A Mostly Accurate 4* Ranking (Final Update 8/11/18)



  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    sinnerjfl said:
    Gamora in the 35th spot? really?

    You need to re-evaluate her, she belongs much higher than that.

    3rd best stun in the game, an ability that puts a lot of strong specials for 9 AP (and passively too). Her red is her weakest skill but she's a lot better than no. 35 overall.

    The instant KO is not reliable but I can manage to trigger it often enough that its viable to try for it.
    Yeah, I haven't been playing much so I haven't given the ranking a good once-over in a bit. I do agree that she should probably be higher and will fix that whenever I rearrange it next.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:
    sinnerjfl said:
    Gamora in the 35th spot? really?

    You need to re-evaluate her, she belongs much higher than that.

    3rd best stun in the game, an ability that puts a lot of strong specials for 9 AP (and passively too). Her red is her weakest skill but she's a lot better than no. 35 overall.

    The instant KO is not reliable but I can manage to trigger it often enough that its viable to try for it.
    Yeah, I haven't been playing much so I haven't given the ranking a good once-over in a bit. I do agree that she should probably be higher and will fix that whenever I rearrange it next.
    Take your time. A detailed guide is way better than a half-assed one.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    clarey89 said:
    No, i used to have an account and somehow I came back after a while I come back to, reset my password, this is showed as first post!?

    Well I revisit because a mate who I introduced to the game followed the list the champed Peggy as first 4* with the next 3* less than 190...  n then vulture, but with 2 champ 4* instead- of able to climb to 575 like he used to do, he can't get the cp nor on top10 in any cl5 PvP anymore...

    And then the 5* thingy in PVE killed the placement 3* from cl7 or give up the 4* from progression...

    And then the game forced him to go on cl6 for pvp... 

    And then he quit the game...

    As I said I think the info from the list is brilliant, I said to newer ally after I discovered the list "like 2days ago" that they should check it out... just dont champ Peggy...

    I think another problem comes with the "favourite" system, in the old days when we get close to first 4* full covered, a few would have been very closed by, so it will only be wks before next 4* hit that too, but back then after vulture his next one is 8 covers...
    It sounds like your friend was gonna hit a wall in the 3-4 transition regardless of who his first 2 champs were. Peggy and Vulture make a strong team, even more than Grocket and Gamora.
  • marshall
    marshall Posts: 179 Tile Toppler
    Love this guide, @Jarvind - been a reference for a while. Echo'ing the comments here, you could add either an intro section or some comments on the write ups for people new to 4* land or which 4*s remain relevant and dangerous for 5* players.

    I am myself getting closer to 5* land and wondering if it's worth it, which 4*s I'll get more use out of once I do.

  • MCUinmyPants
    MCUinmyPants Posts: 16 Just Dropped In

    This is great. Do you update this every month?
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards

    This is great. Do you update this every month?
    I don't have a set schedule or anything. I just look it over now and then, add in new characters and tweak the existing ones as needed.
  • talleman
    talleman Posts: 445 Mover and Shaker
    Jarvind said:

    This is great. Do you update this every month?
    I don't have a set schedule or anything. I just look it over now and then, add in new characters and tweak the existing ones as needed.
    Do you make an announcement when you add a new character? :)
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    talleman said:
    Jarvind said:

    This is great. Do you update this every month?
    I don't have a set schedule or anything. I just look it over now and then, add in new characters and tweak the existing ones as needed.
    Do you make an announcement when you add a new character? :)

    His post is always at the top and he edits the date of the change.

    @Jarvind, congrats on hitting 1 year for this post last month. Quite the forum accomplish!

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    talleman said:
    Jarvind said:

    This is great. Do you update this every month?
    I don't have a set schedule or anything. I just look it over now and then, add in new characters and tweak the existing ones as needed.
    Do you make an announcement when you add a new character? :)

    His post is always at the top and he edits the date of the change.

    @Jarvind, congrats on hitting 1 year for this post last month. Quite the forum accomplish!

  • DieMyDarling
    DieMyDarling Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    I would also say Gamora is ranked too low here, but I love this list and it was chock-full of great info. I haven't really run into any Mockingbirds or Nightcrawlers in PVP yet but I am dreading the day. In the first event where Nightcrawler was a freebie use I infinited BAMF on like turn three or four and killed the entire enemy team, and that is just with him having the mid-tier covers they give you.

    Also, America Chavez is going to bring everything tumbling down... in her inaugural PVP with her just at 1/1/1 she was a monster.
  • Yepyep
    Yepyep Posts: 955 Critical Contributor
    edited January 2018
    Nice! Thanks.

    Not including Nova and Agent Venom (whom I haven’t champed) I agree with those changes except I’d probably rate both Mockingbird and Gamora higher — but that might just be bc I only have about 20 4*s champed. Definitely agree on the bump fir Riri. And Carol and Peggy are my most-used characters, so any 1-2 works for me. 

