Turn to Smoke Passive

Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
So... I feel awkward posting about a player-friendly bug, and I'm probably going to get skewered, drawn and quartered, and tarred and feathered for this, but...

First round of Deadpool's Daily today. I play GSBW, SWitch, and PX. I had all my fire concentrated on the front Teisatsu, and he was down to like 48 HP or something like that. Wanda's blue pops onto the board in a blue match-3, and Turn to Smoke did not activate when the front Teisatsu was downed. My team was not designed for using stunning, obviously, so he was most definitely awake and capable of turning to smoke.

It's clearly a bug, and the reason I felt compelled to mention it is that it's so incidental as to be highly unlikely to ever happen. Another reason it's worth bringing up is there's no telling if other passive abilities might be affected by this strange occurrence to the AI or player's detriment.

I haven't attempted to repeat it (kind of difficult and highly situational), but I know for a fact what I saw. I swore I'd seen this one other time fairly recently, too.

TL;DR: Scarlet Witch passively places blue CD tile, CD tile matches 3, Teisatsu is downed, Teisatsu does not activate passive Turn to Smoke.


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Turn to Smoke has has a fair share of problems. The first big one we hit was when it wouldn't turn off. Ever. Stun, and it still brought out the attack tiles. Use an AOE, and a dead Teisatsu would reactivate the Turn to Smoke! First time I encountered that was in The Big Enchilada versus 2 Teisatsu and a Maggia Muscle, and the board was so clogged with those attack tiles.

    Later, after that other bug was fixed, it wouldn't activate when attack tiles finished the Teisatsu. Sounds similar to what you described, in that the Teisatsu wasn't killed by an active movement or activated power.

    And after one of the major patches, passives were changed to not activate once you get Victory. Except, I don't believe that's ever worked on Turn to Smoke. Wish they'd reverse that feature, since passives activating at the end hurts a couple characters (most notably X-23, and very, very occasionally Mr. Fantastic), who might otherwise be getting some health back to keep fighting.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smudge wrote:
    ...I play GSBW, SWitch, and PX. ... My team had no stunners...
    Switch has a 5 turn stun when using her purple at 5 covers... but it doesn't sound like the tietsututusutu was stunned.

    Definitely weird.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Smudge wrote:
    I play GSBW, SWitch, and PX.
    My team had no stunners, obviously
    Reality Crush - 14 purpletile.png AP
    Scarlet Witch warps space and time, imposing a crippling magical pressure and tearing her enemies apart at the seams. Deals 257 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 2 turns.Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 355 damage to the enemy team. Level 3: Deals 452 damage to the enemy team. Level 4: Deals 532 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 3 turns. Level 5: Deals 691 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 5 turns.
    Max Level
      Level 3 - Deals 1438 damage to the enemy team with a 2 turn stun. Level 4 - Deals 1691 damage to the enemy team with a 3 turn stun. Level 5 - Deals 2198 damage to the enemy team with a 5 turn stun.

    Not saying the bug isn't real. But, you did have a stunner.

    Edit: JVReal beat me to it. Well done sir. icon_mrgreen.gifhotdog.png
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    firethorne wrote:
    Smudge wrote:
    I play GSBW, SWitch, and PX.
    My team had no stunners, obviously
    Reality Crush - 14 purpletile.png AP
    Scarlet Witch warps space and time, imposing a crippling magical pressure and tearing her enemies apart at the seams. Deals 257 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 2 turns.Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Deals 355 damage to the enemy team. Level 3: Deals 452 damage to the enemy team. Level 4: Deals 532 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 3 turns. Level 5: Deals 691 damage to the enemy team and stuns a random enemy for 5 turns.
    Max Level
      Level 3 - Deals 1438 damage to the enemy team with a 2 turn stun. Level 4 - Deals 1691 damage to the enemy team with a 3 turn stun. Level 5 - Deals 2198 damage to the enemy team with a 5 turn stun.

    Not saying the bug isn't real. But, you did have a stunner.

    Edit: JVReal beat me to it. Well done sir. icon_mrgreen.gifhotdog.png
    Fine, fine. You guys caught me, I'm big enough to admit my mistake. icon_razz.gif


    If you're using SWitch to stun with that team outside of the last wave, you're doing it wrong...

    Edited OP to clarify that I had not used Reality Crush (didn't in fact have the AP for it yet).
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    It happened again today, and now I'm really confused about the trigger. This time, it was the 2* wave node (Under the Sea) in DDQ. Using Hawkeye, Thor, Magneto. I used Mag's purple to set up a blue match-6, which cascaded into a huge TU match-5+, and it took out both Teisatsu in one shot and left the remaining Shinobi with 12 HP.

    Only one of the dead Teisatsu turned to smoke. Neither was stunned. Maybe it's tied to passives, like when Hawkeye's Speed Shot triggered during the cascades? Still bizarre. Now that we have Medusa, I really don't mind reporting this one.