Something went wrong

HunMike Posts: 47
edited November 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Yea, in my head.
Thinking that whoever is responsible will get his (toughts) together sooner or later. Well, that didn't happen in a period of like half a year now.
Every new update just adds to the pile of (bugs and errors), there is literally a lottery going on among the top players: who hadn't got frozen, gets the event top5 positions.

Meh. The 'little feline' program just noted me that my pw is ready to fight again. The same program that is still stuck with 'Something went wrong...'

Basically we, the players are treated like
1. imbeciles: There isn't a single error or bug which is solved. I can't recall even one thing which was fixed on the level of game mechanics. If one card works fine after some tinkering, another new card with the same mechanics produces the same error again. I won't give examples, nmfj, search for them yourself, dear devs.
2. idiots: random isn't random. Neither when obtaining cards, nor in matchmaking.
2. children: Tinykitty. Need i say more?
I could go on like this for a couple hundred posts but i would be wasting my time and/or get shteeved.

All in all, the game causes way more stress then enjoyment for me, so it's time to call quits. Don't want to start an argument with this post, i'm leaving the forum as well as the game.

Ladies and gents, it was an honour. HunMike out.