Known Issue: Galactus Boss Not Unlocking

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
Hey Everyone,

The team is aware of certain players being unable to unlock the boss node in the Galactus Hungers event, and they're actively investigating as we speak. Based on player sentiment, there does not seem to be a consistent reason for this encounter, so it will take time to isolate the exact cause.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Once I have received official news for announcement, I will update this post. Thank you for understanding.


  • Orti
    Orti Posts: 20
    Thanks for acknowledging the issue. Galactus didn't unlock 6 times for me. I couldn't detect a pattern though.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    No issues for me until Round 4 / Black Widow node. All the other ones unlocked Galactus, did BW node last. Used 3* BW/Scarlet Witch/Prof X. Either I knocked it out really fast, or it reset the cooldown timer (it showed 7h 59m).
  • I've had pretty consistently 2 failed nodes every round, 8 times already. I noticed that when I finish a node it seems like Galactus is unlocked for a fraction of a second and then it locks. Made me wonder whether the issue is with unlocking the boss or with the boss locking again after the node. Maybe it wrongly detects that you completed it again.

    Anyway, hope you get this fixed. Round 7 going and I'm getting worried will I reach the final personal reward because of this...
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    I thought it might be tied to the "SHIELD Intercept" videos... my wife is VIP, but I'm not - and she consistently has less lockouts.

    But we're also on different platforms - Andriod for her, iOS for me.

    Tiny Sample Pool but... I've stopped clicking the "SHIELD Intercept" for the bonus and only got two lockouts on the most recent clear.

    I'm still thinking it's unlikely I'll hit full progression due to this bug. *sad panda*
  • Gandalf333
    Gandalf333 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Wish I could help pin it down, but it can happen with the wave nodes or singles. It started with about one node a round, but now I'm up to 2-3, so this is a pretty MAJOR issue in how it affects the event.

    I'm generally using TA Hulk, 4* Sam Wilson, and Black Widow Gray Suit, but I believe it's happened with other required character nodes as well.
  • Fabmammouth
    Fabmammouth Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    Same issue at round 6 after clearing my last node (wolverine).
    Unlocked again at round 7 after clearing first node (ghost rider).
  • Milamber42
    Milamber42 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Twice for me now, both after Wolverine (Patch) nodes. Very very annoying, but should still hit 900k.
  • Milamber42
    Milamber42 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    It just unlocked for me.
    The first time I restarted the app and the problem was still there. I was impatient and did another node.
    This second time, I came to the forums, looked around, posted my comment above. Went back to the game, problem still there. Thought what the heck, and sent an email from within the game. After having sent the email, Galactus was unlocked. Must have taken 10 minutes or so.
    Now, I beat Galactus and then the Ghost Rider node... and Galactus is locked. Hopefully he unlocks in 10 minutes or so.
  • Milamber42
    Milamber42 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    Nope, 7hrs36 remaining. Oh well. Patience isn't the answer icon_razz.gif
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Happens to me since round ONE! Once or twice per round. At any rate, the fix will not come in time to help with the lost score.

    Time to talk about compensation!
  • It's been 4 days since the original post, the event has finished and the issue existed until then end.

    Any chance of an update on what the team are going to do to help out those individuals and alliances who had no chance of maximum points/rewards due to not being able to battle Galactus?
  • My alliance missed out on the third Max (third as in the blue cover) by 140k points. Thats just a pathetic number of clears of the Galactus node. If this issue was not here, we would have got it.

    Is there a compensation in place for us? Since the 4* Punisher ranked quite high in the ranking of 4* I am really annoyed that we did not get him.