Season mode has become stale. Give 5 ideas to improve it!

Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
No debating this one.... the generic, stale grind of seasons has worn on us all. This should be the heart and soul of MPQ. I want to hear 5 constructive ideas from everyone to put seasons back in prime condition. Let's a have a civilized discussion to breathe some new life into it.

1) Progression rewards in pvp between 900-1200. Let's bridge that ridiculous gap.

2) Improved Simulator and end of season rewards for solo placement and your ally.

3) 4* PVP. We need to phase out 3* featureds and get 4* in the spotlight more.

4) colorless covers rewarded in sim and pvp should be the norm. No doubt the dupes are aggravating as hell.

The 5* pools are diluted and bloated now. Getting nearly impossible to even have a small chance to get covers you need. The CP flow should be increased and the odds improved as well for 5*.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to seeing some new ideas. I hope Brigby and co. is listening ; )


  • Agree with all your points. I'll just add a couple:

    1. Achievements, eg winning a match against 5* champs with 2x 1*, but loads of possibilities there to mix things up
    2. 1 on 1 fight with an alliance member, like a testing ground
    3. An endless fight mode, play till your complete roster is dead icon_e_smile.gif
    4. PvE season or a mixed season between PvE and PvP to completely stress out the top players (please do not do the last suggestion icon_rolleyes.gif )
    5. Fix the higher end CL's, or maybe in general fix rewards/effort ratio.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    1.) A season long side line progression story. That gets harder and harder. Progression only and put at a level that is obviously tweaked for the individual.
    2.) A survival mode. See how far someone can get after wave upon wave of mobs / goons and toons.
    3.) Colorless covers
    4.) I’ve run
    5.) Out of ideas
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    Mix in an few more short seasons.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    I like the ideas so far....... definitely agree with shorter seasons becoming the norm or just thrown in occasionally.

    Clearance levels definitely need an overhaul
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    1. Shorter seasons
    2. If a longer season, run 2 800 point Shield Simulators instead of one 2000 point SS.
    3. A SCL like option for no 5*s.
    4. Season long vault.
    5. I stuff.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the season here is what I would like to see
    1: season progression rewards to go up to 15k. Any people blow past 10k in season and there should be more rewards.
    2; each PVP have rewards at 1000 new 1100 and make 1200 25 CP again.
    3: create alliance placement rewards based on how big your alliance is. So if you are top 3 scorer in your alliance for the season you get a bonus based on how many players are in your alliance.
    4: add in a couple of 4* PVP each season.
    5: create a 5* token and have it be a prize for end of season placement or alliances. You have been determined to allow RNG to give us 5* just make a 5* token they we win and then we get a 5* RNG garunteed.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Alliance Adventure Quests. At the start of each season a new map featuring various challenges including standard goon battles, puzzle battles and boss battles. The map should be rather expansive and have different paths that need to be unlocked by completing challenges or hitting certain point thresholds. Can include an alliance progression reward system with full completion rewarding one 5* cover but node rewards should be secret. The four paths should be of varying difficulties allowing a casual alliance to complete one path, semi-hardcore two paths, hardcore three paths and the final path for those that like to "rise to the challenge" (you know who you are icon_e_wink.gif) . Also with the exception of boss battles, nodes should generally be one time completion only.

    2. Guerilla Events. Random one hour mini events that appear throughout the week that offer various prizes, ranging from one 4* cover to 3000 ISO or 100HP. For example:

    Sabertooth Attacks: Using 2* Wolverine, you fight (an appropriately tweaked) 4* Sabertooth one-on-one for random rewards. Possible Rewards: Sabertooth 4* cover, 2000 Iso, 1000 Iso, 50HP, 25HP, 5CP, 1 CP

    10 Rings: Using Iron Man, battle the Mandarin in a first to get 10 AP in all colors match. One chance only event. The winner is the first to reach 10AP in all colors. Possible Rewards: Mandarin 4* cover, 10000Iso, 5000Iso, 1000IS0 (Mandarin covers can only be won in this event). 4* Mandarin has a CD increas ability and AP draining power to counter Iron Man's Re-charge ability.

