What has happened to the poor support and buggy code?

peteer01 Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
I am more than two years into this game. I've spent well over $100, and if it weren't for the poor support and buggy code over the last several months, I'd gladly be a VIP member. Instead, I'm writing here to vent because I'm so frustrated with the support and bugs, and because I've been told to post here in the forums multiple times by the support team. (That is one of the form reply options they have.)

First, let me just list the bugs I've opened in the last two months:

274196, 273960, 273011, 273010, 269882, 267101, 262179, 262178, 255776, 255775

Ten. Ten separate issues in two months.

My game shows me getting a heroic token, then gives me a connection error when I click next/accept. I can't get a connection so I turn wifi off and back on. The game works but I have no heroic token. I force quit the game, restart, no token. Support claims I did get the token. I push and they come back with some random cover they say it was. I never got a token.

Every game bug I've supported in 2016 (and there's a lot) comes back with a laundry list of questions that I always reply with a summary at the top and then answer individual questions in-line. Until this last week, there are two form letter answers which are the only two things I've ever gotten, either:

"Thank you for taking this time to report the issue that you are experiencing. We will inform the developer..."


"Upon our review, it seems that the problem you are experiencing within the game is a known issue."

Sometimes (such as case 231459) I'll be asked for information, and be told "Thank you for taking this time to report the issue that you are experiencing. We will inform the developer...", then provide more screenshots and information to confirm a bug, and then be told, "Upon our review, it seems that the problem you are experiencing within the game is a known issue." On the same ticket. No message other than the copy and paste form options. First they need more info for an issue they don't know about, then when I provide even more info because they're informing the developer, it's a known issue. icon_rolleyes.gif

Ironically, after seeing both these form letters dozens of times (trying to help provide feedback to get a better game), I received this this week after writing "Responses below:" and then putting my responses in-line:

"Unfortunately, it seems that your support request is blank. If you are still experiencing an issue within the game..."

How many of my form letters, which I'd previously hoped someone were sent by someone at least reading and sharing my answers to their questions with the right dev/QA teams, were just someone mashing whatever seemed like the quickest form letter to close the case with?

I missed a 4* cover in Boss Rush due to two separate issues with points (one for not advancing after hitting the score target, another for not getting points for KOing a boss if killed before they have a move). Either one of those issues not existing (bad code) would have given me a star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png cover I busted my hump for. Instead, both support cases provided form responses.

Recently, there's an issue with covers saying Recruit instead of leveling an existing character. The first time I saw this, I force quit instead of hitting Recruit. When I turned the game back on, my Squirrel girl cover was gone. But if she leveled, the reward would have been a recruit token. I did not have a recruit token, and I did not have a Squirrel Girl cover. I opened a case and got a "purely cosmetic" form letter response after providing detailed answers to all their questions.

The worst part is this, I've recently pushed back on the heroic token that I swear I never received. (Why would I put in all this fuss over a single heroic token? I have a roster of 114 with plenty of 4* champions, I just want the game to be fair.) I've given unsatisfied feedback with notes, and pushed back on cases stating that the problem is *not* resolved and that the support as been unbearably poor. Now go ahead and think me paranoid, I'd saved up enough CP and legendary tokens to open 32 legendary tokens in the last two weeks. I received one, solitary 5* cover. I don't know how many legendarily I'd opened before that for my last 5*. The odds of that (1 in 32) are a single digit percentage, if the game is fair... Maybe that's the case. Or maybe the game is rigged. Support sure is. That outcome is one of five form letters.

I've seen cheaters that had every 5* as a maxed champion. I've reported enough of them that I know what that form letter looks like too.

The new "watch a video" system isn't my favorite, but I want the game to do well, so I'm happy to watch. Finding out that the system is broken and getting errors on 6+ attempted watches in a row? Bad. Finding out that VIP doesn't get the option to watch, they just get the bonus? Worse. (I'd gladly watch them if I could, and I'd gladly be VIP if the game wasn't so broken and poorly supported) Writing to support and getting a form letter response and being told there's no way to keep up with VIP by watching those videos or getting those rewards...it's insulting. If you're trying to put pressure on non-VIP customers by punishing them for your bad code, shame on you, D3Go!.

D3Go!, you took a game that was amazing, that my friends and family play daily, that I was happy to pay for, and you made it so buggy that I've made more support requests in the last 12 months than at any other point in the game's existence. When I do open support requests to try to help you make the game better, I get insultingly bad form letter responses that imply that my requests, which I have to slowly type out on my phone, aren't even being read.

Do I feel like I've been cheated out of a heroic token with Squirrel girl? A 4* cover with boss rush? A disappearing heroic token with connection issues? Many missed video bonuses? There's plenty more I've been cheated out of despite documenting with facts, screenshots and detailed answers for support. And support is insulting enough to provide NOTHING to people with legitimate issues who answer every question asked of them.

So, D3Go!, here's the last form letter i'll share, which I've gotten eight times, three of them in the last two months:
Greetings D3 Go! Customer,

Thank you for contacting D3 Go! Customer Support.

We are sorry for any negative experience regarding your issue.

If you would like to submit further feedback on the subject, as well as stay up to date on current and future information, please visit the forums:


If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

Best Regards,
D3 Go! Customer Support Team (TJM)

I'm on the forums, submitting further feedback. You guys are doing a horrible job, and here's hoping someone out there cares. MPQ is a great game being mismanaged through buggy code and poor support, and I sure as heck feel cheated out of dozens of legitimate items as a result.


  • tfaludi
    tfaludi Posts: 25 Just Dropped In

    here is my post about testing. i feel that it is a big problem, and its good to see that some other people are sharing my opinion.
    sometimes i think that the developers are testing the game with the playerbase only, for example. you are a proof of that.
  • Runningwild
    Runningwild Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    Agreed. It's pretty poor and may be the catalyst for the player base going elsewhere. I'm still getting Recruit for champed characters that I am leveling with covers. It seems each patch is one step forward and three steps back.

    It's hard to say what is going on internally, but there may just have been an influx of staff leaving and the team is mainly D grade players now compared to what it used to be.

    Hi-Fi seems to have found other work elsewhere so that's just an example. Someone who worked their **** off just got fed up and walked away. The reason for that is usually bad management. I'd say 90% of the time.