrote:
    Calnexin wrote:
    I recommend Juggernaut just because I'm certain he never shows up in DDQ. When the 1* or 2* variants of the others show up you can't play. I don't remember if IM30 ever shows up - he might be safe as well. Spiderman, Yelena, MBW, Storm, and Hawkeye all show up. If those are your only option you lose 2500 easy Iso that day.

    Since the OP said a roster full of **, I don't think losing the 2k iso award is on the list of things to give a damn about since the only way to get that award every day is if you have every ***.

    And this is where it's most valuable to dump all 1*s except for 1 so you can reuse those slots. You certainly don't want to be in a position where you have to sell a 3* cover because you don't have the slots/HP to roster it. It's easy enough to add 1*s back in later once the HP and ISO are flowing much faster and you've caught good pace on the infinite roster hamster wheel.