Problems with the german version and other suggestions

Teskal Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
1. in PVP mode is a 'Skip'-Button to get another team. It is translated 'weiter'. But skip and weiter do not have the same meaning, especially not in this context. It took me few weeks to find out that it means skip. Better translation would be 'Überspringen'.

2. It looks like in most story event nodes the story does not proceed. Nothing happens, only the fight.

3. is it possible to switch to the english language? I often have the problem to communicate with my other alliance members, because I do not know the correct words of some game related terms.

4. About Champions
This is not necessary german related. Can you explain this feature with the first 2* character we get in the prologue mode? So the player knows that it is worth to level all 2* characters. All but Bagman, which looks like everytime I read about them, the community seems to wait for a better version and is really hard to get anyway.
Because not knowing about Champions I sold sadly all 2* covers, with the exception of Thor.

5. Please find a better way to make the game more difficult. Since I made my first two 2* Champions, I have real problems to win games. Most of the time it is only much luck if I win. Whole Enemy Groups 40-70 levels higher as my characters is to much to handle, even for champions. Especially if some of the enemies are 3* or 4* characters and having this high level.

6. Please make it possible to save the game somehow. I do not use Facebook and really don't wanna! I lost already an earlier game. I downloaded the game from the Amazon app the first time. MPQ wanted an update and I couldn't play anymore until I make the update. But in the amazon was no update. So I deinstalled the game and installed it over google play. Since then I do not play anymore as Wereskunk and have a new game under Werskunk.

7. think about refreshing the med packs 25% faster in the VIP mode. I need already to wait 4 hours for Thor to refresh completely with the 25%. Waiting so long, is not really worth it.

8. some nodes in the story events need a special character. Please make it possible to use all star version of one character to play these special nodes. Not only 3* Thor, also 2* other versions.

9. Find a possibility to add a version of championship for the 1* chars. It is really sad that they are later not very useful, beside maybe few PVP fights at the beginning. 1* Spidey seems to be one of the best versions of Spidey and also most of the other 1* characters are interesting to play. I liked them very much.

Thanks (also for adding to the forum),