Puzzle Warriors 3 Episode #68!

XaOs72 Posts: 425 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
[omitted episode name]

Ian opens all the tokens...random style.


*Removed Episode Name*
- Brigby


  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Good show this week, even with apparently nothing going on. One major glaring issue, though...whoolly1 hating on Nova and then Max Pun? Miles isn't bad, but hes a lot slower than Nova. 6 red AP for 600+ strikes the first time and a 2 turn stun plus 4500 enemy damage second time? 3k+ damage plus a strike for 7 ap yellow? Pair with 4* Punisher and suddenly your strikes are also +25% damage. Pair both with im40 and stun and kill at will. I'd take another look at Nova before you make that decision.

    Thora was spot on analysis. She was awesome, then ok after her nerf but very slow. Im40 took a buff and now she's great once again. I know during the carnage event i used her and im40 in the KK nodes, which scaled up to level 400+ with a 5* roster, and did just fine. Stun,nuke,stun,nuke, kk heal and aoe. Boosted she can do 30k+ per smite after firing a few times.

    4* mini vaults...agreed. went from "maybe I'll buy a token" to "nope. No way." Likely sold a lot of one-offs on previous packs and testing sales using 10 pack+ only. Just not a very good deal in my opinion. Could also be 10 pack only because it's a new 4*?

    As far as selling colossus, torch and 3 pun because those characters aren't great....well, torch is pretty great for a 3*. All cheap powers, all decent damage once he gets going. Anyone who played the Thing CoT will attest to that. As far as the others...I'm for champing all the 3s if possible. The covers still come relatively easy, and they give out 4*. Torch-->Thing, Colossus-->XFW, Pun-->4Pun. So there's that. Also agree with champing and rechamping all the 2*, great source of hp and the covers come fast. Just had another thought re:colossus! His pvp is coming up, and he creates the rainbow aoe team of Jean, Colossus and im40. Jg purple green= aoe. Colossus red= aoe. Im40 blue= aoe. Colossus black, throw jg, aoe. Im40 yellow = red for colossus, green and purple for jg, blue for im40....all aoe.
  • On your discussion about including Bagman in your 2* farm, I did, but considering he's on his first cycle while most of the rest are on at least their third, I think he's just going to be a free roster slot after I max him out this time (13 more levels)
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did anyone else watch "Return of the Jedi" after the show or was it just me?

    As for Amadala over slave bikini Leia.....
    No, just.... just No. No! That is wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. However...
    I do have a particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like this. But you guys probably can't afford me. icon_lol.gif

    I really don't have anything to add to you 4thor analysis. You guys actually got this one right. icon_eek.gif Course after 68 shows it's bound to happen at least once or twice. icon_lol.gif
  • Halleck
    Halleck Posts: 30 Just Dropped In
    Thank you for another show. In the past year, there’s always been something to draw from and be inspired by. There’s Craig's unbridled mirth, Ray's calculating intellect, and the sage wisdom of Ian providing balance - not necessarily between the other two, but in demonstrations of balancing the game with other aspects of life.

    As I complete some in-game goals I set for myself, I find my interest in the game waning a bit, but if there’s one thing that’s likely to keep the embers of interest burning for later, it’s the Puzzle Warriors 3.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Enjoyable podcast as per usual. Thanks for the content! I was amused by the random cover announcements (though I don't know if I could handle it every episode).

    At the risk of being negative again. . . Miles over Nova! (and then griping about Punmax!) Grrrr. *shakes fist*

    Obviously, Whooly1 should level which ever character makes him happier! But if you care at all about the in-game performance of your characters, champ Nova. It's not even close. Miles is mid tier and not at all bad when boosted. Nova is an absolute beast. He makes the cheapest, strongest strike tiles in 4* land, and has a quasi-stun in red that is incredibly useful in allowing him to fight above his weight. He is a top tier 4* without question.

    And while it's true that Punmax's blue is his weakest cover, you really shouldn't complain too much! Punmax is a top tier 4*; that pull is in the top 25% of possible outcomes from a latest legend token.

