I just want to say to the Dev's that this game is frickin awesome!!!
I love playing marvel on the go and have persisted with the money grabbing War of Heroes card game for about a year before finding this absolute beast and in a week I've had more fun battling and leveling than that card grinding bore ever produced!
The level of tactics and depth to this is crazy! I happen to think people should stop moaning about characters like Storm and Ragnarok and either work out their weakness or just press skip. Having to formulate a game plan each time you face a different team combo is what makes this a collect-3 epic and the Marvel game i've been waiting for.
All I ask is you keep pumping out the rewards and hitting us with new characters, missions and tourneys! (Hulk please!!!)
Amazing job guys - Thanks, i'll probably end up losing mine haha!!


P.S - Pleeeease stop giving me Bagman from the heroic card packs lol it breaks my heart every time!! icon_razz.gif