Pointless Tokens

Ryudhyn Posts: 59 Match Maker
So, in normal MtG tokens are always fine because you're splitting up the power among multiple bodies; in MtGPQ, since you have a max of 3 creatures, it is instead just reinforcing them that much. This change makes it so that if you have multiple spells that create the same token (such as the awaken Spells, or Kor Ally spells), you can build a deck with a higher quantity of creatures, as they don't compete for slots on the board.

This however has the problem of making token spells be just a bad creature spell if there is no other support. My first thought goes to Devil's Playground - it has a lot of promise in an aggro deck as a 4/4 for 4 that can kill a thing when it dies, but because there's NOTHING else that creates these tokens, you're left with a creature that is usually just worse than most other creatures.

My suggestion would be, try to make sure when designing the set that if a card creates tokens, there is at least one other card (hopefully more than one) that creates those tokens as well.

(This naturally doesn't apply to spells like Priest of the Blood Rite, where the whole point is that he takes up 2 spaces to be an 11/11 for 9)


  • nexus13
    nexus13 Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    I think you are probably in the minority of people who think devils playground is underpowered. A four power creature with a casting cost of four and a good ability when it dies is very strong. There are also interactions with things like harness the storm or Olivia that make it ridiculous. Some of the other tokens like the 1/1 humans from westvale abbey or the 1/1 elf from dwyens elite are pretty useless but the devils stand on their own.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    I love Devil's Playground. It's so cheap to cast, and the fact that they damage creatures on death means you have to find different ways to deal with it besides blindly casting destroy spells on them.