    Sweet Dreams: Using Dr. Strange, match wits with Nightmare in a match game of death. Certain colors are restricted and if you or the opponent matches the color receives damage. Match your own colors to attack the enemy and restore health. Possible Rewards: Dr. Strange 3,* 5000Iso, 50HP

    Merc on a Mission: Every week, Deadpool receives a bounty list of 13 characters he has to take out in 4 days. All bounties must be collected in pVp only and you have to use Deadpool. Progression Reward:

    1bounty: 100Iso
    2-4 bounties: 500Iso
    5-7 bounties: 1000Iso
    8-9 bounties: 2000 Iso
    10-12 bounties: 5000Iso
    13 bounties: 9,999Iso

    3. Introduce an Affinity System. With MPQ introducing the Infinity gems/stones into game lore, create a rock-paper-scissors affiliation system and assign characters into each group providing an attack/defensive buff for characters with a stronger stone.

    4. Full Implementation of a Team/Friendship Affiliation Boosts and Special Attacks. Although we already have a Team Iron Man/Team Cap thing and the BFF PvP event, I feel the Dev team can and should do more with this area of the game. There are enough Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, GotG and friendships that they could introduce a new level of strategy by allowing for damage boosts and special team attacks when using certain combo of characters.

    5. Achievement System. Every season should start off with a list of various task that involve completing tasks such as filling the board with 10 web tiles, activating DP's Life of the Party 5 times in one match, completing a match using no powers, place three invisible tiles on the board, etc. Each completion puts a little extra ISO, HP and CP in the players pocket.

    Obviously most of these ideas have been suggested before but I do think even getting one of them in the game sometime early next year will go a long way to increase player enjoyment. ♪ ヾ(*⌒∇⌒)八(⌒∇⌒*)ツ
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Wow....... fight4thedream you killed it! I love these ideas bro. VERY NICE!

    We are already seeing some trends here and shorter seasons is definitely wanted thus far.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    The main "Season" Event (the one with no nodes in it), should have a Join Forces node (or two or three?) featuring recently released characters (during the past season?). No points, decently covered character, match designed to show off their abilities. You want people to spend money to get the toys? Let them play with them a little.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Although Seasons involves PvP, I would like to see a Gauntlet-like PvE event that's available during the PvP season.

    I would also like to see the return of the test node. Last one we had was SS killing a 4* team. I understand it's somewhat in PvE as a loaner node but bring it back to PvP and let us test featured characters.
  • 1. Alliance Adventure Quests. At the start of each season a new map featuring various challenges including standard goon battles, puzzle battles and boss battles. The map should be rather expansive and have different paths that need to be unlocked by completing challenges or hitting certain point thresholds. Can include an alliance progression reward system with full completion rewarding one 5* cover but node rewards should be secret. The four paths should be of varying difficulties allowing a casual alliance to complete one path, semi-hardcore two paths, hardcore three paths and the final path for those that like to "rise to the challenge" (you know who you are icon_e_wink.gif) . Also with the exception of boss battles, nodes should generally be one time completion only.

    Brilliant idea!
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2016
    (1) shorter seasons
    (2) More relevant season rewards for individuals and alliances (CP, LTs, and ISO are the most desirable resources for vets. Why are season rewards still heavily slanted towards 10-packs?)
    (3) Some more inter-season variation. Maybe scoring bonuses for using particular characters in particular seasons?
    (4) PVE seasons!
    (5) Special events (like HP buy-in tournaments or boss fights)!
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Award XP for matches
    2. More frequent events for 4*'s, not just once after release and never again.
    3. Alternate between short season / long season
    4. As always, better rewards, more CP.
    5. Non necessarily for season, but for PvP in general - Lightning rounds for EVERY 3*.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    I think that we should have some PvE for season (gauntlet or something similar could do the trick).
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    1) Combined Arms instead of regular Versus events all the time.
    2) Combined Arms instead of regular Versus events 90% of the time.
    3) Combined Arms instead of regular Versus events 80% of the time.
    4) Combined Arms instead of regular Versus events 70% of the time.
    5) Something similar to Combined Arms instead of regular Versus events all the time.

    I gotta be honest, I'm pretty partial to #1 and #5.