The FOMO is Real

mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
A lot of people leave angry, critical posts here. Many of those posts are fearful, specifically the Fear of Missing Out. I find it fascinating from a philosophical standpoint. There's a lot of fear that certain people are progressing faster than others and jumping into better play experiences, leaving the rest of us behind.

I feel personally that there's no reason to have that anxiety. I think that everyone proceeds at their own pace, and the further you get in the game, it doesn't necessarily get easier; you just face a different set of challenges. Enjoy the journey. Would I like to finally win another oml yellow? Heck yes! But if I was only playing for that, it would be pointless, since at this rate, I may never win another one.

I am interested in my own progress, but I couldn't care less about the progress of others. I sometimes notice when one PVP opponent had a lower level 5* than me, and now that person has a higher one (or if my one is now higher than my opponent's was), but it doesn't matter to me either way. Could I make faster progress if I played for more hours? Yes!!! But I am okay with that. Besides, since my current progress is 100% depended on RNGesus, to me it feels like it doesn't really matter, as I could open 10 LTs or 50 LTs and still not get any 5*s. Sure 50 LTs is more likely to bring some 5*s, but with no guarantee, it doesn't seem worth giving up personal time to contribute to the endless grind.

In conclusion, I think you should just enjoy the game and not worry too much about others surpassing you... you'll get there when you get there. And you'll grind a whole lot regardless.


  • irwando
    irwando Posts: 263 Mover and Shaker
    My issues are that the game actively prevents me from progressing quicker due to design and technical issues.

    They claimed they wanted to reduce the adherence to a schedule, but made it worse with the new structure where you now need to grind for longer at one time of day.

    The ISO economy is awful. It has gotten better in that I can champ a 4* in 2-3 weeks, but if I wanted to pay for ISO? No way. It would be $400 to get someone to champ.

    Advancing in PvP is a battle against server lag and timing than the actual game. Hit a certain point and you're playing chicken with how many people will hit you when you play one match. You also cannot trust the number of points you'll earn from a match or what the screen says you have after the match until everything sync's. The best tactic for advancement is play->shield and don't play->play 1-2 matches->shield and don't play. You spend much mroe time shielded and not playing to do well than anything else. Not fun.

    If you want to pay to advance go for it. I don't need to increase the rate of 4* covers at this point. ISO is getting better. PvP is still a pain. The strict schedule to play if you care about top placement is a pain.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I generally agree with you, people should not compare their progress to others. You don't know how much time and money they're spending. And if they do spend more time and money on the game than you, there's a good chance they're neglecting more important parts of their life in order to "win" at a game. If you spend less time in the game, but take care of the important parts of life, then you're probably happier than them. From a psychological point of view, people that spend loads of time and money to win at a game probably aren't happy with their life and they're trying to obtain happiness by winning at a game. So, that guy that's #1 all the time is probably unhappy with his real life, so he escapes to this game. This game becomes their addiction.

    As for 5* progression, I feel bad for people that are practically "done" with the 4* tier and want to develop their 5*s because that progress is extremely slow. My only suggestion to fully cover 5*s is to hoard tokens and command points until you can open about 300+ at one time from the Latest Legends. You would then need probably 1.5 million ISO to level up those three 5*s too. But since hoarding takes a very long time, you may end up quitting the game before you get there. That's why I've already started hoarding my LT and CP even though I'm currently working on my 4* tier.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's impossible not compare our progress when the greatest chunk of rewards are based on competing with others.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    irwando wrote:
    The strict schedule to play if you care about top placement is a pain.

    This seems to be a real sticking point for a lot of people, and one I've never particularly gotten. There's prizes out there that I am never going to get, and I am mostly fine with that. I would have loved to get into the top 20 and another Medusa cover in the last event, but I couldn't dedicate that sort of time to it, so someone else got the prize that was willing to work harder for it. Fine with me.

    Sometimes I do make the top 10 when it's an event people hate. Other events I don't. I play in slice 5, and I play very sub-optimally, where I may not even start the first 4 clears till 12 hours in. I mean, I came in 9th in Prodigal Sun when I didn't even have the 4* essential till day 4 or 5.

    I like it when I feel like I've worked for the big prize and won, but I'm not sure why I would sweat not always being able to come in first (or 9th for me). It's like a nice bonus to me, rather than something that I need or deserve and can't get.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    GurlBYE wrote:
    It's impossible not compare our progress when the greatest chunk of rewards are based on competing with others.

    Is it the greatest chunk of rewards? I am never going to come in 1st-5th place. I am not dedicated enough for that. If the devs want to reward the inevitable superfans, I don't mind.

    As for the 6th-10th place reward, that's actually smaller than progression. With progression, I get a 4* cover, and enough cp to pull a second one.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    fanghoul wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    It's impossible not compare our progress when the greatest chunk of rewards are based on competing with others.

    Is it the greatest chunk of rewards? I am never going to come in 1st-5th place. I am not dedicated enough for that. If the devs want to reward the inevitable superfans, I don't mind.

    As for the 6th-10th place reward, that's actually smaller than progression. With progression, I get a 4* cover, and enough cp to pull a second one.

    4 covers vs 1.
    More Iso
    More HP

    Yes that is exactly where the greatest chunk of rewards are??

    it does take an outrageous amount of work but lets look at a less ridiculous mode.


    where your roster is pretty much your placement and the greatest impact on progression, even with HP usage.
  • fanghoul
    fanghoul Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    GurlBYE wrote:
    fanghoul wrote:
    GurlBYE wrote:
    It's impossible not compare our progress when the greatest chunk of rewards are based on competing with others.