    Featured character review was solid again! Thor is very strong now, especially in PVP and especially since IM40's rework. Especially in weeks where she is boosted (like this one), IM40/Thor is strong enough to climb directly to 900 in PVP without shielding. With some practice, you can even use that team unboosted to get to 900 in PVP. She is therefore an excellent early 4* champ for anyone who cares about PVP. 5/3/5 is really the only way to play her unless you are desperate to control CDs and don't have quake/JG/spiderowman or any of the other 4*s that do a better job at that task.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    --I didn't stand a chance with Drax. I didn't even do enough damage to Star-Lord for it to be visible on his health bar before he KO'd me.
    --Nick Fury for the win! I have 13 covers on Nick but haven't Champion'd him yet. I also won it for one of my family who was having trouble. Double-goodness!
    --My Eddie Brock is 3/2/2 and only level 70. Even though I'm doing OK with ISO, I'm reluctant to dump any into him in an attempt to beat his Crash.
    --I can understand hoarding some Standards and opening a bunch at a time because that's something I do. I save up until I have 50 and then open until I hit a 3-star or run out of tokens. It's like a game within the game for me. There's no similar challenge with Elites, though, because there's only the two rarities so I just open those as soon as I have them. Still, congratulations to Ian for opening so many from his cache. I'm sure it was a nice ISO boost for him.
    --MPQ bingo gave me an idea. I'm the head of Kids Programming at GameStorm, a gaming convention in the Pacific Northwest. I'm going to do play cards that have six columns, one for each color. In each column will be a team-up tile that's a free space. Instead of numbers, all the other spaces will have characters. It could very well be blue Mystique for the win. icon_e_smile.gif
    --I haven't been thrilled about the 4-star vaults. It's darn rare that I buy additional draws from a vault, anyway.
    --Iron Patriot is available in the console version of the game but he has to be earned and we haven't yet.
    --Months ago, it was suggested that a brief character biography be given for the featured character of the week. I still think that's a good idea, even if all you do is read the in-game bio.
    --I don't have a cutsie nickname for the 4-star Thor. I just call her the Goddess of Thunder. Having her boosted for a few days really opened my eyes to how awesome she is. I have her at 3/4/5 and will Champion her as soon as I have another red or yellow cover; I won't wait for a 14th cover like I usually do before Championing somebody. She'll be 5/3/5 once I can respec her.
    --Oh, my stars and garters. Craig! Champion NOVA! All three of his powers are amazing. "Pew pew" does provide a Strike tile, too, Ray. Once any black Strike tiles are down, his red become freaking amazing. He's my only Champion that's worth a darn right now and he's currently boosted. Miles is mediocre; all you need him for is his Crash of the Titans.
    --Ian, I can understand not being excited about the 3-star versions of Punisher, Colossus, and Human Torch but I agree with anybody else who thinks you should be working on Championing all 3-star characters. As far into the game as you and I are, we shouldn't be selling 3-star covers for ISO when there are so many other rewards possible. The only 3-star I don't have Champion'd is Dr. Strange but I will as soon as I have enough covers to do so.
    --I have two exceptions right now on my 2-star farm. I have Storm max-Champion'd but I'm just selling the extra covers I receive right now. The reason is that I receive her as a reward far more often than I do Moonstone and I need to keep 3-star Storm from passing 3-star Hulk in level for Stormfinite to work properly. The second exception is Black Widow; I've actually roster'd a second OBW so I can keep my max-Champion one and still earn rewards by farming a second one. Out of 111 roster slots, that's my only duplicate (and it only just now occurs to me that my roster is in the poop house).
    --The Latest Legends have been oddly generous to me. My Sorcerer Supreme is at 3/1/1 and is my best-cover'd 5-star. I'm not complaining; it's just odd.
    --Sounds like we are in for a Howard the Duck review in the coming episode. I'm looking forward to next April Fool's so I can earn more covers for my 1/1/1 Howard.
    --Thank you once again for brightening my week.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    [omitted episode name]? Seriously?

    *Removed Episode Name*
    - Brigby
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    As my face has been threatened a vicious punching from Craig in the past,I am apt to disagree with him; challenge him to a duel, as-it-were.

    But he is 100% right. The Sword of Omens is far superior to Prince Adam's power sword. The only thing about Adam that is powerful is his ability to bottom when wearing the pink. The sword grants him a maskless **** outfit. He fights a skeleton whose magics were reversed on him.

    With Lion-o, though, the sword is a sentient blade, who can transfigure its shape and has a "once per normal rest" sending spell, clairvoyance, and is a bane weapon to the undead. Lion-o is still the same person, even without his sword.

    Adam is simply a lispy, poorly-dressed bottom. His preference isn't the problem. His problem is that he can't be HE without the sword.

    Let's go to Conan for the final ruling:

    "The riddle of steel is that steel is only as strong as the hand that wields it." Ergo, Sword of Omens wins by a landslide.
  • deadtaco
    deadtaco Posts: 409 Mover and Shaker
    Just catching up on the last few weeks. Some issues I have not seen discussed that are bugging me:
      "Tight Pants" is from Late Night when it was just Will Ferrell. Giving credit to the JLo version is like preferring white suit Amidala over Leia. Lunacy.

      The Kindle Fire discussed is the 5th gen Fire which goes on sale for < $40. Perfect for destructive kids.

      Detailed discussion about He-man vs. Thudercats had me yelling "NERDS!" like Ogre, and I'm a nerd.

      Colossus teamed with 3Thor and Hood is pretty good, it worked well for me in PVP. I think the oddity of the team scared away most because I didn't get hit near as much as usual.
    • Mitchjewitz
      Mitchjewitz Posts: 84 Match Maker
      I listened to the show last week so I don't remember much (I loved it though) but I and I alone had the worst season 10 pack this past season. Drum roll please.... I got 10 2*s. That is all.