Doctor Strange: Flames Of The Faltine broken?

jerrymol1 Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
Playing The Hulk PVE sub 2 I have noticed that Doctor Strange: Flames Of The Faltine has stopped functioning properly. It will work 10/20% of the time if it does. When the A.I. fires off a power(ability) Doctor Strange does not activate. Is this happening to anyone else?


  • Booster73
    Booster73 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Same problem here, I haven't seen the power go off at all this morning.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Me, too. I restarted the phone, though, and the problem disappeared.

    Edit: I can confirm that the problem is that Flames of Faltine doesn't work when Snipers fire their Deadly Shot power. AI's TU power, though, still triggers FoF. It turns out that I don't need to restart my phone. It's just FoF doesn't trigger when Deadly Shot is fired.
  • I'm experiencing the issue too, but for me it's not all powers. Flames ONLY fails to trigger when a Sniper goon lays down a Deadly Shot tile, it triggers just fine at other times. This is also not a new issue: I noticed it before, and I *think* that time it was snipers with Deadly Shot too.

    (This is the 5-star Dr. Strange, just FYI. No idea if the 3-star does the same thing.)
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Me, too. I restarted the phone, though, and the problem disappeared.

    Edit: I can confirm that the problem is that Flames of Faltine doesn't work when Snipers fire their Deadly Shot power. AI's TU power, though, still triggers FoF. It turns out that I don't need to restart my phone. It's just FoF doesn't trigger when Deadly Shot is fired.
    Haven't tried it myself, but if this is the case, it makes sense. Deadly Shot works as a passive power.

    Deadly Shot is always confusing to the players. The way they need to word this power (based on the way it functions) is:

    Deadly Shot (Passive): When a friendly countdown tile does not exist, creates a green 6-turn countdown tile that does X damage on resolving.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Smudge wrote:
    Haven't tried it myself, but if this is the case, it makes sense. Deadly Shot works as a passive power.

    Deadly Shot is always confusing to the players. The way they need to word this power (based on the way it functions) is:

    Deadly Shot (Passive): When a friendly countdown tile does not exist, creates a green 6-turn countdown tile that does X damage on resolving.

    I took another look, and there it is. Deadly Shot 0 AP. Pfft. Devs need to rephrase. But more importantly, make descriptions more readable with easy to read color schemes.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I should have made a post about this when the event started, because it was inevitable that this was going to be brought up. Deadly Shot has always been a mis-worded passive ability. The clincher is when you're using Peggy Carter, and the AP cost still shows 0. Three years, and the devs have never bothered to fix this minion's power. Worse was when that particular mission (Yelena and 2 Snipers) had an Ares team up since that stupid Deadly Shot still passively generates green that it never uses, so the AI could have a full stockpile of Green before it got enough Team Up AP to fire it. The minion shows up so rarely, the devs have, as far as I can tell, set fixing it as a "no priority". Wording description would be simple enough, but maybe the coding used back then was especially screwy to untangle.
  • I just came to post this same thing. The sniper deadly shot description does not state that this is a passive power (simply 0 AP), so I would expect Dr. Strange's Flames of the Faltine power to activate. They need to either change the description to indicate it's a passive power (and not auto-generate green that they don't need), or they need to fix it such that player character powers interact with the deadly shot power (preferred).
  • swordfishdata
    swordfishdata Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Man, I came to post this same thing; I had a video capture and everything. Thanks for the clarification, guys!
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hey everyone. You are correct in saying that the Sniper's Deadly Shot is being treated as a passive, which is why Dr Strange and Star-Lord's certain abilities do not trigger.

    The word (Passive) will be added to the Deadly Shot during tomorrow's patch in order to increase clarity.
  • jimitulip
    jimitulip Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Thank you guys, i restarted game and phone several times when this issue came up with snipers.