    Is it the greatest chunk of rewards? I am never going to come in 1st-5th place. I am not dedicated enough for that. If the devs want to reward the inevitable superfans, I don't mind.

    As for the 6th-10th place reward, that's actually smaller than progression. With progression, I get a 4* cover, and enough cp to pull a second one.

    4 covers vs 1.
    More Iso
    More HP

    Yes that is exactly where the greatest chunk of rewards are??

    it does take an outrageous amount of work but lets look at a less ridiculous mode.


    where your roster is pretty much your placement and the greatest impact on progression, even with HP usage.

    Hmm, I play in CL7, so there may be some difference here, but there's exactly one person in my slice getting 4 covers (including the one from progression). They also get 50 more hero points, and a single token, plus whatever they get on a daily basis. I don't need to compare myself to the person coming in first. That person is clearly playing more than me, and they get more rewards for it. That's basically the rule of any video game.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    irwando wrote:
    They claimed they wanted to reduce the adherence to a schedule, but made it worse with the new structure where you now need to grind for longer at one time of day.

    Back when it was a clear every 8hrs, that was roughly 30 mins + 2hrs of grinding = ~3.5hrs.
    Now it's 1 hr for 4 clears and 1.5hrs for the grind. Actually an hour less than before and you don't have to stress about not being able to keep up with the schedule.
    irwando wrote:
    The ISO economy is awful. It has gotten better in that I can champ a 4* in 2-3 weeks, but if I wanted to pay for ISO? No way. It would be $400 to get someone to champ.

    I agree it's awful but scl bonus and shield intercepts have improved this. Hell, even farming 2* gives you burst of much needed iso (even if you do come out behind each rotation)
    irwando wrote:
    Advancing in PvP is a battle against server lag and timing than the actual game. Hit a certain point and you're playing chicken with how many people will hit you when you play one match. You also cannot trust the number of points you'll earn from a match or what the screen says you have after the match until everything sync's. The best tactic for advancement is play->shield and don't play->play 1-2 matches->shield and don't play. You spend much mroe time shielded and not playing to do well than anything else. Not fun.

    Don't bother shielding unless you really want that 1200, I given up on that and settle for 900 now (too lazy do multiple hops. Used to be easier to hit with 1-2 hops). Also a good way to earn ISO if you float and hit retals throughout the event.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    1 hour for clears...time to come back from neverland lol.

    A full run of 4 Clears for a sub for the average player, is more like 2 - maybe 3 hours. Just doing one sweep of the board can be an hour itself when there are wave nodes.

    That's the great thing about posts like that where so and so event is so easy with this or that character. Then you look at the roster of the poster saying it has 15 champed 4 stars and a highly covered oml that let's them burn through a sub in an hour or a heroic like it is nothing.

    It's where the entire fear of missing out thing starts for many. The 1% sunshine pumping their epeens about how easy things are or how fast they get through play. The community itself promotes the entire concept.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's all relative to your roster though. Back in 8hrs clears, I was still in 3* phase and transitioning to 4*. So I shouldn't compare that time with my 4* roster now?
    The roster is weaker but then so is the scaling. Why do you think 5* rosters are complaining about not being able to compete in pve? 4* championed is definitely the sweet spot, but 3* roster should be able to challenge them. I even remember one time I was beaten by a 2* roster with lone 4* covers. Must be topping every bracket in every event to get that many 4* covers and so little 3*s.

    The list of boosted characters include both 4*s and 3*s. It's why most recommend going wide with your roster and soft capping them to level them evenly. Remember, in pve, you're not up against other members rosters, but the AI. Focus on how best to beat the AI with your roster. Going wide means you have more options.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    fanghoul wrote:
    irwando wrote:
    The strict schedule to play if you care about top placement is a pain.

    This seems to be a real sticking point for a lot of people, and one I've never particularly gotten.... I'm not sure why I would sweat not always being able to come in first (or 9th for me). It's like a nice bonus to me, rather than something that I need or deserve and can't get.

    You're significantly more chill than the hardcore player. Not knowing the particulars, I play pretty much like you do. Clear when you can, get as many rewards in whatever free time you get out of life.

    It's clearly not that way with the top players. You have to plan your life around the game to optimize PvE points. Some people can (and do) do that. The only other option is to snipe a weak slice, but then you risk sacrificing progression, and anything CL7+ gives a guaranteed 4*.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    smkspy wrote:
    1 hour for clears...time to come back from neverland lol.

    A full run of 4 Clears for a sub for the average player, is more like 2 - maybe 3 hours. Just doing one sweep of the board can be an hour itself when there are wave nodes.

    That's the great thing about posts like that where so and so event is so easy with this or that character. Then you look at the roster of the poster saying it has 15 champed 4 stars and a highly covered oml that let's them burn through a sub in an hour or a heroic like it is nothing.

    It's where the entire fear of missing out thing starts for many. The 1% sunshine pumping their epeens about how easy things are or how fast they get through play. The community itself promotes the entire concept.

    Why an average player should be able to compete with an elite player for top rewards? This is something that also you see in the community all the time. Players with sour grapes because the latest shiny new toy is totally out of reach for them. Then you go see their rosters and they are yet to cover most of the three stars. For them the game offers plenty of new covers and characters to win but no, they must have the latest.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    The most frustrating thing is that at a certain point of time, I was playing so much mpq that I think I can't do any better, yet I am still behind some of the people that spend less time on it. The reason is because of RNG. It's not even just in cover pulls now. It is everywhere. Whether the game will crash, whether you get a good board.