Using 5* Hulk crashes the game

sarlok Posts: 5
I'm on iOS 10.1 on an iPhone 6, and if I use 5* Hulk, the game will probably crash. Usually when he transforms from Banner into the other guy or shortly thereafter. I've only managed a couple of missions successfully with him without a crash. I did submit a ticket, but I'm also wondering if anyone else is getting this on Android or Steam.


  • alspacja
    alspacja Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    same issue here. crashed 3 times in a row. happens after he transforms into the Hulk.
  • Same here. (IOS 10.1.1 on an Iphone 5s). It started after yesterday's update - once Banner goes Hulk the game crashes eventually. I occasionally get to do a few matches before the crash, firing a power seems to crash things every time. I've abandoned using Banner entirely now - just a waste of time and kits.
  • Mine too...
  • Slothkins
    Slothkins Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Same issue.
    PLBIV Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    It just started that for me today. No bueño.
  • iPhone 6, 10.1, same issue. Started with latest update. Logged tix for what it is worth.
  • I have that same issue except for me banner doesn't crash turning into the hulk. It occurs when I attempt to use the hulks green skill (Smash i believe). It is rather bothersome when being kicked out of the battle in the versus bc it equates that as you losing the match.
  • loukablew
    loukablew Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Me too... Didn't even realize it being about using the Hulk, just thought it was my game in general so I've been kicked of like 10 Simulator matches over the last few days
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Skelepaw wrote:
    I have that same issue except for me banner doesn't crash turning into the hulk. It occurs when I attempt to use the hulks green skill (Smash i believe). It is rather bothersome when being kicked out of the battle in the versus bc it equates that as you losing the match.

    Same here. R115, iOS 9.3.5 on iPad2.
  • Mine too, on iPad2. Very frustrating.
  • Hey all heard back from support that they know it is an issue. And will be fixed in the future. So that is something.
  • Ditto...seems that the transformation doesn't crash iOS players, but it starts a trigger. MOST times I perform an action after transformation (Smash, tile move, almost anything), that is when the crash happens.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Very frustrated, but I'm glad to see the issue isn't just me.

    I like to use Banner for my daily enchilada round and was wondering why my game was routinely crashing.
  • rg72
    rg72 Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Just had an in game announcement about this. I wondered why my game kept crashing !
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    Prepare to receive "a small token".
  • rg72
    rg72 Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Prepare to receive "a small token".

    That's what I tell my wife icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Please be another purple banner and we'll call it even.
  • I'm on Android 5.1.1 and my Banner just stopped triggering the countdown tile today altogether. It's cramping my style, lol.
  • DarkHelmet99
    DarkHelmet99 Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    The other guy tile did not populate yesterday in at least two games. At one point I had 27 green ap.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    It was disabled due to another bug that would crash the app.

    See: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=55860
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