So I whaled the Latest Legendaries, now what?

kingpaul69 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi Guys,

Long story short, I did what many of us are coming to realise is the only viable way to get a 5 star character to 13 covers and that is save up an ungodly amount of CP and tokens and hit the Latest Legends Tokens all at once.


Which worked out amazingly well and with a little help from Customer Service I now have the following:-

Black Bolt 5/5/3 (2 spare covers)
Black Widow 5/5/3 (0 spare covers)
Doctor Strange 5/5/3 (3 spare covers)

Current aim is to champ Black Bolt and Strange before the tokens expire and once I've repaid my 2 star loan champ Widow. Then keep saving until Thanos is about to move to Classic Token Hell™ While hoarding I'll keep champing 4 stars hopefully I'll get all the even slightly good ones done by the time this happens and have a nice stash of ISO waiting to champ Thanos and pals, who by the current rate of power creep will be even more amazing that the 5 stars that proceeded them.

My dilemma is that while hoarding I've been able to champ a few more 4 stars (14 now most of the good ones and most of the rest are fully covered) and I'm really starting to enjoy using them. I still get the odd occasion where I have no boosted 4 stars but usually I have at least 1 sometimes 2 which has made a big difference to my PVP and PVE experience. PVE is a breeze now and the last Galactus event was a piece of cake (though I think it was for most people).

I was loving PVP before the cupcake nerf as I'd recently joined a great alliance (xmen) and was experiencing the delights of cooperative PVP, I was able to climb quickly but importantly I was able to bake myself and give back to everyone else. Anyway we know how that turned out.

I'm starting to make traction again in PVP as my 4 star roster grows however my MMR isn't quite high enough to be able to catch many of the 5 star bakers out there, no matter what my points are I just can't see them and I certainly can't bake against the ones I can queue, It's touch and go sometimes that I can beat them at all, you know how it goes a bad board or a quick cascade for the AI and you're dead.

I've heard a lot of horror stories about the 5 star game (crazy crazy scaling in PVE, matched with much higher 5 stars rosters than your own in PVP, stuck with the same 2-3 characters all the time, facing the same half dozen opponents again and again) and I'm wondering what is the smart play right now?

I've seen absolutely solid 4 star rosters out there with many fully covered 5 stars that are all sat doing nothing at 255 and I've seen guys with 1 champed 5 star and frankly a much worse roster than mine.

Obviously it would be great not to lose any 5 star token considering the effort it took to get them, however I'm worried what it will do to my game experience. Last night I completed 2 full clears of PVE in half and hour using boosted iceman to destroy everything and to be honest I think my MMR has gone up slightly and I am starting to see more of the 5 star bakers since I added my spare 200 4 stars tokens to my roster.

I know a lot more people are in the 5 star transition now so maybe the variety of opponents issue has now gone, however the scaling and matching issues are still there.

I'd really like to here from people of their current experiences in 5 star land especially if you have just made the step up yourself.

Should I stop whining and get on with it (3 top 5 stars should be good yes?) or take the hit and loose the tokens and play the long game and keep making slow and steady progress.

Also is there any synergy between these characters (other than Black Bolt goes well with everybody icon_e_biggrin.gif )? I have hardly played with them at all.


Gametag: pk69
Alliance: xmenfive