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  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Bowgentle wrote:
    When going for T100 in a release event (so between four and six clears of every node) in PvE I get between four and eight intercepts per day. I don't understand how you can get to fifteen. I wonder if there are indeed regional differences or something. Or maybe Grimskald is T5 and grinds all nodes to zero, which would explain the discrepancy a bit, I guess? Oh, and I didn't count the HP or CP as ISO though I suppose you could.
    Intercepts only happen as long as there are rewards left, so there are no intercepts after clear 6.
    Cool, thanks! Didn't know/remember that. I don't think I've ever gotten to fifteen in a day, though. Or even ten.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    To clarify, i think the 5k iso estimate for intercepts is "normalized" (i.e. the value of things like heroic tokens and hp are converted to iso and included in that 5k).

    As for number of intercepts, there are generally 9 noded in pve events, with 6 prizes each. Sone events have a 10th loaner noder, and most events have some one-offs. Ddq also offers 5 more nodes per day (nit counting crash). So that's something like 60 opportunities per day to earn intercepts. By report, the probability of additional intercepts drops significantly after 10. So i thunk most people who grind 6/6 each day plus ddq are getting 10-15. With occasional spikes higher and lower.

    Re: do iso or covers cone first.
    I think there is a turning point. Early on, iso comes faster than covers. But once (and if) one gets a deep 3* roster, joins a conpetitive alliance, and starts playing pve and pvp regularly, the covers begin to fliw in faster than iso (in part because iso leveling costs for 4*s and 5* are so high). So for a player like daily, it seems likely that covers remain the limitng factor on his progress.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I won't argue with your analysis, but I will argue with the premise.

    "Max and Champ all characters" is the endgame. That's a moving target, of course, but the conceit of the game is not "have everything". It's supposed to be "use the characters you want". Max-champing every character is an extreme, not representative of the player base.

    If you never want to use Mr. Fantastic, why would you put any Iso into him? Chulk and IW were useless until recently. Howard and Dino are joke characters. If you include characters you don't like or don't intend to use in the math, it skews the result higher.

    Your real Iso deficit is personal - how much do you lack for the characters you intend to use in regular play? That's more difficult to quantify. Broad stroke "I need to champ everyone" is disingenuous, because even if you champ them, they may have no impact on your game other than champ rewards. They're luxuries, not necessities.

    TLDR - the premise "I need to champ everyone" is not how the game was designed.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    "Time to max champ everyone" is the most convenient way to measure player progress relative to game content. It's a totally separate issue from "what is the goal of mpq?"

    the latter is a personal question with a different answer for everyone. The former is just a metric that allows for convenient analysis of advancement rates.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    10 mil iso is enough to champ all 1*, 2*, and 3* characters plus some 4*s IF Daily didn't spend tons of iso buying standard tokens. But the game basically baits people to buy standards. Only olayer channels of advice will inform new players to skip standards (and hoard cp/LTs for a long time).
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    Another event that can trigger an intercept is your daily supply reward. I had it trigger an intercept last week. Which makes me wonder if the daily VIP reward could also trigger it.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    Just as a random datapoint, I counted: I did 35 PvE nodes today and got one Intercept. Certainly the weakest day I've ever had but it's apparently not impossible.
  • Dekliko1978
    Great work as always!

    Something I haven't seen mentioned is spending ISO on boosts. I would think Daily player has to spend at least some ISO to push for final # and/or placement in PvE subs and final ranks. I'm probably playing more than Daily player, but I boost every fight when climbing in PvP. It's either spending ISO or spending HP for shields.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor
    Updated the OP with additional plots. One excluding 5* iso costs, one excluding 4*s and 5*s.

    In the 1-3* only plot why does the ISO needed keep steadily increasing over the last year? I can see the jump for champs and 3* Strange, but other than those additions what else is providing the small steady increase? Shouldn't it be flat for large periods of time since most new ISO needs now are the addition of 4*?

    I've been tracking my daily ISO intake for a couple of months, I'm a pretty consistent player right now, max prog in PVE, around 700 in PVP, consistent top 100 placement and top 100 alliance placement. Got all my 3* champed (except 3trange), got a solid 2* farm going, still no 4* champed (Grr covers!) and level 65. Ignoring ISO income from selling 2*, my daily is almost averaging 45k.

    Adjusting a little to be conservative down to 40k income at today's character count, I'm still 508 days of grinding from max champing all, or only just under a year (351 days) from maxing all the current 4*. That being said, I doubt I can get the specific 240 4* covers I'm short in that time. icon_cry.gif
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor

    How say others? Do casual players burn iso on boosts?

    How about skip tax? Players were spending mountains of iso chasing cc's! Is skip tax still eating up iso flow?

    As a casual player I've never spent ISO on boosts. I hardly use boosts so always have a good stockpile. I'll use a couple right at the end of a PVP before stopping, but I don't shield hop.

    Skip tax I find is negligible, I'll maybe skip a bit but probably only a few hundred ISO a PVP. In todays ISO economy it's not a huge deal for a casual player.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2016
    Punter1 wrote:

    In the 1-3* only plot why does the ISO needed keep steadily increasing over the last year? I can see the jump for champs and 3* Strange, but other than those additions what else is providing the small steady increase? Shouldn't it be flat for large periods of time since most new ISO needs now are the addition of 4*?

    I dunno will look at it this evening. Was hurried this morning, noticed that, decided to roll with it for now.

    The hump up is the addition of champ fees. And of course a small step up for Strang3.

    But yeah should be otherwise flat for last 18mos.

    Wondered if it could be tied to Champ costs for 4*, somehow you removed the ISO costs for leveling but not the champ 7500iso. The increase still mirrors the 4* additions from what I can see.

    Edit to add - 95% sure that's what it is, increase only kicks in after champs are added and there are a couple of bigger steps when 5*s are added (20k iso champ cost)
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's my (recent) history:

    Shield Intercept is introduced. Players tell me they get ~5,000 a day from it.

    That means I, as a Steam Player, am losing 150,000 every month. For simply playing on a different platform, I'll be 3-4 4* champs shorter than a mobile player every year!

    Nice data, as always Aes.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Great work. Thank you.