Match damage boosts: how the (tinykitty) do they work?

DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Or, "Hey, What Gives???"

Having both Quake and Medusa poorly covered, I was left with Kamala as my only option vs. Thanos's 1v1 node today. I figured with my level 196 KK, Thanos was just about doable with some luck and boosts. (Long story short -- it took 13 tries, but I got him.)

As Kamala only needs two colors boosted, and as damage is at a premium for her (Thanos takes at least 4 pops of Embiggened to down; decent match damage can reduce that to three), I decided to roll out the match damage boosts. Used the all colors boosts up to 100% (5 boosts).

As a 100% boost is equal to doubling the damage, I naturally expected a three yellow match (KK's strongest color at 82 damage) to generate match damage of 82x3x2= 496 damage.

What I got was 3 yellow matches making something like 270 damage. And I think purple matches actually did WORSE than their expected outcome. AFAIK, Thanos does not have an opponent damage reduction passive or active power.

So what exactly was I getting for my 5 boosts? What's the damage base that's being boosted 100%? How do boosts work, exactly? I am confused -- is this bugged? Do I have it wrong? Is up down, and left right? Are cats sleeping with dogs?

I probably would be more p.o.'d about this if I hadn't beaten Mr. Os. (His friends call him Than.) But I burned through a LOT of those boosts, and I question whether I got any benefit whatsoever. Again, am I missing something here?


  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    probably like vision's density heavy increasing the damage he actually takes but not showing on the board only on him