Scaling Error, Hell's Kitchen, Fair Warning too high

zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
Prodigal Sun chapter Hell's Kitchen has 4 missions in the normal/harder scaling instead of 3. Finished 4 clears on SHIELD Assault (capped at 70) and Old Enemies (capped at 89). Then Fair Warning started at 120ish and went up to 150 after the first clear. I checked the other missions to see if the third trivial/easy was further in, but all the other three had the normal/hard scaling with the correct prizes while Fair Warning has the trivial/easy prizes, but higher scaling than even the Moonstone mission. The third mission normally caps out at about 140 rather than immediately hitting 150. And my average roster level hasn't suddenly changed either.


  • danielrandkai
    danielrandkai Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Thunderbolts Mountain also has this issue. Defending the Sentry III and VI are "grey" difficulty and are levels 272 and 250, but do not match the level of Defending the Sentry I (also grey) which is level 30 (as one would expect).