Should 4* champ rwds be better?

VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Is it just me or are 4* champ rewards kind of lacking? Currently, I find I'm only incrementally less disappointed by a champ level draw from an LT than I am by a dup.

I realize they get better over time, but at the rate any one 4* builds up, I'm not going to be seeing reasonable rewards (or a noticeable improvement to the character) for years. For now, a 4* champ level gives me a reward roughly equivalent to watching a few ads and doesn't seem significantly better than the 3* champ rewards. It seems like it should be better, no?


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    It all depends on what you think a reasonable time frame to max champ a 4* to 370.

    If you think you should be able to get a 4* champ from 270 to 370 in under 6 months, then the champ level level rewards are miserly and the rate of progression is awful.

    If your timeframe to max champ a 4* to 370 is a year+, then the rate of 4* covers is appropriate. Within that time frame, the champ rewards are actually quite good and will drive your roster development far beyond just winning events.
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Phumade wrote:
    It all depends on what you think a reasonable time frame to max champ a 4* to 370.

    I'm not sure I understand your logic. Are your conditions reversed?

    If I could maxchamp a 4* in a few months then the rewards would be ok. They'd pile up fast, I'd get to the good ones in a decent timeframe, and if 4* covers were that plentiful, I wouldn't really care what's happening to them. That basically describes my 2/3* champ reward experience.

    But at current rate, even a year+ sounds lowball for maxchamping 4*s. My highest 4* is 284. That's 27 covers in my just over 3 years of just-above-casually playing this game, with around 3 times that to maxchamp him. I'm not following how the fact that the build is so slow somehow correlates to the rewards being quite good. Since I usually only get a couple 4*s a week, 2500iso/50hp/2cp isn't all that much more pleasing than 1000iso, when I'm hoping to make progress towards a new usable character instead.
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I think you're suffering from hindsight. All of this year's new stuff making last year's new stuff look a little smaller. The loot be creeping upward.

    Oh that's definitely the case. Which is why I ask if maybe they should be made better at this point. Rewards creep (is that a thing?) has certainly contributed to these not seeming very good. As I said, the rewards are, at least for me, currently in line with watching a few Signal Intercepts. The effort of earning a 4* seems like it should pay off far better than spending a minute watching ads. Then again, D3 probably benefits more from me watching those ads than from me earning a 4*. icon_razz.gif
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    At the very least they should give two LTs for the first reward.

    Why am I get the same reward I got for championing a 3*?
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Looking at my rate of progress, it seems it will take me 2 years to maxchamp a 4* (8months down, 16 to go!), BUT ... progress is not linear, it accelerates. Feedback loops exists, and the devs do sweeten the pot now and again. Higher SCLs are coming. I bet I have a 370 in less than a year from now, maybe only 8 months.
    OTOH more and more four-stars come around to dilute the pool. Getting a particular four-star will be rarer and rarer from the RNG and they will come around with longer time intervals between them being featured as guaranteed prizes for progression or placement. I still do believe in acceleration but there are still decelerating forces as well.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd like to find out, but I'm still a ways away from that
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    For me the additional level is the reward. My HB is up to 312 and when he is boosted I use him over my level 452 OML. Ever fought a 495 4*? They are terrifying. Here we are about a year after championing was introduced and I'm halfway to a handful of max champed 4*s. With CL9/10 coming I think in about 6 months time you will start seeing more boosted 4*s in PvP than champed 5*s.

    I don't have a "champ all 4*s for the rewards" mentality. I try to champ the most useful 4*s because eventually I'll be running them in PvP events where they are boosted. The rewards are a REALLY nice bonus.