Ad Anti-Skip Protection

mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
I absolutely love the ads and the resources they provide. However every now and then, I accidentally hit the "skip" button, and I get so mad!! I wanted to watch that ad! And now I missed my chance!!

There should be some sort of anti-skip protection for people like me who always want to see the ads. Here are three possible options:

1) In the Settings menu, select "Always Play Ad", and it will play the ad automatically, so I never need to choose to play the ad. You can obviously not select this option if you're not as into the ads.

2) In the Settings menu, select "Add Skip Warning", so if I hit the "Skip" button for ads, it will give me one more chance, ie some sort of message that states "Are you sure you want to skip the ad?". Because I hit the skip button by mistake, but then it was too late to watch the ad!!! And also this will be optional of course.

3) Move the ad to the button on the left!!! In all other options, "Yes" is on the left and "No" is on the right! I have trained myself to wait on the final reward screen, but after many plays, I sometimes forget.. and then, I regret!

Please work on this request. It's for your own good! The more ads I watch (and don't accidentally skip over), the more $$$ you'll make!!!!