PVE Seasons (with Gauntlet)

TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
This idea has been proposed before, but I thought I'd post it again (for the new devs?)

Seasons for PVE

- runs same amount of time as PVP season, with an off-season short event in between (would suggest staggering with PVP seasons)
- the in-between short event could be a boss event! ultron, galactus, civil war, boss rush
- different events aggregate scores and you get progression prizes throughout and placement prizes at end, prize structuring can be the same as PVP with the 10,000 PVP reward equaling the points of 4 clears per day. Could even add in DDQ.
- instead of SHIELD simulator, have a Gauntlet that is open the entire PVE season, no placement in Gauntlet, but points add into your Season score
- each season could have a Marvel location name. Like Wakanda season, Savage land season, Knowhere season, New York City season, etc. Don't think the season name would need to tie into any events or anything (just like Time season in PVP does not tie into or relate to anything else).

- doesn't seem like it would require massive programming work to implement!
- helps with the ISO shortage/4-star card shortage problems at a minor level, but this is in line with the "drips-n-drabs" strategy the devs seem to be following for these problems
- Gauntlet is always an awkward event when it is run (as it currently stands) because intensive players finish early and don't have any PVE to play for days while newer players are frustrated they don't have the characters strong enough to complete it. With the above schema, Gauntlet runs concurrently with regular PVE so no one sits idle, and new players have a good three weeks to work on it.