Court Death 3* -- the worst skill from a new char?

whatsupguy Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
I can't recall having another ability so loathed by the community from a new character. Has d3 acknowledged player disdain for this ability?

At 3 or 4 covers he actually does more damage to allies than enemies. Was this actually intended?


  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* Black Widow has some powers that have increasing downsides (cost) in addition to upgrades, and Pistol is not a particularly loved power. Alien Weakness didn't go over that well either, but it had the advantage of having an alternate power that's pretty good, and not having a 5* variant to compare to that is unanimously declared the best ever.

    I have no idea why you'd expect D3 to acknowledge that it's not a popular ability, though.

    Ranks 3 and 4 still do more damage than previous ranks to the enemy team as well, so they're not strictly a downgrade. To put it mildly, I would definitely agree that powers that get worse in any way as you level them are not very fun, no matter how 'interesting' they seem from a design perspective.