    And girl power for sure -- most of my most-used characters are women...
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    Jarvind said:

    - Added Nico Minoru, Kraven the Hunter, and America Chavez to Not Yet Rated
    - Carol Danvers is now the reigning queen, unseating longtime champion Peggy Carter. Long live Peggy Carter.
    - Rogue bumped out of NYR to #8
    - Mockingbird bumped out of NYR to #24
    - Riri Williams moved to top tier at #9
    - Nova dropped out of top tier, to #16
    - Gamora's rank increased significantly, to #22
    - I finally admit that Agent Venom is pretty good and move him out of B-List to #38
    - Added some character icons that were missing. This was keeping you up at night, I know.

    Not game-related, but the top tier now has the ladies outnumbering the fellas 8 to 7 - I'm counting Cloak & Dagger as one of each. Girl power, y'all.

    Thanks for continuing to maintain this!

    You might want to update the summaries for each character from time-to-time though.. here's Carol's:

    If she had some kind of a stun, she'd be top 3 without question, but as-is she is a damage engine who you should target first every time if you see her on the other side of the board.

    She has no stun but is now #1 haha.

    Out of curiosity, why is Medusa not T5? I love Rhulk and Bl4de but Medusa works in so many more teams.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind said:

    - Added Nico Minoru, Kraven the Hunter, and America Chavez to Not Yet Rated
    - Carol Danvers is now the reigning queen, unseating longtime champion Peggy Carter. Long live Peggy Carter.
    - Rogue bumped out of NYR to #8
    - Mockingbird bumped out of NYR to #24
    - Riri Williams moved to top tier at #9
    - Nova dropped out of top tier, to #16
    - Gamora's rank increased significantly, to #22
    - I finally admit that Agent Venom is pretty good and move him out of B-List to #38
    - Added some character icons that were missing. This was keeping you up at night, I know.

    Not game-related, but the top tier now has the ladies outnumbering the fellas 8 to 7 - I'm counting Cloak & Dagger as one of each. Girl power, y'all.

    Thanks for continuing to maintain this!

    You might want to update the summaries for each character from time-to-time though.. here's Carol's:

    If she had some kind of a stun, she'd be top 3 without question, but as-is she is a damage engine who you should target first every time if you see her on the other side of the board.

    She has no stun but is now #1 haha.

    Out of curiosity, why is Medusa not T5? I love Rhulk and Bl4de but Medusa works in so many more teams.

    Thanks, fixed. I do update the descriptions occasionally, but there's a lot of words in there.

    As for Medusa: does she? Blade and Rulk can pretty much win the match on their own regardless of who they are teamed with. I don't think Medusa can say the same.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker

    One possible dude to revisit would be Cyke. I think that time has really ran past him and I use him a bit reluctantly even when boosted. His damage output really isn't all that stellar and I often end up using his yellow to feed someone else if possible. I'd rate Mockingbird higher than him, for example.

  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor

    One possible dude to revisit would be Cyke. I think that time has really ran past him and I use him a bit reluctantly even when boosted.

      Cyke is awesome. He might have my favorite kit in the game. Targeted board destruction and ap gen with decent damage is still good for a top tier placement no matter how old he is.
    I often end up using his yellow to feed someone else if possible

    You say that like its a bad thing. I think it makes him even  better, he can be a battery for anyone.

  • gravel
    gravel Posts: 585 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind said:
    Not game-related, but the top tier now has the ladies outnumbering the fellas 8 to 7 - I'm counting Cloak & Dagger as one of each. Girl power, y'all.
    This got me thinking, it's funny because several of the better characters are female in the 4* tier, but in the 5* tier, there are 2.  Not 2 of the top x, just 2 of 22. 
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018

    One possible dude to revisit would be Cyke. I think that time has really ran past him and I use him a bit reluctantly even when boosted. His damage output really isn't all that stellar and I often end up using his yellow to feed someone else if possible. I'd rate Mockingbird higher than him, for example.

    Wut? My dude can pretty much instakill any equal-leveled opponent with a fully charged red. Mine's at 325 or so and it does over 30k when he's boosted, which is easily 5* level damage output. I don't really see how fueling somebody else with yellow is a bad thing, either.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Jarvind said:

    One possible dude to revisit would be Cyke. I think that time has really ran past him and I use him a bit reluctantly even when boosted. His damage output really isn't all that stellar and I often end up using his yellow to feed someone else if possible. I'd rate Mockingbird higher than him, for example.

    Wut? My dude can pretty much instakill any equal-leveled opponent with a fully charged red. Mine's at 325 or so and it does over 30k when he's boosted, which is easily 5* level damage output. I don't really see how fueling somebody else with yellow is a bad thing, either.

    Fully charging takes a lot of AP. Mockingbird does close to similar levels of damage much cheaper.

    Feeding someone else with his yellow makes his red inefficient. It isn't bad (batteries are super useful, after all) but I meant that I've often ended up underwhelmed by his damage output.

  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    Cyke has:

    - One nuke that can kill a 5* when fully charged
    - A little nuke in blue
    - Board shake in blue and red
    - Can remove red special tiles with blue or any special tiles in a row with charged red
    - AP generation in blue and yellow that self feeds his nuke or another character’s strongest color
    - Good health pool

    He doesn’t have a stun. That’s about it. I have a max champed one and I run him all the time when boosted. He was better pre-Gambit but then who isn’t?

    Total package character that is definitely still in the top tier.