bzdsolo recruiting!

edited May 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Looking for an active player and someone who will open another spot when they join. Currently at 11/12 and we rank 50-100 in alliance rewards. The alliance is set to private. We use the Line app for alliance chat.

Join up!!! Thanks.


  • Your roster is a bit small, but I could agree to pitch in 900 HP or so if you can get to 14+ members (and keep expanding).

    I am more concerned with connecting with some fun, mature players but I don't want to keep missing those 3-star Alliance rewards.

    I consistently place top-50. In the Thor event I made top-25 with no Red ability.

    I have a nice diverse roster so I can usually leverage whatever Hero is featured.
    I have at least one cover of almost every Hero in the game. The only I don't have are X-Force Wolvie and Grey Suit Widow.

    My best comp is 2-star Thor (85) + Daken (69) + OBW (69).

    I have a 0/3/3 Modern Thor so you can basically verify that I placed high in the 3 last PVE events (but had no alliance).

    Thanks for considering me.
  • Yeah its a bit low. But we have been doing well with what we have. It takes 1,300 HP all at once for the next spot to be open. Your roster is about the same as mine. We are mature people.
  • Amity45 wrote:
    Your roster is a bit small, but I could agree to pitch in 900 HP or so if you can get to 14+ members (and keep expanding).

    I am more concerned with connecting with some fun, mature players but I don't want to keep missing those 3-star Alliance rewards.

    I consistently place top-50. In the Thor event I made top-25 with no Red ability.

    I have a nice diverse roster so I can usually leverage whatever Hero is featured.
    I have at least one cover of almost every Hero in the game. The only I don't have are X-Force Wolvie and Grey Suit Widow.

    My best comp is 2-star Thor (85) + Daken (69) + OBW (69).

    I have a 0/3/3 Modern Thor so you can basically verify that I placed high in the 3 last PVE events (but had no alliance).

    Thanks for considering me.

    Hi Amity. Some of our rosters are small, but growing. I myself have a pretty decent roster I think:

    141 Thor
    141 Patch
    140 Hood
    115 Punisher
    105 Magneto
    85 OBW of course
    and others, while not maxed level, are almost all max covered.

    We haven't missed any 3* rewards yet since they started giving them out, even though we've only had 11 people so far. The thing is, it now costs 1300 HP to open up another alliance slot, and we're really hoping to hit 20 people soon. If you can contribute to open a slot, you're in.

    And don't worry, we're mature people icon_e_smile.gif I believe most of us are working professionals.
  • Hellos,

    I saw the opening in your alliance on the "Alliance Looking for Member" post and have applied for the 18th position in game (status pending atm).

    Just a brief background of myself:

    I'm a daily player (Day 158 as of 10 April 2014) from Malaysia. My strongest Roster Lineup are as follows:
    Punisher Lv 140
    Patch Lv 115
    Spiderman Lv 100
    GSBW Lv 90
    Ironman Mk40 Lv 90
    Black Widow Ori Lv 85
    Hawkeye Modern Lv 85
    Storm Classic Lv 85
    Thor (MN) Lv 85
    Wolverine (Astonishing) Lv 85

    *36 slot roster. Other characters not sufficiently leveled
    **Have 80k ISO ready to pump into Patch
    ***Also have recent 3 star characters to compete in upcoming events (BlackPanther, Daredevil, LazyCap, Psylocke, HumanTorch)

    Hope you will have me on board.
  • We are recruiting once again, have one slot left open.

    Requirements are that you play daily and are active (minimum 300 pts for each PVP event, and top 100 for PVEs).