Ally powers may not destroy friendly tiles.

ScubaMD Posts: 34
Venom (Agent Venom) is one of the worst designs I've seen in this game thus far. Resolving countdowns from Iron Man (M40)'s Recharge instantly activates Venom's Alien Weakness, and it seems to seek out friendly countdowns. Friendly powers should NEVER interfere with the player. Please fix this bug.


  • Lycurgus
    Lycurgus Posts: 8 Just Dropped In
    That isn't a bug. Agent Venom is just a lousy character.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Still just feedback, bro. This power is intended to have the possibility of destroying tiles you don't want it to.

    Many powers (although not all) do specify that they only destroy non-friendly tiles. Alien Weakness is not one of them. It's supposed to be (on the surface) a drawback, especially at low cover levels.

    As far as "seems to seek out friendly countdowns" goes, I'm afraid that's just confirmation bias on your part. Random really does mean random. Try it with Redwing, Looking for Trouble, or Countdown For What, if you're really worried about though.

    If you're getting really frustrated with the game, I would suggest taking a break.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Just to add to the conversation, random tile destruction as described hitting your own tiles != bug.

    Have you ever used one of the Storm's Lightning Storms? XFW's X-Force? XFW's Surgical Strike? Juggernaut's Unstoppable Crash? These all destroy random tiles, and if you use abilities that generate friendly special/countdowns before using one of those destructive skills, it's entirely your fault if the randomness hits your tiles.

    For that matter, your suggestion would totally kill using XPool to use CDFW and then XFW to Surgical Strike and destroy them all for massive damage.

    If Agent Venom is interfering with your countdowns because you're generating too much AP, change your strategy by firing skills more often, or bring characters that don't rely on special tiles so much. We have over 100 characters available at this point; there has to be some combination that doesn't cause you issues.

    Rocket and Groot's green power knocks an unavoidable 2x2 or 2x4 hole in the middle of the board no matter what, then causes huge random tile destruction around the rest of the board that is guaranteed not to hit friendly special tiles. If their green hit your special tiles, sure, that's a bug per the skill description. This is not.
  • Rumakashi
    Rumakashi Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
    Don't play IM40 everytime. He's made to play with characters with big power costs. An undercovered Agent Venom counter them, you're just making a team designed to lose.